Files Diff
- Added: 0
- Removed: 0
- Renamed: 0
- Modified: 3
Refactorings reported:
Refactoring Name | Occurences | ||
Extract Variable | 1 | ||
Extract Variable tmpIp : InetAddress in method private testSuccessLogFormatHelper(checkIP boolean, appId ApplicationId, attemptId ApplicationAttemptId, containerId ContainerId, callerContext CallerContext, resource Resource, remoteIp InetAddress, args RMAuditLogger.ArgsBuilder) : void from class org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.TestRMAuditLogger | From | To | |
Extract Method | 4 | ||
Extract Method private createStringBuilderForFailureLog(user String, operation String, target String, description String, perm String) : StringBuilder extracted from package createFailureLog(user String, operation String, perm String, target String, description String, appId ApplicationId, attemptId ApplicationAttemptId, containerId ContainerId, resource Resource, callerContext CallerContext) : String in class org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.RMAuditLogger | From | To | |
Extract Method private testFailureLogFormatHelper(checkIP boolean, appId ApplicationId, attemptId ApplicationAttemptId, containerId ContainerId, callerContext CallerContext, resource Resource, args RMAuditLogger.ArgsBuilder) : void extracted from private testFailureLogFormatHelper(checkIP boolean, appId ApplicationId, attemptId ApplicationAttemptId, containerId ContainerId, callerContext CallerContext, resource Resource) : void in class org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.TestRMAuditLogger | From | To | |
Extract Method private testSuccessLogFormatHelper(checkIP boolean, appId ApplicationId, attemptId ApplicationAttemptId, containerId ContainerId, callerContext CallerContext, resource Resource, remoteIp InetAddress, args RMAuditLogger.ArgsBuilder) : void extracted from private testSuccessLogFormatHelper(checkIP boolean, appId ApplicationId, attemptId ApplicationAttemptId, containerId ContainerId, callerContext CallerContext, resource Resource, remoteIp InetAddress) : void in class org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.TestRMAuditLogger | From | To | |
Extract Method private createStringBuilderForSuccessEvent(user String, operation String, target String, ip InetAddress) : StringBuilder extracted from package createSuccessLog(user String, operation String, target String, appId ApplicationId, attemptId ApplicationAttemptId, containerId ContainerId, resource Resource, callerContext CallerContext, ip InetAddress) : String in class org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.RMAuditLogger | From | To |