Rename Method public clear(fromKey K, fromInclusive boolean, toKey K, toInclusive boolean) : void renamed to private subMapAccept(function Consumer<NavigableMap<K,MapEntryValue>>, fromKey K, fromInclusive boolean, toKey K, toInclusive boolean) : void in class io.atomix.core.map.impl.AbstractAtomicTreeMapService |
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Rename Method public size(fromKey K, fromInclusive boolean, toKey K, toInclusive boolean) : int renamed to public subMapSize(fromKey K, fromInclusive boolean, toKey K, toInclusive boolean) : int in class io.atomix.core.map.impl.AbstractAtomicTreeMapService |
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Rename Method public iterate(fromKey K, fromInclusive boolean, toKey K, toInclusive boolean) : long renamed to public subMapIterate(fromKey K, fromInclusive boolean, toKey K, toInclusive boolean) : long in class io.atomix.core.map.impl.AbstractAtomicTreeMapService |
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Rename Method public iterateDescending(fromKey K, fromInclusive boolean, toKey K, toInclusive boolean) : long renamed to public subMapIterateDescending(fromKey K, fromInclusive boolean, toKey K, toInclusive boolean) : long in class io.atomix.core.map.impl.AbstractAtomicTreeMapService |
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Rename Method public iterateDescending(fromKey K, fromInclusive boolean, toKey K, toInclusive boolean) : long renamed to public subMapIterateDescending(fromKey K, fromInclusive boolean, toKey K, toInclusive boolean) : long in class io.atomix.core.map.impl.AtomicTreeMapService |
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Rename Method public size(fromKey K, fromInclusive boolean, toKey K, toInclusive boolean) : int renamed to public subMapSize(fromKey K, fromInclusive boolean, toKey K, toInclusive boolean) : int in class io.atomix.core.map.impl.AtomicTreeMapService |
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Rename Method public iterate(fromKey K, fromInclusive boolean, toKey K, toInclusive boolean) : long renamed to public subMapIterate(fromKey K, fromInclusive boolean, toKey K, toInclusive boolean) : long in class io.atomix.core.map.impl.AtomicTreeMapService |
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