java.util.Set to java.util.Collection
No. of Instances - 1
No. of Commits - 1
No. of Projects - {'byte-buddy'}
Hierarchy/Composition: R_SUPER_T
Primitive Info: -
NameSpace: Jdk -> Jdk
- Other
- values to values
- values to values
- rule.newConverter(type.<V>param(0)) to rule.newConverter(type.<V>param(0))
- scopeName -> { Scope byName=scopeStore.findByName(scopeName,resource.getResourceServer().getId()); if (byName == null) { throw new ErrorResponseException("invalid_scope","Invalid scope [" + scopeName + "].",Status.BAD_REQUEST); } return byName; } to scope
- users to users
- groups to groups
- Rename Method invocation
- Rename Variable
- localDatabase to storages
- nonCacheComponents to nonCacheDMBeans
- nonCacheComponents to nonCacheDMBeans
- ks to values
- ks to values
- getPrimitiveNames to getPrimitives
- set to values
- set to values
- set to values
- set to values
- set to values
- set to values
- set to values
- set to values
- set to values
- set to values
- set to values
- set to values
- set to values
- set to values
- set to values
- set to values
- set to values
- set to values
- set to values
- set to values
- set to values
- set to values
- set to values
- set to values
- set to values
- set to values
- set to values
- set to values
- pods to podData
- operators to nodes
- operators to nodes
- absoluteVolumePaths to storageLocations
- absoluteVolumePaths to storageLocations
- absoluteVolumePaths to storageLocations
- absoluteVolumePaths to storageLocations
- dirsToRemove to storageLocations
- dirsToRemove to storageLocations
- volumesToRemove to storageLocationsToRemove
- licenseSettingsKeys to licenseDefinitions
- licenseSettingsKeys to licenseDefinitions
- unwrapBinaries to unwrapKnownCollection
- set0 to col0
- set to col
- Cascading Type Change (Different)
- GetManyCommand to GetAllCommand
- HashSet to ArrayList
- HashSet<> to ArrayList<>
- ArrayList<> to LinkedList<String>
- Add or Remove Method invocation
- Collections.unmodifiableSet(set) to Collections.unmodifiableCollection(set)
- Collections.unmodifiableSet(set) to Collections.unmodifiableCollection(set)
- MarshallUtil.unmarshallCollection(input,size -> new HashSet<>()) to MarshallUtil.unmarshallCollection(input,ArrayList::new)
- map.keySet() to map.values()
- set to collectionToSet(values)
- set to collectionToSet(values)
- set to collectionToSet(values)
- set to collectionToSet(values)
- set to collectionToSet(values)
- set to collectionToSet(values)
- set to collectionToSet(values)
- set to collectionToSet(values)
- set to collectionToSet(values)
- set to collectionToSet(values)
- set to collectionToSet(values)
- set to collectionToSet(values)
- set to collectionToSet(values)
- set to collectionToSet(values)
- set to collectionToSet(values)
- set to collectionToSet(values)
- set to collectionToSet(values)
- set to collectionToSet(values)
- set to collectionToSet(values)
- set to collectionToSet(values)
- set to collectionToSet(values)
- set to collectionToSet(values)
- set to collectionToSet(values)
- set to collectionToSet(values)
- set to collectionToSet(values)
- set to collectionToSet(values)
- set to collectionToSet(values)
- set to collectionToSet(values)
- Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<>(this.ordinalDescriptorMap.values())) to Collections.unmodifiableCollection(this.ordinalDescriptorMap.values())
- Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<>(this.namedDescriptorMap.values())) to Collections.unmodifiableCollection(this.namedDescriptorMap.values())
- contains to resource.getScopes().contains(scope)
- actors.contains(akkaClient.getActorRef()) to actors.contains(akkaClient.getRpcServer())
- sd.getRoot() to sdLocation
- sdLocation to sdLocation
- volumesToRemove.contains(absRoot) to storageLocationsToRemove.contains(sdLocation)
- authorization.keepAuthorizedComponentKeys(PROJECT_ID,USER,"admin") to authorization.keepAuthorizedProjectIds(session,Sets.newHashSet(PROJECT_ID,EMPTY_PROJECT_ID),USER,"admin")
- authorization.keepAuthorizedComponentKeys(PROJECT_ID,USER,"admin") to authorization.keepAuthorizedProjectIds(session,Sets.newHashSet(PROJECT_ID,EMPTY_PROJECT_ID),USER,"admin")
- authorization.keepAuthorizedComponentKeys(PROJECT_ID,null,"admin") to authorization.keepAuthorizedProjectIds(session,Sets.newHashSet(PROJECT_ID),null,"admin")
- authorization.keepAuthorizedComponentKeys(PROJECT_ID,USER,"admin") to authorization.keepAuthorizedProjectIds(session,Sets.newHashSet(PROJECT_ID),USER,"admin")
- wsResponse.addLicenses(buildLicense(key,licenseSettingsByKey.get(key))) to wsResponse.addLicenses(buildLicense(def,licenseSettingsByKey.get(def.key())))
- licenseSettingsKeys to licenseDefinitionsByKeys.values()
- projectDtos to
- to components
- to component
- loadAllFromLocalStore to loadAllFromStore
- Wrap or Un-wrap
- Cascading Type Change (Similar)
- Set<T> to Collection<T>
- Set<Label> to Collection<Label>
- Set<Tuple2<Integer,StreamOperator<?,?>>> to Collection<StreamNode>
- Lock to CacheLock
- Update argument list (Method invocation)
- Update Anonymous class
- { @Override public void lock(){ try { delegate.lockAll(keys,0); } catch ( GridInterruptedException ignored) { } catch ( IgniteCheckedException e) { throw new CacheException(e.getMessage(),e); } } @Override public void lockInterruptibly() throws InterruptedException { if (Thread.interrupted()) throw new InterruptedException(); try { delegate.lockAll(keys,0); } catch ( GridInterruptedException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof InterruptedException) throw (InterruptedException)e.getCause(); throw new InterruptedException(); } catch ( IgniteCheckedException e) { throw new CacheException(e.getMessage(),e); } } @Override public boolean tryLock(){ try { return delegate.lockAll(keys,-1); } catch ( IgniteCheckedException e) { throw new CacheException(e.getMessage(),e); } } @Override public boolean tryLock( long time, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException { try { return delegate.lockAll(keys,unit.toMillis(time)); } catch ( GridInterruptedException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof InterruptedException) throw (InterruptedException)e.getCause(); throw new InterruptedException(); } catch ( IgniteCheckedException e) { throw new CacheException(e.getMessage(),e); } } @Override public void unlock(){ try { delegate.unlockAll(keys); } catch ( IgniteCheckedException e) { throw new CacheException(e.getMessage(),e); } } @NotNull @Override public Condition newCondition(){ throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } to { @Override public boolean isLocked(){ for ( K key : keys) { if (!delegate.isLocked(key)) return false; } return true; } @Override public boolean isLockedByThread(){ for ( K key : keys) { if (!delegate.isLockedByThread(key)) return false; } return true; } @Override public IgniteFuture<Boolean> lockAsync(){ return delegate.lockAllAsync(keys,0); } @Override public IgniteFuture<Boolean> lockAsync( long timeout, TimeUnit unit){ return delegate.lockAllAsync(keys,unit.toMillis(timeout)); } @Override public void lock(){ try { delegate.lockAll(keys,0); } catch ( GridInterruptedException ignored) { } catch ( IgniteCheckedException e) { throw new CacheException(e.getMessage(),e); } } @Override public void lockInterruptibly() throws InterruptedException { if (Thread.interrupted()) throw new InterruptedException(); try { delegate.lockAll(keys,0); } catch ( GridInterruptedException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof InterruptedException) throw (InterruptedException)e.getCause(); throw new InterruptedException(); } catch ( IgniteCheckedException e) { throw new CacheException(e.getMessage(),e); } } @Override public boolean tryLock(){ try { return delegate.lockAll(keys,-1); } catch ( IgniteCheckedException e) { throw new CacheException(e.getMessage(),e); } } @Override public boolean tryLock( long time, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException { try { return delegate.lockAll(keys,unit.toMillis(time)); } catch ( GridInterruptedException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof InterruptedException) throw (InterruptedException)e.getCause(); throw new InterruptedException(); } catch ( IgniteCheckedException e) { throw new CacheException(e.getMessage(),e); } } @Override public void unlock(){ try { delegate.unlockAll(keys); } catch ( IgniteCheckedException e) { throw new CacheException(e.getMessage(),e); } } @NotNull @Override public Condition newCondition(){ throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }