org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue to org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Cell
No. of Instances - 2
No. of Commits - 1
No. of Projects - {'drill'}
Hierarchy/Composition: -
Primitive Info: -
NameSpace: External -> External
- Add or Remove Method invocation
- kv.getRowArray() to kv.getQualifierArray()
- matchesFamily(kv.getRowArray(),kv.getFamilyOffset(),kv.getFamilyLength()) to matchesFamily(kv.getFamilyArray(),kv.getFamilyOffset(),kv.getFamilyLength())
- kvsetAtCreation.tailSet(key).iterator() to kvsetAtCreation.tailSet(KeyValueUtil.ensureKeyValue(key)).iterator()
- next.getBuffer() to next.getValueArray()
- keyValue.getBuffer() to cell.getValueArray()
- KeyValue.Type.codeToType(keyValue.getType()) to KeyValue.Type.codeToType(keyValue.getTypeByte())
- keyValue.getLength() to CellUtil.estimatedSerializedSizeOf(keyValue)
- KeyValue.Type.codeToType(keyValue.getType()) to KeyValue.Type.codeToType(keyValue.getTypeByte())
- KeyValue.Type.codeToType(keyValue.getType()) to KeyValue.Type.codeToType(keyValue.getTypeByte())
- KeyValueUtil.ensureKeyValue(cell) to scanner.current()
- getRow to assertArrayEquals
- kv.getRow() to CellUtil.cloneRow(kv)
- kv.getValue() to CellUtil
- kv.getRow() to CellUtil.cloneRow(kv)
- kv.getValue() to CellUtil
- kv.getRow() to CellUtil.cloneRow(kv)
- kv.getValue() to CellUtil
- KeyValueUtil to PhoenixKeyValueUtil.maybeCopyCell(key)
- KeyValueUtil.ensureKeyValue(key) to PhoenixKeyValueUtil
- KeyValueUtil to PhoenixKeyValueUtil.maybeCopyCell(key)
- KeyValueUtil.ensureKeyValue(key) to PhoenixKeyValueUtil
- kv.getRow() to CellUtil.cloneRow(kv)
- kv.getValue() to CellUtil
- kv.getRow() to CellUtil.cloneRow(kv)
- kv.getValue() to CellUtil
- kv.getRow() to CellUtil.cloneRow(kv)
- kv.getValue() to CellUtil
- Bytes.toString(kvs.get(0).getValue()) to Bytes.toString(kvs.get(0).getValueArray(),kvs.get(0).getValueOffset(),kvs.get(0).getValueLength())
- org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValueUtil.ensureKeyValue(keyValue) to PhoenixKeyValueUtil.maybeCopyCell(keyValue)
- kv.getType() to kv.getTypeByte()
- kv to PhoenixKeyValueUtil.maybeCopyCell(kv)
- value.getBuffer() to value.getRowArray()
- r.list() to r.listCells()
- peeked.getBuffer() to peeked.getFamilyArray()
- kv.getRowArray() to cell
- kv.getRowArray() to cell
- keyValue.getBuffer() to cell.getQualifierArray()
- result.raw() to result.rawCells()
- kv.getBuffer() to cell.getValueArray()
- result.raw() to result.rawCells()
- keyList to result.rawCells()
- kv.getBuffer() to cell.getValueArray()
- kv.getBuffer() to cell.getQualifierArray()
- kv.getBuffer() to cell.getQualifierArray()
- kv.getBuffer() to cell.getValueArray()
- buffer to cell.getRowArray()
- keyValue.getBuffer() to cell.getValueArray()
- result.raw() to result.rawCells()
- kv.getBuffer() to cell.getValueArray()
- kv.getBuffer() to cell.getQualifierArray()
- result.raw() to result.rawCells()
- keyValue.getBuffer() to cell.getQualifierArray()
- buffer to cell.getRowArray()
- keyValue.getValue() to CellUtil.cloneValue(cell)
- getCellBufSize() to cellBufSize
- getCellBufSize() to cellBufSize
- kv.createKeyOnly(false) to kv
- MobUtils.createMobRefKeyValue(kv1,referenceValue,tableNameTag) to MobUtils.createMobRefCell(kv1,referenceValue,tableNameTag)
- MobUtils.createMobRefKeyValue(kv2,referenceValue,tableNameTag) to MobUtils.createMobRefCell(kv2,referenceValue,tableNameTag)
- MobUtils.createMobRefKeyValue(kv3,referenceValue,tableNameTag) to MobUtils.createMobRefCell(kv3,referenceValue,tableNameTag)
- MobUtils.createMobRefKeyValue(kv,key,tableNameTag) to MobUtils.createMobRefCell(kv,key,tableNameTag)
- kv.clone() to CellUtil.deepClone(kv)
- kv.clone() to CellUtil.deepClone(kv)
- bytes to cells[0].getRowArray()
- Rename Variable
- keyValue to cell
- keyValue to cell
- keyValue to cell
- keyValue to cell
- keyValue to cell
- keyValue to cell
- keyValue to cell
- keyValue to cell
- keyValue to cell
- keyValue to cell
- keyValue to cell
- keyValue to cell
- kv to cell
- kv to cell
- keyValue to cell
- keyValue to cell
- raw to rawCells
- raw to rawCells
- kv to cell
- kv to cell
- kv to cell
- kv to cell
- kv to cell
- kv to cell
- kv to cell
- raw to rawCells
- raw to rawCells
- raw to rawCells
- raw to rawCells
- keyValue to cell
- keyValueArray to rawCells
- keyValueArray to rawCells
- kv to cell
- kv to cell
- kv to cell
- kv to cell
- kv to cell
- kv to cell
- kv to cell
- kv to cell
- kv to cell
- kv to cell
- kv to cell
- kv to cell
- keyValue to cell
- keyValue to cell
- keyList to rawCells
- keyList to rawCells
- keyValue to cell
- keyValue to cell
- value to cell
- raw to rawCells
- raw to rawCells
- kv to cell
- kv to cell
- kv to cell
- kv to cell
- kv to cell
- kv to cell
- keyList to rawCells
- keyList to rawCells
- keyValue to cell
- keyValue to cell
- keyList to rawCells
- raw to rawCells
- raw to rawCells
- raw to rawCells
- raw to rawCells
- kv to cell
- keyList to rawCells
- keyList to rawCells
- keyList to rawCell
- keyList to rawCell
- raw to rawCells
- raw to rawCells
- kv to cell
- kv to cell
- kv to cell
- kv to cell
- kv to cell
- kv to cell
- kv to cell
- keyValue to cell
- kv to cell
- incData to cells
- incData to cells
- kv to cell
- kv to cell
- kv to cell
- kv to cell
- kv to cell
- kv to cell
- kv to cell
- keyValues to cells
- keyValues to cells
- keyValue to cell
- kvs to cells
- kvs to cells
- kv to cell
- kv to cell
- kv to cell
- kv to cell
- kv to cell
- kv to cell
- kv to cell
- Rename Method invocation
- getBuffer to getRowArray
- getBuffer to getRowArray
- raw to rawCells
- raw to rawCells
- raw to rawCells
- raw to rawCells
- raw to rawCells
- raw to rawCells
- list to listCells
- raw to rawCells
- Other
- index == 0 ? cells.getFirstCell() : cells.get(index) to index == 0 ? cells.getFirstCell() : cells.get(index)
- cells.getCellForColumnQualifier(qualifier) to cells.getCellForColumnQualifier(qualifier)
- dataKeyValues.get(0) to dataKeyValues.get(0)
- new KeyValue.KeyOnlyKeyValue(keyValue.getBuffer(),keyValue.getKeyOffset(),keyValue.getKeyLength()) to keyValue
- Cascading Type Change (Different)
- Update Class Instacne Creation
- Cascading Type Change (Similar)
- Pair<byte[],List<KeyValue>> to Pair<byte[],List<Cell>>
- Iterator<Pair<byte[],List<KeyValue>>> to Iterator<Pair<byte[],List<Cell>>>
- KeyValue[] to Cell[]
- KeyValue to Cell
- KeyValue[] to Cell[]
- KeyValue[] to Cell[]
- KeyValue[] to Cell[]
- KeyValue[] to Cell[]
- KeyValue[] to Cell[]
- List<KeyValue> to List<Cell>
- KeyValue[] to Cell[]
- Update Anonymous class
- { @Override public boolean hasNext(){ return iterator.hasNext(); } @Override public Pair<byte[],List<KeyValue>> next(){ Pair<byte[],List<Mutation>>; List<KeyValue> keyValues=Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(pair.getSecond().size() * 5); for ( Mutation mutation : pair.getSecond()) { for ( List<Cell> keyValueList : mutation.getFamilyCellMap().values()) { for ( Cell keyValue : keyValueList) { keyValues.add(org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValueUtil.ensureKeyValue(keyValue)); } } } Collections.sort(keyValues,pconn.getKeyValueBuilder().getKeyValueComparator()); return new Pair<byte[],List<KeyValue>>(pair.getFirst(),keyValues); } @Override public void remove(){ throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } to { @Override public boolean hasNext(){ return iterator.hasNext(); } @Override public Pair<byte[],List<Cell>> next(){ Pair<byte[],List<Mutation>>; List<Cell> keyValues=Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(pair.getSecond().size() * 5); for ( Mutation mutation : pair.getSecond()) { for ( List<Cell> keyValueList : mutation.getFamilyCellMap().values()) { for ( Cell keyValue : keyValueList) { keyValues.add(PhoenixKeyValueUtil.maybeCopyCell(keyValue)); } } } Collections.sort(keyValues,pconn.getKeyValueBuilder().getKeyValueComparator()); return new Pair<byte[],List<Cell>>(pair.getFirst(),keyValues); } @Override public void remove(){ throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }
- Wrap or Un-wrap