java.lang.String to java.util.List<java.lang.String>
No. of Instances - 16
No. of Commits - 3
No. of Projects - {'byte-buddy'}
Hierarchy/Composition: -
Primitive Info: -
NameSpace: Jdk -> Jdk
- Wrap or Un-wrap
- getProperty to getProperty
- getBigDecimal to getBigDecimal
- getBinaryStream to getBinaryStream
- getBlob to getBlob
- getBoolean to getBoolean
- getByte to getByte
- getBytes to getBytes
- getDate to getDate
- getFloat to getFloat
- getInt to getInt
- getLong to getLong
- getNString to getNString
- getObject to getObject
- getShort to getShort
- getString to getString
- getTime to getTime
- Rename Variable
- getUsernameAttribute to getUsernameAttributes
- eleList to trimmedPathList
- command to commands
- getS3FilesToBackup to getAdditionalS3FilesToBackup
- artifactSignatureVerificationCommandFormat to artifactSignatureVerificationCommand
- artifactSignatureVerificationCommandFormat to artifactSignatureVerificationCommand
- artifactSignatureVerificationCommandFormat to artifactSignatureVerificationCommand
- getArtifactSignatureVerificationCommandFormat to getArtifactSignatureVerificationCommand
- requestId to requestIds
- superClassName to superClassesNames
- superClassName to superClassNames
- superClassName to superClassNames
- getLocalCluster to getLocalClusters
- bestCluster to bestClusters
- newArray to copyValue
- paymentIdStr to paymentControlPluginNames
- paymentIdStr to paymentControlPluginNames
- paymentIdStr to paymentControlPluginNames
- paymentIdStr to paymentControlPluginNames
- fileToPrintAfterEachPass to filesToPrintAfterEachPass
- filename to filenames
- filename to filenames
- ss to list
- id to ids
- modifier to prefixes
- getModifier to getPrefixes
- getExcludedObjects to getIgnoredObjectExpressions
- actualValue to actualValues
- actualValue to actualValues
- actualValue to actualValues
- actualValue to actualValues
- actualValue to actualValues
- actualValue to actualValues
- actualValue to actualValues
- actualValue to actualValues
- actualValue to actualValues
- actualValue to actualValues
- actualValue to actualValues
- actualValue to actualValues
- actualValue to actualValues
- actualValue to actualValues
- actualValue to actualValues
- actualValue to actualValues
- actualValue to actualValues
- getConsumesMIMEType to getConsumesMIMETypes
- consumesMIMEType to consumesMIMETypes
- consumesMIMEType to consumesMIMETypes
- consumesMIMEType to consumesMIMETypes
- alternateIpHeader to alternateIpHeaders
- alternateIpHeader to alternateIpHeaders
- getAuthnContextClassRef to getAuthnContextClassRefs
- authnContextClassRef to authnContextClassRefs
- authnContextClassRef to authnContextClassRefs
- authnContextClassRef to authnContextClassRefs
- authnContextClassRef to authnContextClassRefs
- key to watchedKeys
- tag_name to tag_names
- args to processedArgs
- args to processedArgs
- queryMessage to testQueryMessage
- queryMessage to testQueryMessage
- queryMessage to testQueryMessage
- queryMessage to testQueryMessage
- paramConverterType to converters
- paramConverterType to converters
- key to keys
- dataTransferText to types
- dataTransferText to types
- value to values
- value to values
- value to values
- value to values
- value to values
- value to values
- value to values
- value to values
- value to values
- value to values
- value to values
- exceptionInternalName to exceptionTypeDescriptors
- parameterTypeInternalName to parameterTypeDescriptors
- rawTypeInternalName to rawTypeDescriptors
- rawTypeInternalName to rawTypeDescriptors
- interfaceInternalName to interfaceTypeDescriptors
- rawTypeInternalName to rawTypeDescriptors
- parameterTypeInternalName to parameterTypeDescriptors
- rawTypeInternalName to rawTypeDescriptors
- interfaceInternalName to interfaceTypeDescriptors
- exceptionInternalName to exceptionTypeDescriptors
- split to splitList
- split to splitList
- getBootstrapCoreJar to getBootstrapJarPaths
- bootstrapCoreJarPath to bootstrapJarPaths
- getBootStrapCoreJarPath to getBootstrapJarPaths
- bootStrapJar to bootStrapJars
- bootStrapJarCorePath to bootstrapJarPaths
- bootStrapJarCorePath to bootstrapJarPaths
- bootStrapCore to bootstrapJars
- bootStrapJarCorePath to bootstrapJarPaths
- bootStrapJarCorePath to bootstrapJarPaths
- bootStrapJarCorePath to bootstrapJarPaths
- bootstrapCoreJarPath to bootstrapJarPaths
- bootstrapCoreJarPath to bootstrapJarPaths
- getBootstrapCoreJarPath to getBootstrapJarPaths
- REQUIRED_MAIN_CLASS to bootstrapMains
- splittedOriginalContent to clusterDataList
- splittedOriginalContent to clusterDataList
- classNameTrim to basePackageNames
- getAttributesWhitelist to getExternalGroupsWhitelist
- attributesWhitelist to externalGroupsWhitelist
- attributesWhitelist to externalGroupsWhitelist
- attributesWhitelist to externalGroupsWhitelist
- attributesWhitelist to externalGroupsWhitelist
- attributesWhitelist to externalGroupsWhitelist
- requiredEngine to excludedEngines
- requiredEngine to excludedEngines
- includeClassNamePattern to includedClassNamePatterns
- getIncludeClassNamePattern to getIncludedClassNamePatterns
- includeClassNamePattern to includedClassNamePatterns
- includeClassNamePattern to includedClassNamePatterns
- argument to arguments
- argument to arguments
- argument to arguments
- argument to arguments
- argument to arguments
- argument to arguments
- files to incrBackupFileList
- files to incrBackupFileList
- files to incrBackupFileList
- files to incrBackupFileList
- wal to wals
- wal to wals
- wal to wals
- protocol to protocols
- protocol to protocols
- protocol to protocols
- protocol to protocols
- protocol to protocols
- protocol to protocols
- protocol to protocols
- sniName to hosts
- wild to wilds
- wild to wilds
- wild to wilds
- commonPath to commonPaths
- sourceFolderValue to sourceFolders
- sourceFolderValue to sourceFolders
- sourceFolderValue to sourceFolders
- value to values
- value to values
- value to values
- value to values
- attributeValue to attributeValues
- attributeValue to attributeValues
- value to attributeValuesInContext
- stringValue to values
- value to attributeValuesInContext
- authSessionId to authSessionIds
- getClientTemplate to getDefaultClientScopesIds
- newTemplate to requestedDefaultScopeNames
- clientTemplate to requestedDefaultScopeNames
- getAppServerQualifier to getAppServerQualifiers
- topic to topics
- topic to topics
- topic to topics
- topic to topics
- topic to topics
- topic to topics
- topic to topics
- topic to topics
- getClientId to getPartitionedBy
- partitionName to partitionValues
- partitionName to partitionValues
- partitionName to partitionValues
- partitionName to partitionValues
- getObjectName to getObjectNames
- requestedLogFiles to allLogs
- finalArr to finalPaths
- getComponentUuid to getComponentUuids
- componentUuid to componentUuids
- componentUuid to componentUuids
- key to keys
- getKey to getKeys
- key to keys
- key to keys
- key to keys
- key to keys
- filter to criteria
- filter to criteria
- login to logins
- login to logins
- content to lines
- content to lines
- content to lines
- projectBranch to projectBranches
- projectBranch to projectBranches
- projectBranch to projectBranches
- project to projects
- project to projects
- project to projects
- project to projects
- project to projects
- projectBranch to projectBranches
- projectBranch to projectBranches
- project to projects
- projectBranch to projectBranches
- suggestion to suggestions
- tok to tokens
- token to tokens
- tok to tokens
- tok to tokens
- tok to tokens
- tok to tokens
- nodeUri to nodeURIs
- nodeUri to nodeURIs
- nodeUri to nodeURIs
- nodeUri to nodeURIs
- nodeUri to nodeURIs
- nodeUri to nodeURIs
- nodeUri to nodeURIs
- topic to topics
- topic to topics
- topic to topics
- connectionKey to connectionKeyList
- scheme to endpointOptions
- Cascading Type Change (Similar)
- String[] to List<String>
- String to List<String>
- String to List<String>
- String to List<String>
- String to List<String>
- QueryMessage<Integer,String> to QueryMessage<Integer,List<String>>
- QueryMessage<String,String> to QueryMessage<String,List<String>>
- String to List<String>
- String[] to List<String>
- String[] to List<String>
- LinkedHashMap<String,String> to LinkedHashMap<String,List<String>>
- String to List<String>
- String to List<String>
- String to List<String>
- String to List<String>
- String to List<String>
- String[] to List<String>
- String to List<String>
- String to List<String>
- String to List<String>
- String to List<String>
- String[] to List<String>
- String to List<String>
- String to List<String>
- String to List<String>
- String to List<String>
- String to List<String>
- Other
- new String[] to new ArrayList<String>()
- domainList.getDomains() to domainList.getDomains()
- map.getNearestLocation(pt) to map.getNearestLocation(pt)
- "text/plain" to "text/plain"
- "text/plain" to "text/plain"
- assembleKey(appId,cluster,namespace) to assembleKey(appId,cluster,namespace)
- 5 to testResponse
- String[].class to RETURN_TYPE
- regex.split(value,limit) to regex.split(value,limit)
- resource -> findById(resource.getId()) to resourceServerId
- new String[fileArr.length] to new ArrayList<>(fileArr.length)
- firstNonNull(request.getFilter(),"") to firstNonNull(request.getFilter(),"")
- sql.toString() to sql.toString()
- lineHashes to lineHashes
- != to ==
- Add or Remove Method invocation
- entry.getValue() to attr
- oClass.getSuperClass().getName() to oClass.getSuperClassesNames()
- c.field("superClass") to c.field("superClasses")
- document.fieldNames() to extractFieldNames(statement)
- fieldNames[i].equals(columnLabel) to fieldNames.get(i).equals(columnLabel)
- fieldNames.length to fieldNames.size()
- dbMetadata.getIndexManager().getClassIndexes(className).stream().filter(idx -> idx instanceof OLuceneFullTextIndex).map(idx -> (OLuceneFullTextIndex)idx).filter(idx -> intersect(idx.getDefinition().getFields(),Arrays.asList(fieldNames))) to dbMetadata.getIndexManager().getClassIndexes(className).stream().filter(idx -> idx instanceof OLuceneFullTextIndex).map(idx -> (OLuceneFullTextIndex)idx).filter(idx -> intersect(idx.getDefinition().getFields(),fieldNames))
- get to forEach
- Collections.unmodifiableMap(formFieldsMap) to toUnmodifiableMap(formMap)
- put to put
- alternateIpHeader to Collections.emptyList()
- this.alternateIpHeader to Arrays.asList(this.alternateIpHeaders)
- cfg.getAuthnContextClassRef() to cfg.getAuthnContextClassRefs()
- sanitize(validUntil) to Arrays.asList(sanitize(validUntil.get(0)))
- sanitize(startTime) to Arrays.asList(sanitize(startTime.get(0)))
- sanitize(validFrom) to Arrays.asList(sanitize(validFrom.get(0)))
- sanitize(validUntil) to Arrays.asList(sanitize(validUntil.get(0)))
- append to append
- sanitize(validFrom) to Arrays.asList(sanitize(validFrom.get(0)))
- sanitize(startTime) to Arrays.asList(sanitize(startTime.get(0)))
- parts.length to parts.size()
- parts.length to parts.size()
- parts.length to parts.size()
- buildArguments(Arrays.asList(remainingArgs)) to remainingArgs
- Arrays.asList(files) to files
- ResponseTypes.instanceOf(String.class) to ResponseTypes.multipleInstancesOf(String.class)
- singleStringResponse to ResponseTypes.multipleInstancesOf(String.class)
- rowKeysPendingExpand.add(key) to rowKeysPendingExpand.addAll(keys)
- checkExpand(cache.getStart(),cache.length()) to checkExpand()
- rowKeysPendingExpand.remove(key) to rowKeysPendingExpand.removeAll(keys)
- children.computeIfAbsent(keyPath[i],k -> new Branch(parent -> { final AbstractDocumentProperty<?> castedParent=(AbstractDocumentProperty<?>)parent; return new DefaultDocumentProperty(castedParent,k); } )) to children.computeIfAbsent(keyPath.get(i),k -> new Branch(parent -> { final AbstractDocumentProperty<?> castedParent=(AbstractDocumentProperty<?>)parent; return new DefaultDocumentProperty(castedParent,k); } ))
- keyPath.length to keyPath.size()
- keyPath.length to keyPath.size()
- unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(constants)) to unmodifiableList(new ArrayList<>(constants))
- DEFAULT_ARGS to U.arrayOf(String.class,DEFAULT_ARGS)
- Arrays.toString(value) to values
- Arrays.toString(value) to values
- exceptionInternalName to Collections.emptyList()
- interfaceInternalName to Collections.<String>emptyList()
- interfaceInternalName to Collections.<String>emptyList()
- exceptionInternalName to Collections.emptyList()
- initialFiles.length to initialFiles.size()
- initialFiles.length to initialFiles.size()
- initialFiles.length to initialFiles.size()
- files.length to files.size()
- this.protocol.equals(protocol) to protocols.contains(protocol)
- request.getServerName() to name
- sniName to
- matcher.getWildDomain() to matcher.getWilds()
- attributes.get(SOURCE_FOLDER).getString() to attributes.get(SOURCE_FOLDER).getList()
- Collections.singletonList(value) to value
- dnsResolvers to emptyList()
- toString to collect
- stringValue.equals(current) to CollectionUtil.collectionEquals(values,current)
- Collectors.toList() to resourceServerId
- Arrays.asList(id) to id
- topic to topics.toString()
- topic to topics.toString()
- item.topic().equals(topic) to topics.contains(item.topic())
- sb.append("Keys: ").append(Arrays.toString(keys)) to sb.append("Keys: ").append(keys)
- sb.append("Keys1: ").append(Arrays.toString(keys1)) to sb.append("Keys1: ").append(keys1)
- sb.append("Keys2: ").append(Arrays.toString(keys2)) to sb.append("Keys2: ").append(keys2)
- toExpressionList(args) to toSymbolAliases(args)
- availableMeasures to availableMeasures.toArray(new String[availableMeasures.size()])
- Arrays.asList(replacements) to replacements
- enabledRules.length to enabledRules.size()
- tok.length() to tokens.size()
- CMD_HELP.equalsIgnoreCase(rawArgs[0]) to CMD_HELP.equalsIgnoreCase(rawArgs.get(0))
- rawArgs.length to rawArgs.size()
- Rename Method invocation
- getInactiveTaskIdsForRequest to getInactiveTaskIds
- getLocalCluster to getLocalClusters
- add to addAll
- putAll to put
- getBootStrapCoreJarPath to getBootstrapJarPaths
- notNull to notEmpty
- buildWarpArgument to buildWarpArguments
- buildWarpArgument to buildWarpArguments
- buildWarpArgument to buildWarpArguments
- getCommonPath to getCommonPaths
- resolveFirstAttribute to resolveAttribute
- addAttribute to addAttributes
- setSingleAttribute to setAttribute
- getAuthSessionCookieDecoded to getAuthSessionCookieIds
- getClientTemplate to getDefaultClientScopes
- getClientTemplate to getDefaultClientScopes
- get_partition_by_name to get_partition
- readFileToString to readLines
- readFileToString to readLines
- readFileToString to readLines
- getBaseScheme to getEndpointOptions
- Introduce Literal
- "one" to copyContainedList
- "" to values
- componentUuid to null
- Update Class Instacne Creation
- new RoleDefinition(roleDefinition,ImmutableList.of(permissions)) to new RoleDefinition(roleDefinition,permissions)
- new String[parameterType.length] to new ArrayList<String>(parameterType.length)
- new String[parameterType.length] to new ArrayList<String>(parameterType.length)
- new File(initialFiles[i]) to new File(initialFiles.get(i))
- new IsolateMultipleClassPool(classPoolEventListener,new IsolateMultipleClassPool.ClassPoolHandler(){ @Override public void handleClassPool( NamedClassPool systemClassPool){ try { if (bootStrapJar != null) { systemClassPool.appendClassPath(bootStrapJar); } } catch ( NotFoundException ex) { throw new PinpointException("bootStrapJar not found. Caused by:" + ex.getMessage(),ex); } systemClassPool.appendClassPath(new ClassClassPath(this.getClass())); } } ) to new IsolateMultipleClassPool(classPoolEventListener,new IsolateMultipleClassPool.ClassPoolHandler(){ @Override public void handleClassPool( NamedClassPool systemClassPool){ try { if (bootStrapJars != null) { for ( String bootStrapJar : bootStrapJars) { systemClassPool.appendClassPath(bootStrapJar); } } } catch ( NotFoundException ex) { throw new PinpointException("bootStrapJar not found. Caused by:" + ex.getMessage(),ex); } systemClassPool.appendClassPath(new ClassClassPath(this.getClass())); } } )
- Update String Literal
- "alternateIpHeader" to "alternateIpHeaders"
- "tags must not be null" to "tags must not be null or empty"
- Update Anonymous class
- { @Override public void setExpanded( String key){ rowKeysPendingExpand.add(key); Range cache=((AbstractRemoteDataSource)getDataSource()).getCachedRange(); checkExpand(cache.getStart(),cache.length()); } @Override public void setCollapsed( String key){ rowKeysPendingExpand.remove(key); } @Override public void clearPendingExpands(){ rowKeysPendingExpand.clear(); } } to { @Override public void setExpanded( List<String> keys){ rowKeysPendingExpand.addAll(keys); checkExpand(); } @Override public void setCollapsed( List<String> keys){ rowKeysPendingExpand.removeAll(keys); } @Override public void clearPendingExpands(){ rowKeysPendingExpand.clear(); } }
- Update argument list (Method invocation)
- findByScope to findByScope
- warn to warn
- Cascading Type Change (Different)