Files Diff
- Added: 0
- Removed: 0
- Renamed: 0
- Modified: 5
Refactorings reported:
Refactoring Name | Occurences | ||
Extract Variable | 3 | ||
Extract Variable localUpdateCntr : long in method public innerUpdate(newVer GridCacheVersion, evtNodeId UUID, affNodeId UUID, op GridCacheOperation, writeObj Object, invokeArgs Object[], writeThrough boolean, readThrough boolean, retval boolean, keepBinary boolean, expiryPlc IgniteCacheExpiryPolicy, evt boolean, metrics boolean, primary boolean, verCheck boolean, topVer AffinityTopologyVersion, filter CacheEntryPredicate[], drType GridDrType, explicitTtl long, explicitExpireTime long, conflictVer GridCacheVersion, conflictResolve boolean, intercept boolean, subjId UUID, taskName String, prevVal CacheObject, updateCntr Long) : GridCacheUpdateAtomicResult from class org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.GridCacheMapEntry | From | To | |
Extract Variable localUpdateCntr : long in method public innerRemove(tx IgniteInternalTx, evtNodeId UUID, affNodeId UUID, retval boolean, evt boolean, metrics boolean, keepBinary boolean, topVer AffinityTopologyVersion, filter CacheEntryPredicate[], drType GridDrType, explicitVer GridCacheVersion, subjId UUID, taskName String, dhtVer GridCacheVersion, updateCntr Long) : GridCacheUpdateTxResult from class org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.GridCacheMapEntry | From | To | |
Extract Variable localUpdateCntr : long in method public innerSet(tx IgniteInternalTx, evtNodeId UUID, affNodeId UUID, val CacheObject, writeThrough boolean, retval boolean, ttl long, evt boolean, metrics boolean, keepBinary boolean, topVer AffinityTopologyVersion, filter CacheEntryPredicate[], drType GridDrType, drExpireTime long, explicitVer GridCacheVersion, subjId UUID, taskName String, dhtVer GridCacheVersion, updateCntr Long) : GridCacheUpdateTxResult from class org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.GridCacheMapEntry | From | To |