Files Diff
- Added: 1
- Removed: 0
- Renamed: 0
- Modified: 11
Refactorings reported:
Refactoring Name | Occurences | ||
Parameterize Variable | 1 | ||
Parameterize Variable blockSize : long to blocksize : long in method public init(fs FileSystem, path Path, conf Configuration, overwritable boolean, blocksize long) : void in class org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.AbstractProtobufLogWriter | From | To | |
Extract Variable | 1 | ||
Extract Variable multiplier : float in method protected AbstractFSWAL(fs FileSystem, rootDir Path, logDir String, archiveDir String, conf Configuration, listeners List<WALActionsListener>, failIfWALExists boolean, prefix String, suffix String) from class org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.AbstractFSWAL | From | To | |
Extract Method | 2 | ||
Extract Method public createWriter(conf Configuration, fs FileSystem, path Path, overwritable boolean, blocksize long) : Writer extracted from public createWriter(conf Configuration, fs FileSystem, path Path, overwritable boolean) : Writer in class org.apache.hadoop.hbase.wal.FSHLogProvider | From | To | |
Extract Method public createAsyncWriter(conf Configuration, fs FileSystem, path Path, overwritable boolean, blocksize long, eventLoopGroup EventLoopGroup, channelClass Class<? extends Channel>) : AsyncWriter extracted from public createAsyncWriter(conf Configuration, fs FileSystem, path Path, overwritable boolean, eventLoopGroup EventLoopGroup, channelClass Class<? extends Channel>) : AsyncWriter in class org.apache.hadoop.hbase.wal.AsyncFSWALProvider | From | To |