long to java.lang.String
No. of Instances - 5
No. of Commits - 1
No. of Projects - {'honest-profiler'}
Hierarchy/Composition: -
Primitive Info: -
NameSpace: Jdk -> Jdk
- Rename Variable
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- storageDirId to tierAlias
- mStorageDirId to mTierAlias
- id to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- id to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- id to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- id to path
- id to path
- id to path
- id to path
- id to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- id to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- id to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- fileId to path
- ufsFileId to path
- ufsFileId to path
- mUfsLastModificationTimeMs to mUfsFingerprint
- mUfsLastModificationTimeMs to mUfsFingerprint
- mUfsLastModificationTimeMs to mUfsFingerprint
- mUfsLastModificationTimeMs to mUfsFingerprint
- mUfsLastModificationTimeMs to mUfsFingerprint
- mUfsLastModificationTimeMs to mUfsFingerprint
- ufsLastModifiedMs to ufsFingerprint
- ufsLastModifiedMs to ufsFingerprint
- mUfsLastModifiedMs to mUfsFingerprint
- mUfsLastModifiedMs to mUfsFingerprint
- mUfsLastModifiedMs to mUfsFingerprint
- mUfsLastModifiedMs to mUfsFingerprint
- ufsLastModificationTimeMs to ufsFingerprint
- ufsLastModificationTimeMs to ufsFingerprint
- ufsLastModificationTimeMs to ufsFingerprint
- ufsLastModificationTimeMs to ufsFingerprint
- getUfsLastModificationTimeMs to getUfsFingerprint
- mId to mAppId
- mId to mAppId
- mId to mAppId
- storageDirId to tierAlias
- storageDirId to tierAlias
- storageDirId to tierAlias
- durationMillis to actionId
- ts to tenantId
- ts to tenantId
- ts to tenantId
- ts to tenantId
- ts to tenantId
- ts to tenantId
- ts to tenantId
- ts to tableName
- ts to tableName
- ts to tableName
- ts to tableName
- ts to tableName
- ts to tableName
- ts to tableName
- ts to tableName
- ts to tableName
- ts to pTSDBTableName
- namespaceId to namespaceName
- clusterId to clusterName
- clusterId to clusterName
- clusterId to clusterName
- namespaceId to namespaceName
- someClientSideReleaseId to someClientSideReleaseKey
- someClientSideReleaseId to someClientSideReleaseKey
- someServerSideNewReleaseId to someServerSideNewReleaseKey
- someServerSideReleaseId to someServerSideReleaseKey
- someServerSideReleaseId to someServerSideReleaseKey
- id to uuid
- id to uuid
- lastChunkOffset to filename
- capacities to racks
- inodeId to filePath
- containerID to containerPath
- containerID to containerPath
- containerID to containerPath
- containerID to containerPath
- projectId to projectUuid
- projectId to projectUuid
- projectId to projectUuid
- projectId to projectKey
- componentId to componentUuid
- id to uuid
- id to componentUuid
- id to componentUuid
- rootProjectId to rootComponentUuid
- componentId to componnentUuid
- componentId to componnentUuid
- resourceId to componentUuid
- rootId to rootUuid
- componentIdList to componentUuids
- resourceId to componentUuid
- componentId to componentUuid
- componentId to componentUuid
- rootProjectId to rootComponentUuid
- rootId to rootUuid
- rootId to rootUuid
- rootId to rootUuid
- i to rootComponentUuid
- resourceId to componentUuid
- resourceId to componentUuid
- resourceId to componentUuid
- componentId to componentUuid
- rootProjectId to rootComponentUuid
- componentId to componentUuid
- projectId to componentUuid
- resourceId to componentUuid
- rootProjectId to rootComponentUuid
- rootProjectId to rootProjectUuid
- projectId to projectUuid
- projectId to projectUuid
- projectId to projectUuid
- projectId to projectUuid
- projectId to projectUuid
- projectId to projectUuid
- projectId to projectUuid
- projectId to projectUuid
- resourceId to componentUuid
- resourceId to componentUuid
- projectId to projectUuid
- componentId to componentUuid
- projectId to componentUuid
- projectId to componentUuid
- projectId to componentUuid
- projectId to projectUuid
- projectId to projectUuid
- projectId to projectUuid
- projectId to projectUuid
- resourceRootId to rootComponentUuid
- projectId to projectUuid
- projectId to projectUuid
- resourceRootId to rootComponentUuid
- snapshotId to analysisUuid
- snapshotId to analysisUuid
- projectSnapshotId to analysisUuid
- projectSnapshotId to analysisUuid
- projectSnapshotId to analysisUuid
- snapshotId to analysisUuid
- snapshotId to analysisUuid
- Add or Remove Method invocation
- iprot.readI64() to iprot.readString()
- iprot.readI64() to iprot.readString()
- iprot.readI64() to iprot.readString()
- iprot.readI64() to iprot.readString()
- iprot.readI64() to iprot.readString()
- iprot.readI64() to iprot.readString()
- iprot.readI64() to iprot.readString()
- iprot.readI64() to iprot.readString()
- PacketOutStream.createNettyPacketOutStream(context,address,-1,ufsFileId,Long.MAX_VALUE,TIER_UNUSED,Protocol.RequestType.UFS_FILE) to PacketOutStream.createNettyPacketOutStream(context,address,Long.MAX_VALUE,Protocol.WriteRequest.newBuilder().setSessionId(-1).setTier(TIER_UNUSED).setType(Protocol.RequestType.UFS_FILE).setUfsPath(path).buildPartial())
- fileInfo.getUfsLastModificationTimeMs() to fileInfo.getUfsFingerprint()
- HexCodec.toLowerHex(parentId) to parentId
- toLowerHex(parentId) to parentId
- getConversationId to assertNotEquals
- buffer.writeLong(member) to buffer.writeString(member)
- buffer.readLong() to buffer.readString()
- buffer.writeLong(member) to buffer.writeString(member)
- buffer.readLong() to buffer.readString()
- buffer.readLong() to buffer.readString()
- Long.toString(requestID) to requestID
- new ResourceIndexDto().setResourceId(resourceId).setQualifier(qualifier).setRootProjectId(rootId) to new ResourceIndexDto().setComponentUuid(componentUuid).setQualifier(qualifier).setRootComponentUuid(rootId)
- dbIdsRepository.getComponentId(project) to project.getUuid()
- dbIdsRepository.getComponentId(view) to view.getUuid()
- new SnapshotDto().setRootProjectId(rootId).setVersion(setVersion ? component.getReportAttributes().getVersion() : null).setComponentId(componentId).setQualifier(qualifier).setScope(scope).setLast(false).setStatus(SnapshotDto.STATUS_UNPROCESSED).setCreatedAt(analysisDate) to new SnapshotDto().setRootComponentUuid(rootUuid).setVersion(setVersion ? component.getReportAttributes().getVersion() : null).setComponentUuid(componentUuid).setQualifier(qualifier).setScope(scope).setLast(false).setStatus(SnapshotDto.STATUS_UNPROCESSED).setCreatedAt(analysisDate)
- new SnapshotQuery().setComponentId(projectId) to new SnapshotQuery().setComponentUuid(projectUuid)
- new SnapshotQuery().setComponentId(componentId).setIsLast(false).setStatus(SnapshotDto.STATUS_UNPROCESSED) to new SnapshotQuery().setComponentUuid(componentUuid).setIsLast(false).setStatus(SnapshotDto.STATUS_UNPROCESSED)
- new MeasureDto().setMetricId(metricId).setComponentId(projectId).setSnapshotId(snapshotId) to new MeasureDto().setMetricId(metricId).setComponentUuid(componentUuid).setSnapshotId(snapshotId)
- new MeasureDto().setMetricId(metricId).setComponentId(projectId).setSnapshotId(snapshotId) to new MeasureDto().setMetricId(metricId).setComponentUuid(componentUuid).setSnapshotId(snapshotId)
- dbIdsRepository.getSnapshotId(component) to analysisUuid
- new DuplicationUnitDto().setHash(block.getHash()).setStartLine(block.getStartLine()).setEndLine(block.getEndLine()).setIndexInFile(indexInFile).setSnapshotId(analysisUuid).setComponentUuid(component.getUuid()).setProjectSnapshotId(projectSnapshotId) to new DuplicationUnitDto().setHash(block.getHash()).setStartLine(block.getStartLine()).setEndLine(block.getEndLine()).setIndexInFile(indexInFile).setAnalysisUuid(analysisUuid).setComponentUuid(component.getUuid())
- new DeleteRequest().setId("" + id) to new DeleteRequest().setId(id)
- Rename Method invocation
- writeI64 to writeString
- writeI64 to writeString
- writeI64 to writeString
- writeI64 to writeString
- writeI64 to writeString
- writeI64 to writeString
- writeI64 to writeString
- writeI64 to writeString
- writeLong to writeString
- setLong to setString
- selectByComponentId to selectByComponentUuid
- selectMasterIndexByResourceId to selectMasterIndexByComponentUuid
- setRootProjectId to setRootComponentUuid
- setAnalysisId to setAnalysisUuid
- setAnalysisId to setAnalysisUuid
- Cascading Type Change (Different)
- Cascading Type Change (Similar)
- Other
- IdUtils.createFileSystemContextId() to Configuration.containsKey(PropertyKey.USER_APP_ID) ? Configuration.get(PropertyKey.USER_APP_ID) : IdUtils.createFileSystemContextId()
- timestamp to timestamp
- data().get(index).id() to data().get(index).id()
- span.getSpanId() to span.getSpanId()
- Update Class Instacne Creation