java.util.ArrayList to java.util.List
No. of Instances - 36
No. of Commits - 13
No. of Projects - {'flink'}
Hierarchy/Composition: R_SUPER_T
Primitive Info: -
NameSpace: Jdk -> Jdk
- Rename Variable
- sendRemovedPartitionList to removedBlockIds
- chunk to chunks
- chunk to chunks
- chunk to chunks
- chunk to chunks
- toAdd to reducedSet
- others to localMembers
- l to tasks
- l to tasks
- l to tasks
- l to tasks
- l to tasks
- l to tasks
- l to tasks
- l to tasks
- l to tasks
- l to tasks
- l to tasks
- l to tasks
- refPrefixes to prefixes
- elemens to elements
- elemens to elements
- newJoinCpuLoadBoList to newJoinMemoryBoList
- copied to result
- myFileList to files
- regionsWithSize to plans
- ret to results
- regionsToAssign to offlineRegionsToAssign
- metasIdsVersions to metaFQNs
- metasIdsVersions to metaFQNs
- metasIdsVersions to metaFQNs
- metasIdsVersions to pluginFQNs
- taskStates to operatorStates
- taskStates to operatorStates
- jobStatus to optionalJobInformation
- individualJobDetails to individualOptionalJobDetails
- collection to customCassandraAnnotatedPojos
- allVertices to connectedExecutions
- datanodes to containerInfos
- taskAttempt to taskAttempts
- taskAttempt to taskAttempts
- streamEntries to blockStreams
- streamEntries to blockStreams
- streamEntries to blockStreams
- streamEntries to blockStreams
- streamEntries to blockStreams
- streamEntries to blockStreams
- streamEntries to blockStreams
- streamEntries to blockStreams
- reqCases to suggestions
- caches to copy
- caches to copy
- caches to copy
- caches to copy
- caches to copy
- propertyKeyIds to keys
- Add or Remove Method invocation
- segment to segmentPath.toAbsolutePath()
- segment.getPath() to segmentPath
- this.instantiator.newComponent(componentClass,element) to component
- members.get(i).type() to members.get(i).getType()
- Executors.callable(new MediumPossiblyInterruptedRunnable(),TEST_STRING) to waiter
- Executors.callable(new MediumPossiblyInterruptedRunnable(),TEST_STRING) to waiter
- Executors.callable(new MediumPossiblyInterruptedRunnable(),TEST_STRING) to Executors.callable(possiblyInterruptedRunnable(timeout),TEST_STRING)
- isolationPolicy.newEnsemble(1,1,1,Collections.emptyMap(),new HashSet<>()) to isolationPolicy.newEnsemble(2,2,2,Collections.emptyMap(),null).getResult()
- isolationPolicy.newEnsemble(2,2,2,Collections.emptyMap(),bookieToExclude) to isolationPolicy.newEnsemble(1,1,1,Collections.emptyMap(),bookieToExclude).getResult()
- isolationPolicy.newEnsemble(2,2,2,Collections.emptyMap(),bookieToExclude) to isolationPolicy.newEnsemble(2,2,2,Collections.emptyMap(),bookieToExclude).getResult()
- isolationPolicy.newEnsemble(1,1,1,Collections.emptyMap(),bookieToExclude) to isolationPolicy.newEnsemble(1,1,1,Collections.emptyMap(),new HashSet<>()).getResult()
- link.getTextContent() to linkText
- children[i].getName() to child.getName()
- getDatanodeDetails() to getRandomContainerInfo(i)
- streamEntries to blockStreams.get(blockIndex)
- streamEntries.get(currentStreamIndex) to blockStreams
- Arrays.binarySearch(streamOffset,currentStreamIndex + 1,streamEntries.size(),pos) to Arrays.binarySearch(blockOffsets,blockIndex + 1,blockStreams.size(),pos)
- streamEntries to blockStreams.get(blockIndex)
- streamEntries.get(currentStreamIndex) to blockStreams
- recordings[f].getName() to recordings.get(f).getName()
- ids.contains(recordings[f].getName()) to ids.contains(recordings.get(f).getName())
- recordings[f].getName() to recordings.get(f).getName()
- ids.contains(recordings[f].getName()) to ids.contains(recordings.get(f).getName())
- to suggestion
- to -> x)
- tokenWrite.propertyKeyGetOrCreateForName(s) to key
- Cascading Type Change (Different)
- ArrayList<> to ArrayList<RegionInfo>
- ArrayList<Callable<String>> to ArrayList<>
- ArrayList<Callable<String>> to ArrayList<>
- ArrayList<Callable<String>> to ArrayList<>
- ArrayList<byte[]> to CopyOnWriteArrayList<byte[]>
- List<Iterator<Long>> to List<Boolean>
- Rename Method invocation
- calcTotalAttempts to computeTotalAttempts
- to -> ((ParameterValue)pv).getValue() != null)
- Update Class Instacne Creation
- new StringTask() to new StringTask("0")
- new StringTask() to new StringTask("2")
- new StringTask() to new StringTask("0")
- new StringTask() to new StringTask("2")
- new StringTask() to new StringTask("0")
- new StringTask() to new StringTask("2")
- Other
- new MediumPossiblyInterruptedRunnable() to waiter
- new MediumPossiblyInterruptedRunnable() to waiter
- null to bookieToExclude
- new HashSet<>(ensemble) to ensemble
- sentMessages to sentMessages
- readParameters to readParameters
- new ChunkInputStreamEntry(stream,streamLength) to blockInputStream
- Update argument list (Method invocation)
- assertEquals to assertEquals
- assertEquals to assertEquals
- assertEquals to assertEquals
- assertEquals to assertEquals
- assertEquals to assertEquals
- assertEquals to assertEquals
- assertEquals to assertEquals
- assertEquals to assertEquals
- assertEquals to assertEquals
- assertEquals to assertEquals
- assertEquals to assertEquals
- assertEquals to assertEquals
- assertEquals to assertEquals
- assertEquals to assertEquals
- assertEquals to assertEquals
- assertEquals to assertEquals
- assertEquals to assertEquals
- assertEquals to assertEquals
- write to write
- add to add
- Cascading Type Change (Similar)
- RedisConnection<Object,Object> to Long
- CompletableFuture<Collection<JobStatus>> to CompletableFuture<Collection<Optional<JobStatus>>>
- CompletableFuture<Collection<JobDetails>> to CompletableFuture<Collection<Optional<JobDetails>>>
- ArrayList<GridCacheContext> to List<GridCacheContext>
- Update argument list (Class Instance Creation)