Change Parameter Type actual : Object to actual : Iterable<?> in method private ZippedElementsShouldSatisfy(info AssertionInfo, actual Iterable<?>, other Iterable<?>, zipSatisfyErrors List<ZipSatisfyError>) in class org.assertj.core.error.ZippedElementsShouldSatisfy |
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Change Parameter Type other : Object to other : Iterable<?> in method private ZippedElementsShouldSatisfy(info AssertionInfo, actual Iterable<?>, other Iterable<?>, zipSatisfyErrors List<ZipSatisfyError>) in class org.assertj.core.error.ZippedElementsShouldSatisfy |
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Change Parameter Type actual : Object to actual : Iterable<?> in method public zippedElementsShouldSatisfy(info AssertionInfo, actual Iterable<?>, other Iterable<?>, zipSatisfyErrors List<ZipSatisfyError>) : ErrorMessageFactory in class org.assertj.core.error.ZippedElementsShouldSatisfy |
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Change Parameter Type other : Object to other : Iterable<?> in method public zippedElementsShouldSatisfy(info AssertionInfo, actual Iterable<?>, other Iterable<?>, zipSatisfyErrors List<ZipSatisfyError>) : ErrorMessageFactory in class org.assertj.core.error.ZippedElementsShouldSatisfy |
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