java.lang.String to java.util.Set<java.lang.String>
No. of Instances - 6
No. of Commits - 1
No. of Projects - {'hibernate-orm'}
Hierarchy/Composition: -
Primitive Info: -
NameSpace: Jdk -> Jdk
- Add or Remove Method invocation
- firstFieldName.length to firstFieldName.size()
- principal to getClusterRoleMap()
- roles.length to roles.size()
- roles.length to roles.size()
- name.equals(interfaceInternalName) to interfaceHierarchy.contains(name)
- ModuleReflectionUtils.getCheckstyleModules(packages,loader).stream().filter(clazz -> !NAME_TO_FULL_MODULE_NAME.keySet().contains(clazz.getSimpleName())).collect(Collectors.toMap(Class::getSimpleName,Class::getCanonicalName)) to ModuleReflectionUtils.getCheckstyleModules(packages,loader).stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(Class::getSimpleName,cls -> Collections.singleton(cls.getCanonicalName()),(fullNames1,fullNames2) -> { final Set<String> mergedNames=new LinkedHashSet<>(fullNames1); mergedNames.addAll(fullNames2); return mergedNames; } ))
- Arrays.asList(hostnames.split("[ ,]+")) to hostnames
- hostnames.split("[ ,]+") to hostnames
- Strings.isNullOrEmpty(unrecoverableEvents) to unrecoverableEvents.isEmpty()
- Strings.isNullOrEmpty(unrecoverableEvents) to unrecoverableEvents.isEmpty()
- uri to Collections.singleton(uri)
- resource.getUri() to resource.getUris()
- minors.length to minors.size()
- deleteByUuid to executeLargeUpdates
- selectViewKeysWithEnabledCopyOfProject to executeLargeInputsIntoSet
- U.readString(in) to U.readSet(in)
- Rename Variable
- ignorals to ignoredProps
- ignorals to ignoredProps
- principal to set
- talkType to talkTypeSet
- getTalkType to getTalkTypeSet
- talkType to talkTypeSet
- talkType to talkTypeSet
- talkType to talkTypeSet
- talkType to talkTypeSet
- audienceType to audienceTypeSet
- audienceType to audienceTypeSet
- audienceType to audienceTypeSet
- getAudienceType to getAudienceTypeSet
- topicName to topicNames
- topic to topicNames
- getIndex to getIndexConstraintNames
- getIndex to getIndexConstraintNames
- getUniqueKey to getUniqueKeyConstraintNames
- getUniqueKey to getUniqueKeyConstraintNames
- requiredProperties to exclude
- name to names
- name to names
- getName to getNames
- name to names
- name to names
- name to names
- name to names
- name to names
- name to names
- name to names
- name to names
- name to names
- name to names
- interfaceInternalName to interfaceHierarchy
- fullCheckModuleName to fullCheckModuleNames
- fullModuleName to fullModuleNames
- resources to policyIds
- getUri to getUris
- uri to uris
- uri to uris
- getUri to getUris
- getUri to getUris
- getUri to getUris
- uri to uris
- uri to uris
- uri to uris
- uri to uris
- uri to uris
- uri to uris
- uri to uris
- uri to uris
- uri to uris
- uri to uris
- uri to uris
- uri to uris
- uri to uris
- uri to uris
- uuid to uuids
- projectUuid to projectUuids
- cacheGrp to cacheGrps
- cacheGrp to cacheGrps
- cacheGrp to cacheGrps
- cacheGrp to cacheGrps
- cacheGrp to cacheGrps
- cacheGrpToCollect to cacheGrps
- getCacheGroup to getCacheGroups
- getExcludePattern to getExcludePatterns
- excludePattern to excludePatterns
- excludePattern to excludePatterns
- excludePattern to excludePatterns
- globalDeps to globalProps
- Other
- this.roles=roles to setRoles(roles)
- this.roles=roles to setRoles(roles)
- basicAttributeMapping.getIndex() to basicAttributeMapping.getIndex()
- manyToOneMapping.getIndex() to manyToOneMapping.getIndex()
- manyToOneMapping.getUniqueKey() to manyToOneMapping.getUniqueKey()
- basicAttributeMapping.getUniqueKey() to basicAttributeMapping.getUniqueKey()
- properties.getProperty("global") to properties.getProperty("global")
- Rename Method invocation
- getIterator to last
- setUri to setUris
- writeString to writeCollection
- getCacheGroup to getCacheGroups
- Wrap or Un-wrap
- Cascading Type Change (Similar)
- String to Set<String>
- String to Set<String>