to org.geoserver.platform.resource.Resource
No. of Instances - 438
No. of Commits - 16
No. of Projects - {'geoserver'}
Hierarchy/Composition: SIBLING
Primitive Info: -
NameSpace: Jdk -> Internal
- Add or Remove Method invocation
- dd.findOrCreateStyleSldFile(si) to
- sd.getName() to
- sd.getName() to
- sd.getName() to
- sd.getName() to
- workspaces.listFiles() to workspaces.list()
- workspaces.listFiles() to workspaces.list()
- newKSFile.getCanonicalPath() to newKSFile.path()
- newKSFile.getCanonicalPath() to newKSFile.path()
- newKSFile.exists() to newKSFile.getType()
- cd.getName() to
- cd.getAbsolutePath() to cd.path()
- ftd.getName() to
- ftd.getAbsolutePath() to ftd.path()
- roleFile to roleResource.file()
- dd.findOrCreateSecurityRoot() to dd.getSecurity()
- resourceLoader.find("global.xml") to resourceLoader.get("global.xml")
- resourceLoader.find("logging.xml") to resourceLoader.get("logging.xml")
- resourceLoader.find(dir,"settings.xml") to dir.get("settings.xml")
- wsd.getName() to
- wsd.getName() to
- wsd.getName() to
- d.getName() to
- oldLogoutFilterConfig.getCanonicalPath() to oldLogoutFilterConfig.path()
- featureTypesDir.listFiles() to featureTypesDir.list()
- lgf.getName() to
- sf.getName() to
- oldKSFile.getCanonicalPath() to oldKSFile.path()
- oldKSFile.exists() to oldKSFile.getType()
- userFile to userResource.file()
- cd.getName() to
- cd.getAbsolutePath() to cd.path()
- resourceLoader.find(dir,"settings.xml") to dir.get("settings.xml")
- file.getParentFile() to file.parent()
- Util.loadUniversal(new FileInputStream(file)) to Util.loadUniversal(
- Util.loadUniversal(new FileInputStream(file)) to Util.loadUniversal(
- Util.loadUniversal(new FileInputStream(file)) to Util.loadUniversal(
- Util.loadUniversal(new FileInputStream(file)) to Util.loadUniversal(
- configFile.getAbsolutePath() to configFile.path()
- dest.getCanonicalPath() to dest.path()
- source.getCanonicalPath().equalsIgnoreCase(dest.getCanonicalPath()) to source.equals(dest)
- source.getCanonicalPath().equalsIgnoreCase(dest.getCanonicalPath()) to source.equals(dest)
- file.getAbsolutePath() to res.path()
- configFile.getAbsolutePath() to configFile.path()
- demoDir.listFiles() to demoDir.list()
- logsDirectory.exists() to logsDirectory.getType()
- logsDirectory.isDirectory() to Type.DIRECTORY
- uploadedFile.getParentFile() to uploadedFile.parent()
- uploadedFile.getAbsolutePath() to uploadedFile.path()
- catalog.getResourceLoader() to Files
- storeName to dirFile.getPath()
- dirFile to catalog.getResourceLoader().get(Paths.path("data",workspaceName,storeName))
- directory.getAbsolutePath() to directory.path()
- uploadedFile.getName().endsWith(".zip") to".zip")
- zipFile.getParentFile() to zipFile.parent()
- directory.getAbsolutePath() to directory.path()
- ((AbstractGridFormat)coverageFormat).accepts(f) to ((AbstractGridFormat)coverageFormat).accepts(f.file())
- file.getName() to
- DataUtilities.fileToURL(mosaic).toExternalForm() to DataUtilities.fileToURL(Resources.find(mosaic)).toExternalForm()
- imageMosaicFormat.getReader(DataUtilities.fileToURL(mosaic)) to imageMosaicFormat.getReader(DataUtilities.fileToURL(Resources.find(mosaic)))
- zipFile.getParentFile() to zipFile.parent()
- FileUtils.listFiles(directory,new String[]{format},true) to Resources.list(directory,new Resources.ExtensionFilter(format.toUpperCase()),true)
- ((AbstractGridFormat)coverageFormat).accepts(directory) to ((AbstractGridFormat)coverageFormat).accepts(directory.dir())
- directory.listFiles() to directory.list()
- uploadedFile to Resources.find(uploadedFile)
- uploadedFile.getAbsolutePath() to Resources.find(uploadedFile).getAbsolutePath()
- uploadedFile.isDirectory() to uploadedFile.getType()
- uploadedFile.getName().equals(coveragestore) to
- sampleFile.lastModified() to sampleFile.lastmodified()
- file.exists() to Resources.exists(file)
- file.lastModified() to file.lastmodified()
- file.lastModified() to file.lastmodified()
- loader.getBaseDirectory() to loader.get(Paths.BASE)
- f to f.file()
- file to file.file()
- wcs.dir() to loader.get("temp/wcs")
- appendPath("temp/wcs",coverageFile.getName()) to appendPath("temp/wcs",
- f.lastModified() to f.lastmodified()
- f.getName() to
- f.getName().startsWith(baseName) to
- f to Resources.find(f)
- manager.resolveFile(targetFolder.getAbsolutePath()) to manager.resolveFile(targetFolder.dir().getAbsolutePath())
- f.getAbsolutePath() to f.path()
- f.toURI().toURL().toString() to Resources
- f.toURI().toURL() to Resources
- f.toURI() to Resources
- dest to dest.file()
- dest.getAbsolutePath() to dest.path()
- directory to directory.dir()
- file.getAbsolutePath() to file.path()
- file.getAbsolutePath() to file.path()
- input.getName() to
- archive.getPath() to archive.path()
- archive.getName() to
- output.getName() to
- FilenameUtils.getExtension(supp.getName()) to FilenameUtils.getExtension(
- "__MACOSX".equals(f.getName()) to "__MACOSX".equals(
- "aux".equalsIgnoreCase(FilenameUtils.getExtension(f.getName())) to "aux".equalsIgnoreCase(FilenameUtils.getExtension(
- FilenameUtils.getBaseName(file.getName()) to FilenameUtils.getBaseName(
- FilenameUtils.getBaseName(file.getName()) to FilenameUtils.getBaseName(
- folder to folder.dir()
- input.getName() to
- txFile.getAbsolutePath() to txFile.path()
- archiveFile.getName() to
- archiveFile.getName() to
- f.getAbsolutePath() to f.path()
- file.isFile() to Type.RESOURCE
- f.toURI().toURL().toString() to Resources
- f.toURI().toURL() to Resources
- f.toURI() to Resources
- supp.getName() to
- sb.append(file.getPath()) to sb.append(file.path())
- file.isFile() to Type.RESOURCE
- file.getName() to
- file.getName() to
- file.exists() to file.getType()
- file.isDirectory() to Type.DIRECTORY
- file.canRead() to Resources.canRead(file)
- "gml".equalsIgnoreCase(FilenameUtils.getExtension(file.getName())) to "gml".equalsIgnoreCase(FilenameUtils.getExtension(
- file to file.file()
- file.getPath() to file.path()
- file.canRead() to Resources.canRead(file)
- "kml".equalsIgnoreCase(FilenameUtils.getExtension(file.getName())) to "kml".equalsIgnoreCase(FilenameUtils.getExtension(
- VFS.getManager().resolveFile(dest.getAbsolutePath()) to VFS.getManager().resolveFile(dest.file().getAbsolutePath())
- dest to dest.out()
- dest.getAbsolutePath() to dest.path()
- archiveFile.getAbsolutePath() to archiveFile.file().getAbsolutePath()
- sourceFile.lastModified() to sourceFile.lastmodified()
- file.getName() to
- file.getAbsolutePath() to file.path()
- file.getAbsolutePath() to file.path()
- Iterables.find(((Directory)data).getFiles(),new Predicate<FileData>(){ @Override public boolean apply( FileData input){ return FilenameUtils.getBaseName(input.getFile().getName()).equals(item.getLayer().getName()); } } ) to Iterables.find(((Directory)data).getFiles(),new Predicate<FileData>(){ @Override public boolean apply( FileData input){ return FilenameUtils.getBaseName(input.getFile().name()).equals(item.getLayer().getName()); } } )
- inputFile to inputFile.file()
- dir.getPath() to dir.path()
- dir.listFiles() to dir.list()
- f.getAbsolutePath() to f.path()
- file.getName() to
- f to f.out()
- outputFile to outputFile.file()
- scriptMgr.getLibRoot("js") to scriptMgr.script("lib/" + "js")
- libRoot.toURI() to libRoot.file().toURI()
- Arrays to scriptMgr.wfsTx()
- mainScript.getAbsolutePath().substring(f.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath().length() + 1) to mainScript.path().substring(f.parent().path().length() + 1)
- f.getName() to
- file.isHidden() to Resources.isHidden(file)
- localName.equals(getBaseName(file.getName())) to localName.equals(getBaseName(
- XMLReader.loadValidations(validationDir,plugIns) to XMLReader.loadValidations(validationDir.dir(),plugIns)
- XMLReader.loadPlugIns(plugInDir) to XMLReader.loadPlugIns(plugInDir.dir())
- loader.getBaseDirectory() to Resources.fromPath(baseDirPath)
- internalOutput.getAbsolutePath() to internalOutput.path()
- internalOutput to internalOutput.file()
- f.getPath() to f.path()
- scriptMgr.findScriptFile(path) to scriptMgr.script(path)
- script.getParentFile().delete() to script.parent().delete()
- file.getAbsolutePath() to file.path()
- file.getName() to
- file.getParentFile().getName() to file.parent().name()
- file.getName() to
- file.getParentFile().getParentFile().getName() to file.parent().parent().name()
- scriptMgr.findOrCreateScriptFile(path) to scriptMgr.script(path)
- directory.listFiles() to directory.list()
- wpsRoot.listFiles() to wpsRoot.list()
- this.getWpsRoot() to this.wps()
- this.getFunctionRoot() to this.function()
- this.getWfsTxRoot() to this.wfsTx()
- this.getAppRoot() to
- loader.find("styles/" + sInfo.getFilename()) to loader.get("styles/" + sInfo.getFilename())
- file.getName() to
- scriptMgr.findAppDir(app) to
- mainScript.getAbsolutePath().substring(f.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath().length() + 1) to mainScript.path().substring(f.parent().path().length() + 1)
- directory.isHidden() to Resources.isHidden(directory)
- file.getAbsolutePath() to file.path()
- file.getAbsolutePath() to file.path()
- file.getParentFile() to file.parent()
- format("Script engine for %s not found",script.getName()) to format("Script engine for %s not found",
- format("No hook found for %s",script.getPath()) to format("No hook found for %s",script.path())
- script.getName() to
- "main".equals(FilenameUtils.getBaseName(f.getName())) to "main".equals(FilenameUtils.getBaseName(
- datadir.findFile(NETCDF_STANDARD_NAME) to datadir.get(NETCDF_STANDARD_NAME)
- NetCDFCFParser.unmarshallXml(cfStandardTable) to NetCDFCFParser.unmarshallXml(cfStandardTable.file())
- f.getName() to
- f.getAbsolutePath() to f.path()
- f.isHidden() to Resources.isHidden(f)
- f.isDirectory() to Type.DIRECTORY
- scriptMgr.findScriptFile(path) to scriptMgr.script(path)
- lockFile.exists() to Resources.exists(lockFile)
- lockFile.lastModified() to lockFile.lastmodified()
- lockFile.exists() to Resources.exists(lockFile)
- lockFile.lastModified() to lockFile.lastmodified()
- lockFile.getAbsolutePath() to lockFile.path()
- lockFile.getAbsolutePath() to lockFile.path()
- lockFile.lastModified() to lockFile.lastmodified()
- lockFile.getCanonicalPath() to lockFile.path()
- lockFile.lastModified() to lockFile.lastmodified()
- lockFile.getCanonicalPath() to lockFile.path()
- lockFile.getCanonicalPath() to lockFile.path()
- parent.exists() to parent.getType().equals(Resource.Type.DIRECTORY)
- f to input.getType()
- parent.exists() to parent.getType().equals(Resource.Type.DIRECTORY)
- f to input.getType()
- findOrCreateConfigFile() to findOrCreateConfigResource()
- configFile to configResource.path()
- configFile to configResource.path()
- dbFile.getAbsolutePath() to dbFile.file().getAbsolutePath()
- configFile to configResource.path()
- configFile to configResource.path()
- dataDirectory.root() to dataDirectory.getRoot()
- outputDirectory.exists() to Resources.exists(outputDirectory)
- String.format("Error copying file '%s' to file '%s'.",inputFile,outputFile.getAbsolutePath()) to String.format("Error copying file '%s' to file '%s'.",inputFile,outputFile)
- dataDirectory.root() to dataDirectory.getRoot()
- Rename Variable
- styleFile to styleResource
- roleFile to roleResource
- roleFile to roleResource
- getFile to getResource
- userFile to userResource
- userFile to userResource
- file to res
- styleFile to styleResource
- propertiesFile to propertiesResource
- propertiesFile to propertiesResource
- configFile to configResource
- configFile to configResource
- configFile to configResource
- configFile to configResource
- configFile to configResource
- configFile to configResource
- configFile to configResource
- configFile to configResource
- configFile to configResource
- Cascading Type Change (Similar)
- File to Resource
- File to Resource
- File to Resource
- File to Resource
- File to Resource
- File to Resource
- File to Resource
- File to Resource
- File to Resource
- File to Resource
- File to Resource
- File to Resource
- File to Resource
- File to org.geoserver.platform.resource.Resource
- File to org.geoserver.platform.resource.Resource
- File to Resource
- File to Resource
- File to Resource
- File to Resource
- File to Resource
- File to Resource
- File to Resource
- File to Resource
- File to Resource
- File to Resource
- File to Resource
- File to Resource
- File to Resource
- File to Resource
- Convert Class instance creation to method invocation
- File to get
- File to get
- FileInputStream to in
- File to get
- FileOutputStream to out
- File to get
- File to get
- File to get
- File to get
- File to get
- File to get
- File to get
- File to get
- FileOutputStream to out
- FileInputStream to in
- File to get
- FileInputStream to in
- File to get
- File to get
- ZipFile to delete
- FileOutputStream to out
- File to get
- File to get
- File to get
- File to get
- File to get
- File to get
- FileOutputStream to out
- FileInputStream to in
- FileInputStream to in
- File to get
- File to get
- File to get
- File to get
- FileInputStream to in
- File to get
- File to get
- File to get
- File to get
- File to get
- FileInputStream to in
- File to get
- File to get
- File to get
- File to get
- Rename Method invocation
- getName to name
- getPasswordPolicyRoot to passwordPolicy
- getMasterPasswordProviderRoot to masterPasswordProvider
- getFilterRoot to filterRoot
- getName to name
- getName to name
- getName to name
- lastModified to lastmodified
- getName to name
- getPath to path
- findOrCreateDirectory to get
- getParentFile to parent
- getParentFile to parent
- findStyleSldFile to style
- getPath to path
- getParentFile to parent
- findOrCreateDirectory to get
- getName to name
- getName to name
- getName to name
- getName to name
- getName to name
- listFiles to list
- listFiles to list
- listFiles to list
- Cascading Type Change (Different)
- FileInputStream to InputStream
- FileOutputStream to OutputStream
- FileInputStream to InputStream
- FileOutputStream to OutputStream
- FileInputStream to InputStream
- ArrayList<File> to ArrayList<Resource>
- File[] to List<org.geoserver.platform.resource.Resource>
- File[] to List<Resource>
- File[] to List<Resource>
- Introduce Literal
- Update Class Instacne Creation
- new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(file)) to new OutputStreamWriter(file.out())
- new Label("mpfile",new StringResourceModel("masterPasswordFile",(Component)this,null,new Object[]{mpInfo.getCanonicalFile()})) to new Label("mpfile",new StringResourceModel("masterPasswordFile",(Component)this,null,new Object[]{mpInfo.path()}))
- new Label("userpropsold",new StringResourceModel("userPropertiesOldFile",(Component)this,null,new Object[]{userprops.getCanonicalFile()})) to new Label("userpropsold",new StringResourceModel("userPropertiesOldFile",(Component)this,null,new Object[]{userprops.path()}))
- new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(sldFile)) to new BufferedOutputStream(sldFile.out())
- new PngReader(sampleLegendFile) to new PngReader(sampleLegendFile.file())
- new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(coverageFile)) to new BufferedOutputStream(coverageFile.out())
- new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(output)) to new BufferedOutputStream(output.out())
- new FileLockProvider(lockDirectory) to new FileLockProvider(lockDirectory.dir())
- new FileRepresentation(script,MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN,10) to new FileRepresentation(script.file(),MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN,10)
- Other
- Update String Literal