Files Diff
- Added: 2
- Removed: 0
- Renamed: 0
- Modified: 6
Refactorings reported:
Refactoring Name | Occurences | ||
Extract Method | 46 | ||
Extract Method private getApiBase() : String extracted from public getActivePriorityFreeze() : Optional<SingularityPriorityFreezeParent> in class com.hubspot.singularity.client.SingularityClient | From | To | |
Extract Method private getApiBase() : String extracted from public getSingularityRequests() : Collection<SingularityRequestParent> in class com.hubspot.singularity.client.SingularityClient | From | To | |
Extract Method private getApiBase() : String extracted from public getDeployLogs(requestId String, deployId String) : Collection<SingularityS3Log> in class com.hubspot.singularity.client.SingularityClient | From | To | |
Extract Method private getApiBase() : String extracted from public getState(skipCache Optional<Boolean>, includeRequestIds Optional<Boolean>) : SingularityState in class com.hubspot.singularity.client.SingularityClient | From | To | |
Extract Method private getApiBase() : String extracted from public disableAutomatedDisasterCreation() : void in class com.hubspot.singularity.client.SingularityClient | From | To | |
Extract Method private getApiBase() : String extracted from public getSlaves(slaveState Optional<MachineState>) : Collection<SingularitySlave> in class com.hubspot.singularity.client.SingularityClient | From | To | |
Extract Method private getApiBase() : String extracted from public createPriorityFreeze(priorityFreezeRequest SingularityPriorityFreeze) : Optional<SingularityPriorityFreezeParent> in class com.hubspot.singularity.client.SingularityClient | From | To | |
Extract Method private getApiBase() : String extracted from public getTaskByRunIdForRequest(requestId String, runId String) : Optional<SingularityTaskId> in class com.hubspot.singularity.client.SingularityClient | From | To | |
Extract Method private getApiBase() : String extracted from public createOrUpdateSingularityRequest(request SingularityRequest) : void in class com.hubspot.singularity.client.SingularityClient | From | To | |
Extract Method private getApiBase() : String extracted from public getRequestGroups() : Collection<SingularityRequestGroup> in class com.hubspot.singularity.client.SingularityClient | From | To | |
Extract Method private getApiBase() : String extracted from public activateSlave(slaveId String, machineChangeRequest Optional<SingularityMachineChangeRequest>) : void in class com.hubspot.singularity.client.SingularityClient | From | To | |
Extract Method private getApiBase() : String extracted from public getTaskReconciliationStatistics() : Optional<SingularityTaskReconciliationStatistics> in class com.hubspot.singularity.client.SingularityClient | From | To | |
Extract Method private getApiBase() : String extracted from public clearInactiveSlave(host String) : void in class com.hubspot.singularity.client.SingularityClient | From | To | |
Extract Method private getApiBase() : String extracted from public deletePriorityFreeze() : void in class com.hubspot.singularity.client.SingularityClient | From | To | |
Extract Method private getApiBase() : String extracted from public enableAutomatedDisasterCreation() : void in class com.hubspot.singularity.client.SingularityClient | From | To | |
Extract Method private getApiBase() : String extracted from public getCleanupSingularityRequests() : Collection<SingularityRequestCleanup> in class com.hubspot.singularity.client.SingularityClient | From | To | |
Extract Method private getApiBase() : String extracted from public isUserAuthorized(requestId String, userId String, scope SingularityAuthorizationScope) : boolean in class com.hubspot.singularity.client.SingularityClient | From | To | |
Extract Method private getApiBase() : String extracted from public getActiveSingularityRequests() : Collection<SingularityRequestParent> in class com.hubspot.singularity.client.SingularityClient | From | To | |
Extract Method private getApiBase() : String extracted from public updateIncrementalDeployInstanceCount(updateRequest SingularityUpdatePendingDeployRequest) : SingularityRequestParent in class com.hubspot.singularity.client.SingularityClient | From | To | |
Extract Method private getApiBase() : String extracted from public cancelPendingDeployForSingularityRequest(requestId String, deployId String) : SingularityRequestParent in class com.hubspot.singularity.client.SingularityClient | From | To | |
Extract Method private getApiBase() : String extracted from public getHistoryForTask(requestId String, runId String) : Optional<SingularityTaskIdHistory> in class com.hubspot.singularity.client.SingularityClient | From | To | |
Extract Method private getApiBase() : String extracted from public getQueuedDeployUpdates(webhookId String) : Collection<SingularityDeployUpdate> in class com.hubspot.singularity.client.SingularityClient | From | To | |
Extract Method private getApiBase() : String extracted from public getActiveDisasters() : Collection<SingularityDisasterType> in class com.hubspot.singularity.client.SingularityClient | From | To | |
Extract Method private getApiBase() : String extracted from public getScheduledTaskIds() : Collection<SingularityPendingTaskId> in class com.hubspot.singularity.client.SingularityClient | From | To | |
Extract Method private getApiBase() : String extracted from public saveRequestGroup(requestGroup SingularityRequestGroup) : Optional<SingularityRequestGroup> in class com.hubspot.singularity.client.SingularityClient | From | To | |
Extract Method private getApiBase() : String extracted from public deleteWebhook(webhookId String) : Optional<SingularityDeleteResult> in class com.hubspot.singularity.client.SingularityClient | From | To | |
Extract Method private getApiBase() : String extracted from private getRacks(rackState Optional<MachineState>) : Collection<SingularityRack> in class com.hubspot.singularity.client.SingularityClient | From | To | |
Extract Method private getApiBase() : String extracted from public getTaskHistoryWithMetadata(requestId Optional<String>, deployId Optional<String>, runId Optional<String>, host Optional<String>, lastTaskStatus Optional<ExtendedTaskState>, startedBefore Optional<Long>, startedAfter Optional<Long>, updatedBefore Optional<Long>, updatedAfter Optional<Long>, orderDirection Optional<OrderDirection>, count Integer, page Integer) : Optional<SingularityPaginatedResponse<SingularityTaskIdHistory>> in class com.hubspot.singularity.client.SingularityClient | From | To | |
Extract Method private getApiBase() : String extracted from public getQueuedTaskUpdates(webhookId String) : Collection<SingularityTaskHistoryUpdate> in class com.hubspot.singularity.client.SingularityClient | From | To | |
Extract Method private getApiBase() : String extracted from public getInactiveSlaves() : Collection<String> in class com.hubspot.singularity.client.SingularityClient | From | To | |
Extract Method private getApiBase() : String extracted from public getHistoryForRequestDeploy(requestId String, deployId String) : Optional<SingularityDeployHistory> in class com.hubspot.singularity.client.SingularityClient | From | To | |
Extract Method private getApiBase() : String extracted from public createDeployForSingularityRequest(requestId String, pendingDeploy SingularityDeploy, deployUnpause Optional<Boolean>, message Optional<String>, updatedRequest Optional<SingularityRequest>) : SingularityRequestParent in class com.hubspot.singularity.client.SingularityClient | From | To | |
Extract Method private getApiBase() : String extracted from public getActiveWebhook() : Collection<SingularityWebhook> in class com.hubspot.singularity.client.SingularityClient | From | To | |
Extract Method private getApiBase() : String extracted from public getDisabledActions() : Collection<SingularityDisabledAction> in class com.hubspot.singularity.client.SingularityClient | From | To | |
Extract Method private getApiBase() : String extracted from public getScheduledTasks() : Collection<SingularityTaskRequest> in class com.hubspot.singularity.client.SingularityClient | From | To | |
Extract Method private getApiBase() : String extracted from public getCoolDownSingularityRequests() : Collection<SingularityRequestParent> in class com.hubspot.singularity.client.SingularityClient | From | To | |
Extract Method private getApiBase() : String extracted from public getQueuedRequestUpdates(webhookId String) : Collection<SingularityRequestHistory> in class com.hubspot.singularity.client.SingularityClient | From | To | |
Extract Method private getApiBase() : String extracted from public markSlaveAsInactive(host String) : void in class com.hubspot.singularity.client.SingularityClient | From | To | |
Extract Method private getApiBase() : String extracted from public getDisasterStats() : Optional<SingularityDisastersData> in class com.hubspot.singularity.client.SingularityClient | From | To | |
Extract Method private getApiBase() : String extracted from public getPendingSingularityRequests() : Collection<SingularityPendingRequest> in class com.hubspot.singularity.client.SingularityClient | From | To | |
Extract Method private getApiBase() : String extracted from public freezeSlave(slaveId String, machineChangeRequest Optional<SingularityMachineChangeRequest>) : void in class com.hubspot.singularity.client.SingularityClient | From | To | |
Extract Method private getApiBase() : String extracted from public getPausedSingularityRequests() : Collection<SingularityRequestParent> in class com.hubspot.singularity.client.SingularityClient | From | To | |
Extract Method private getApiBase() : String extracted from public decommissionSlave(slaveId String, machineChangeRequest Optional<SingularityMachineChangeRequest>) : void in class com.hubspot.singularity.client.SingularityClient | From | To | |
Extract Method private getApiBase() : String extracted from public getTaskHistory(requestId Optional<String>, deployId Optional<String>, runId Optional<String>, host Optional<String>, lastTaskStatus Optional<ExtendedTaskState>, startedBefore Optional<Long>, startedAfter Optional<Long>, updatedBefore Optional<Long>, updatedAfter Optional<Long>, orderDirection Optional<OrderDirection>, count Integer, page Integer) : Collection<SingularityTaskIdHistory> in class com.hubspot.singularity.client.SingularityClient | From | To | |
Extract Method private getApiBase() : String extracted from public getActiveTasks() : Collection<SingularityTask> in class com.hubspot.singularity.client.SingularityClient | From | To | |
Extract Method private getApiBase() : String extracted from public addWebhook(webhook SingularityWebhook) : Optional<SingularityCreateResult> in class com.hubspot.singularity.client.SingularityClient | From | To |