Files Diff
- Added: 0
- Removed: 0
- Renamed: 0
- Modified: 4
Refactorings reported:
Refactoring Name | Occurences | ||
Extract Method | 1 | ||
Extract Method private readContainerLog(compressAlgo String, html Block, thisNodeFile FileStatus, start long, end long, candidates List<IndexedFileLogMeta>, startTime long, endTime long, foundLog boolean, logEntity String) : boolean extracted from protected render(html Block) : void in class org.apache.hadoop.yarn.logaggregation.filecontroller.ifile.IndexedFileAggregatedLogsBlock | From | To | |
Extract And Move Method | 1 | ||
Extract And Move Method protected checkParseRange(html Block, startIndex long, endIndex long, startTime long, endTime long, logLength long, logType String) : long[] extracted from private readContainerLogs(html Block, logReader AggregatedLogFormat.ContainerLogsReader, startIndex long, endIndex long, desiredLogType String, logUpLoadTime long, startTime long, endTime long) : boolean in class org.apache.hadoop.yarn.logaggregation.filecontroller.tfile.TFileAggregatedLogsBlock & moved to class org.apache.hadoop.yarn.logaggregation.filecontroller.LogAggregationHtmlBlock | From | To |