Change Parameter Type required : String to required : boolean in method public ComponentOption(name String, displayName String, type String, required boolean, defaultValue String, defaultValueNote String, documentation String, deprecated boolean, deprecationNode String, secret boolean, group String, label String, enumType boolean, enums Set<String>) in class org.apache.camel.tools.apt.model.ComponentOption |
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Change Parameter Type required : String to required : boolean in method public EndpointPath(name String, displayName String, type String, required boolean, defaultValue String, documentation String, deprecated boolean, deprecationNote String, secret boolean, group String, label String, enumType boolean, enums Set<String>) in class org.apache.camel.tools.apt.model.EndpointPath |
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Change Parameter Type required : String to required : boolean in method public EndpointOption(name String, displayName String, type String, required boolean, defaultValue String, defaultValueNote String, documentation String, optionalPrefix String, prefix String, multiValue boolean, deprecated boolean, deprecationNote String, secret boolean, group String, label String, enumType boolean, enums Set<String>) in class org.apache.camel.tools.apt.model.EndpointOption |
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Change Variable Type required : String to required : boolean in method protected findClassProperties(writer PrintWriter, roundEnv RoundEnvironment, componentModel ComponentModel, endpointPaths Set<EndpointPath>, endpointOptions Set<EndpointOption>, classElement TypeElement, prefix String, excludeProperties String) : void in class org.apache.camel.tools.apt.EndpointAnnotationProcessor |
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Change Variable Type required : String to required : boolean in method protected findComponentClassProperties(writer PrintWriter, roundEnv RoundEnvironment, componentModel ComponentModel, componentOptions Set<ComponentOption>, classElement TypeElement, prefix String) : void in class org.apache.camel.tools.apt.EndpointAnnotationProcessor |
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