org.apache.ignite.cache.GridCache to org.apache.ignite.IgniteCache
No. of Instances - 687
No. of Commits - 49
No. of Projects - {'ignite'}
Hierarchy/Composition: -
Primitive Info: -
NameSpace: Internal -> Internal
- Cascading Type Change (Different)
- CacheQuery<List<?>> to QueryCursor<List<?>>
- CacheQuery<List<?>> to QueryCursor<List<?>>
- CacheQuery<List<?>> to QueryCursor<List<?>>
- CacheQuery<List<?>> to QueryCursor<List<?>>
- CacheQuery<List<?>> to QueryCursor<List<?>>
- GridCacheProxy to IgniteCacheProxy
- CacheQuery<List<?>> to QueryCursor<List<?>>
- CacheQuery<List<?>> to QueryCursor<List<?>>
- IgniteInternalFuture<?> to IgniteCache<Integer,Integer>
- IgniteInternalFuture<?> to IgniteCache<Object,Object>
- IgniteCheckedException to CacheException
- IgniteInternalFuture<String> to IgniteCache<String,String>
- IgniteInternalFuture<String> to IgniteCache<String,String>
- IgniteInternalFuture<String> to IgniteCache<String,String>
- IgniteInternalFuture<Object> to IgniteCache<Object,Object>
- IgniteInternalFuture<Object> to IgniteCache<Object,Object>
- IgniteInternalFuture<Object> to IgniteCache<Object,Object>
- IgniteCheckedException to IgniteException
- Cache.Entry<Integer,Integer> to Integer
- CachePartialUpdateCheckedException to CachePartialUpdateException
- IgniteInternalFuture<Object> to IgniteCache<Object,Object>
- CacheQuery<List<?>> to QueryCursor<List<?>>
- CacheQuery<List<?>> to QueryCursor<List<?>>
- Rename Method invocation
- queries to queryFields
- queries to queryFields
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- clearAll to removeAll
- queries to queryFields
- putx to put
- queries to queryFields
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- queries to queryFields
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- clearAll to clear
- clearAll to clear
- unlock to lock
- clearAll to clear
- clearAll to clear
- clearAll to clear
- clearAll to clear
- putx to put
- clearAll to clear
- clearAll to clear
- putx to put
- remove to getAndRemove
- clearAll to clear
- clearAll to clear
- clearAll to clear
- unlock to lock
- clearAll to clear
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- put to getAndPut
- putx to put
- assertNull to assertTrue
- putx to put
- put to getAndPut
- assertNull to assertTrue
- putx to put
- put to getAndPut
- putx to put
- put to getAndPut
- assertNull to assertTrue
- put to getAndPut
- put to getAndPut
- queries to queryFields
- queries to queryFields
- putx to put
- putAsync to withAsync
- putx to put
- putx to put
- remove to getAndRemove
- putx to put
- remove to getAndRemove
- size to localSize
- putx to put
- putAsync to withAsync
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- put to getAndPut
- putx to put
- removex to remove
- putx to put
- size to localSize
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putxIfAbsent to putIfAbsent
- putxAsync to withAsync
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- removex to remove
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- cache to jcache
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- getAsync to withAsync
- getAsync to withAsync
- getAsync to withAsync
- putAsync to withAsync
- putAsync to withAsync
- putAsync to withAsync
- cache to jcache
- putx to put
- putx to put
- cache to jcache
- putIfAbsent to getAndPutIfAbsent
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- remove to getAndRemove
- putx to put
- putx to put
- cache to jcache
- putx to put
- cache to jcache
- cache to jcache
- putx to put
- put to getAndPut
- entry to get
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- put to getAndPut
- cache to jcache
- putAsync to withAsync
- putx to put
- cache to jcache
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- removex to remove
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- removex to remove
- removex to remove
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- putx to put
- queries to queryFields
- queries to queryFields
- Update argument list (Method invocation)
- removeAll to removeAll
- removeAll to removeAll
- lock to lock
- lock to lock
- lock to lock
- clear to clear
- loadCache to loadCache
- lock to lock
- lock to lock
- lock to lock
- clear to clear
- Add or Remove Method invocation
- ignite3.cache(null) to ignite3.jcache(null)
- cache.queries().createSqlQuery(Integer.class,"_key = ?").execute(new BadHashKeyObject("test_key0")).get().iterator().next().getValue().intValue() to cache.query(new QuerySqlPredicate<BadHashKeyObject,Integer>("_key = ?",new BadHashKeyObject("test_key0"))).iterator().next().getValue().intValue()
- cache.queries().createFullTextQuery(Integer.class,"test_key0").execute().get().iterator().next().getValue().intValue() to cache.query(new QueryTextPredicate<ObjectValue,Integer>("test_key0")).iterator().next().getValue().intValue()
- ignite1.cache(null) to ignite1.jcache(null)
- cache.configuration().getMaximumQueryIteratorCount() to cache.getConfiguration(CacheConfiguration.class).getMaximumQueryIteratorCount()
- cache.queries().createFullTextQuery(ObjectValue.class,"test") to cache.query(new QueryTextPredicate<Integer,ObjectValue>("test"))
- ignite2.cache(null) to ignite2.jcache(null)
- cache.queries().createSqlQuery(String.class,"_val like 'value%'") to cache.localQuery(new QuerySqlPredicate<Integer,String>("_val like 'value%'"))
- cache.queries().createFullTextQuery(ObjectValue.class,"full") to cache.query(new QuerySqlPredicate<Integer,ObjectValue>("full"))
- cache.queries().createFullTextQuery(ObjectValue.class,"full") to cache.query(new QuerySqlPredicate<Integer,ObjectValue>("full"))
- cache.queries().createFullTextQuery(ObjectValue.class,"full") to cache.query(new QuerySqlPredicate<Integer,ObjectValue>("full"))
- F.asList("key" + rnd1,"key" + rnd2) to ImmutableSet.of("key" + rnd1,"key" + rnd2)
- GridTestUtils.runMultiThreadedAsync(new CA(){ @Override public void apply(){ IgniteCache<String,Integer> cache=cache(); while (!fut1.isDone()) if (guard.get()) c.apply(cache); } } ,READ_THREAD_CNT,READ_THREAD_NAME) to GridTestUtils.runMultiThreadedAsync(new CA(){ @Override public void apply(){ IgniteCache<String,Integer> cache=jcache(); while (!fut1.isDone()) if (guard.get()) c.apply(cache); } } ,READ_THREAD_CNT,READ_THREAD_NAME)
- nearCache.peek(key) to nearCache.localPeek(key)
- nearCache.peek(key) to nearCache.localPeek(key)
- nearCache.peek(key) to nearCache.localPeek(key)
- nearCache.peek(key) to nearCache.localPeek(key)
- nearCache.peek(key) to nearCache.localPeek(key)
- nearCache.peek(key) to nearCache.localPeek(key)
- cache.remove(100) to cache.getAndRemove(100)
- subKey to Collections.singleton(subKey)
- nearCache.peek(key) to nearCache.localPeek(key)
- nearCache.peek(lastKey) to nearCache.localPeek(lastKey)
- cache.peek("key" + i) to cache.localPeek("key" + i)
- cache.peek(key) to cache.localPeek(key)
- cache.peek(key) to cache.localPeek(key)
- cache.peek(key2) to cache.localPeek(key2)
- cache.peek(key) to cache.localPeek(key)
- multithreadedAsync(new Runnable(){ @SuppressWarnings({"NullableProblems"}) @Override public void run(){ Random rnd=new Random(); try { while (running.get()) { long putNum=keyCntr.incrementAndGet(); long key=rndKeys ? rnd.nextInt(keysCnt) : putNum; cache.put(key,"val" + key); } } catch ( IgniteCheckedException e) { error("Unexpected exception in put thread",e); assert false; } } } ,threadCnt,"put") to multithreadedAsync(new Runnable(){ @SuppressWarnings({"NullableProblems"}) @Override public void run(){ Random rnd=new Random(); while (running.get()) { long putNum=keyCntr.incrementAndGet(); long key=rndKeys ? rnd.nextInt(keysCnt) : putNum; cache.put(key,"val" + key); } } } ,threadCnt,"put")
- cache.peek(key) to cache.localPeek(key)
- cache.promote(key) to cache.localPeek(key)
- cache.peek(key) to cache.localPeek(key)
- c.peek(key) to c.localPeek(key)
- c.peek(key) to c.localPeek(key)
- cache(1) to jcache(1)
- cache(0) to jcache(0)
- nearCache.peek(key) to nearCache.localPeek(key)
- nearCache.peek(lastKey) to nearCache.localPeek(lastKey)
- nearCache.isLocked(key) to nearCache.isLocalLocked(key,false)
- nearCache.isLocked(key) to nearCache.isLocalLocked(key,false)
- nearCache.isLocked(key) to nearCache.isLocalLocked(key,false)
- cache.peek(key) to cache.localPeek(key)
- cache.promote(key) to cache.localPeek(key)
- cache.peek(key) to cache.localPeek(key)
- nearCache.peek(key) to nearCache.localPeek(key)
- nearCache.peek(key) to nearCache.localPeek(key)
- nearCache.peek(key) to nearCache.localPeek(key)
- nearCache.peek(first) to nearCache.localPeek(first)
- primary.peek(key) to primary.localPeek(key)
- primary.peek(first) to primary.localPeek(first)
- primary.peek(key) to primary.localPeek(key)
- cache.isLocked(key) to cache.isLocalLocked(key,false)
- cache.isLocked(key) to cache.isLocalLocked(key,false)
- cache.isLocked(key) to cache.isLocalLocked(key,false)
- cache.isLocked(key) to cache.isLocalLocked(key,false)
- cache.peek(key) to cache.localPeek(key)
- cache.peek(key) to cache.localPeek(key)
- c.putxIfAbsent(-1,new byte[1]) to c.putIfAbsent(-1,new byte[1])
- c.putxIfAbsent(-1,"true") to c.putIfAbsent(-1,"true")
- c.putxIfAbsent(-1,"true") to c.putIfAbsent(-1,"true")
- near.peek(2) to near.localPeek(2)
- near.peek(3) to near.localPeek(3)
- near.size() to near.localSize()
- near.size() to near.localSize()
- cache.put(key,"val") to cache.getAndPut(key,"val")
- cache.isLocked(key) to cache.isLocalLocked(key,true)
- cache.isLockedByThread(key) to cache.isLocalLocked(key,true)
- cache.peek(key) to cache.localPeek(key)
- cache.remove(key) to cache.getAndRemove(key)
- cache.peek(key) to cache.localPeek(key)
- cache.isLocked(key) to cache.isLocalLocked(key,false)
- cache.isLockedByThread(key) to cache.isLocalLocked(key,false)
- cache.isLockedByThread(key) to cache.isLocalLocked(key,true)
- near.putxIfAbsent(key,"1") to near.putIfAbsent(key,"1")
- near.putxIfAbsent(key,"1") to near.putIfAbsent(key,"1")
- near.putIfAbsent(key,"2") to near.getAndPutIfAbsent(key,"2")
- near.peek(key) to near.localPeek(key)
- near.size() to near.localSize()
- near.size() to near.localSize()
- near.replace(key,"2") to near.getAndReplace(key,"2")
- near.peek(key) to near.localPeek(key)
- near.replacex(key,"2") to near.replace(key,"2")
- near.peek(key) to near.localPeek(key)
- near.size() to near.localSize()
- near.size() to near.localSize()
- near.size() to near.localSize()
- cache.put(key,"val") to cache.getAndPut(key,"val")
- cache.put(key,"val") to cache.getAndPut(key,"val")
- near.peek(2) to near.localPeek(2)
- near.size() to near.localSize()
- near.size() to near.localSize()
- near.peek(3) to near.localPeek(3)
- near.size() to near.localSize()
- near.size() to near.localSize()
- checkCache.lock(key,-1) to checkCache.lock(key).tryLock()
- near.peek(2) to near.localPeek(2)
- near.peek(3) to near.localPeek(3)
- near.size() to near.localSize()
- near.size() to near.localSize()
- near.peek(2) to near.localPeek(2)
- near.peek(3) to near.localPeek(3)
- near.peek(2) to near.localPeek(2)
- near.peek(3) to near.localPeek(3)
- near.size() to near.localSize()
- near.size() to near.localSize()
- cache.removex(key) to cache.remove(key)
- cache.removex(key) to cache.remove(key)
- cache.removex(1) to cache.remove(1)
- cache.put(key1,val1) to cache.getAndPut(key1,val1)
- c.peek(1) to c.localPeek(1)
- cache.peek(key) to cache.localPeek(key)
- cache.peek(lastKey) to cache.localPeek(lastKey)
- c.peek(key) to c.localPeek(key)
- c.peek(key) to c.localPeek(key)
- cache.peek(key) to cache.localPeek(key)
- cache.peek(key) to cache.localPeek(key)
- cache.peek(key) to cache.localPeek(key)
- cache.peek(key) to cache.localPeek(key)
- cache.peek(key) to cache.localPeek(key)
- cache.peek(key) to cache.localPeek(key)
- cache.peek("key") to cache.localPeek("key")
- cache.peek(key) to cache.localPeek(key)
- cache.peek(key) to cache.localPeek(key)
- c.peek(key) to c.localPeek(key)
- cache.peek(key) to cache.localPeek(key)
- cache.reload(i) to cache.localPeek(i,CachePeekMode.ONHEAP)
- cache0.peek(key) to CachePeekMode.ONHEAP
- CachePeekMode.ONHEAP to cache0.localPeek(key,CachePeekMode.ONHEAP)
- cache0.peek(key) to CachePeekMode.ONHEAP
- CachePeekMode.ONHEAP to cache0.localPeek(key,CachePeekMode.ONHEAP)
- cache0.peek(key) to CachePeekMode.ONHEAP
- CachePeekMode.ONHEAP to cache0.localPeek(key,CachePeekMode.ONHEAP)
- cache0.peek(key) to CachePeekMode.ONHEAP
- CachePeekMode.ONHEAP to cache0.localPeek(key,CachePeekMode.ONHEAP)
- cache0.peek(key) to CachePeekMode.ONHEAP
- CachePeekMode.ONHEAP to cache0.localPeek(key,CachePeekMode.ONHEAP)
- cache0.peek(key) to CachePeekMode.ONHEAP
- CachePeekMode.ONHEAP to cache0.localPeek(key,CachePeekMode.ONHEAP)
- cache0.peek(key) to CachePeekMode.ONHEAP
- CachePeekMode.ONHEAP to cache0.localPeek(key,CachePeekMode.ONHEAP)
- cache.configuration().getCacheMode() to cache.getConfiguration(CacheConfiguration.class).getCacheMode()
- cache.configuration().getCacheMode() to cache.getConfiguration(CacheConfiguration.class).getCacheMode()
- cache.configuration() to cache.getConfiguration(CacheConfiguration.class)
- cache.configuration() to cache.getConfiguration(CacheConfiguration.class)
- cache.put(key,val) to cache.getAndPut(key,val)
- cache.remove(key) to cache.getAndRemove(key)
- checkCache.lock(KEY,-1) to checkCache.lock(KEY).tryLock()
- cache.configuration().getCacheMode() to cache.getConfiguration(CacheConfiguration.class).getCacheMode()
- c.configuration().getPreloadMode() to c.getConfiguration(CacheConfiguration.class).getPreloadMode()
- c.peek(i) to c.localPeek(i,CachePeekMode.ONHEAP)
- to c.getName()
- cache1.put(1,"v1") to cache1.getAndPut(1,"v1")
- cache1.put(1,"v1") to cache1.getAndPut(1,"v1")
- cache1.put(2,"v2") to cache1.getAndPut(2,"v2")
- cache1.put(1,"z1") to cache1.getAndPut(1,"z1")
- cache1.put(1,"v1") to cache1.getAndPut(1,"v1")
- cache1.put(2,"v2") to cache1.getAndPut(2,"v2")
- cache1.put(1,"z1") to cache1.getAndPut(1,"z1")
- cache.configuration().getPreloadMode() to cache.getConfiguration(CacheConfiguration.class).getPreloadMode()
- cache.peek(i) to cache.localPeek(i,CachePeekMode.ONHEAP)
- to cache.getName()
- cache1.peek(i) to CachePeekMode.ONHEAP
- CachePeekMode.ONHEAP to cache1.localPeek(i,CachePeekMode.ONHEAP)
- cache1.peek(i) to CachePeekMode.ONHEAP
- CachePeekMode.ONHEAP to cache1.localPeek(i,CachePeekMode.ONHEAP)
- cache2.size() to cache2.localSize()
- startGrid(i).<Integer,String>cache(null) to startGrid(i).<Integer,String>jcache(null)
- cache.configuration().getCacheMode() to cache.getConfiguration(CacheConfiguration.class).getCacheMode()
- cache.configuration().getCacheMode() to cache.getConfiguration(CacheConfiguration.class).getCacheMode()
- cache.configuration().getCacheMode() to cache.getConfiguration(CacheConfiguration.class).getCacheMode()
- cache.configuration().getCacheMode() to cache.getConfiguration(CacheConfiguration.class).getCacheMode()
- lastCache.size() to lastCache.localSize()
- cache.peek(key) to CachePeekMode.ONHEAP
- CachePeekMode.ONHEAP to cache.localPeek(key,CachePeekMode.ONHEAP)
- cache.peek(key) to CachePeekMode.ONHEAP
- CachePeekMode.ONHEAP to cache.localPeek(key,CachePeekMode.ONHEAP)
- c.entrySet() to c
- c.removex(key) to c.remove(key)
- c.put(key,key) to c.getAndPut(key,key)
- c.remove(key) to c.getAndRemove(key)
- c.put(key,val) to c.getAndPut(key,val)
- c.remove(key) to c.getAndRemove(key)
- c.put(key,val) to c.getAndPut(key,val)
- c.put(key,val) to c.getAndPut(key,val)
- c.remove(key) to c.getAndRemove(key)
- cache.put(key,"1") to cache.getAndPut(key,"1")
- cache.remove(key) to cache.getAndRemove(key)
- assertFalse(cache.putxIfAbsent(key,100)) to assertFalse(cache.putIfAbsent(key,100))
- cache.removex(key,p) to cache.remove(key)
- cache.putx(key,val,p) to cache.put(key,val)
- c.put(key,key) to c.getAndPut(key,key)
- c.remove(key) to c.getAndRemove(key)
- c.put(key,val) to c.getAndPut(key,val)
- c.remove(key) to c.getAndRemove(key)
- GridTestUtils.runMultiThreadedAsync(new Callable<Void>(){ @Override public Void call() throws Exception { for (int i=0; i < ITERATIONS_PER_THREAD; i++) { if (i % 1000 == 0)"Put iteration " + i); assertTrue(cache.putx(key,i)); } return null; } } ,THREADS,"put") to GridTestUtils.runMultiThreadedAsync(new Callable<Void>(){ @Override public Void call() throws Exception { for (int i=0; i < ITERATIONS_PER_THREAD; i++) { if (i % 1000 == 0)"Put iteration " + i); cache.put(key,i); } return null; } } ,THREADS,"put")
- cache.put(key,i) to cache.getAndPut(key,i)
- c.put(key,val) to c.getAndPut(key,val)
- c.remove(key) to c.getAndRemove(key)
- F.asList(key1,key2) to F.asSet(key1,key2)
- c.values().iterator() to c.iterator()
- cache.putx(key,val,p) to cache.put(key,val)
- cache.removex(itemKey) to cache.remove(itemKey)
- cache.removex(itemKey) to cache.remove(itemKey)
- cache1.entrySet() to toSet(cache1.iterator())
- cacheE3.entrySet() to toSet(cacheE3.iterator())
- ignite1.cache(null) to ignite1.jcache(null)
- cache1.entrySet() to toSet(cache1.iterator())
- cache2.entrySet() to toSet(cache2.iterator())
- cacheE4.entrySet() to toSet(cacheE4.iterator())
- cache2.entrySet() to toSet(cache2.iterator())
- cache3.entrySet() to toSet(cache3.iterator())
- cache1.entrySet() to toSet(cache1.iterator())
- cache2.entrySet() to toSet(cache2.iterator())
- c.gridProjection().ignite().cluster().localNode().id() to c.unwrap(Ignite.class).cluster().localNode().id()
- ignite.cache(CACHE_NAME) to ignite.jcache(CACHE_NAME)
- cache.putx(keyVal % 100000,keyVal) to cache.put(keyVal % 100000,keyVal)
- GridLoadTestUtils.measureTime(new Callable<Object>(){ @Nullable @Override public Object call() throws Exception { while (true) { long keyVal=cntr.incrementAndGet(); if (keyVal >= PUT_CNT) break; cache.putx(keyVal % 100000,keyVal); long ops=opCnt.incrementAndGet(); if (ops % LOG_MOD == 0) X.println(">>> Performed " + ops + " operations."); } return null; } } ,THREADS) to GridLoadTestUtils.measureTime(new Callable<Object>(){ @Nullable @Override public Object call() throws Exception { while (true) { long keyVal=cntr.incrementAndGet(); if (keyVal >= PUT_CNT) break; cache.put(keyVal % 100000,keyVal); long ops=opCnt.incrementAndGet(); if (ops % LOG_MOD == 0) X.println(">>> Performed " + ops + " operations."); } return null; } } ,THREADS)
- g.cache("cache") to g.jcache("cache")
- cache.removex(key) to cache.remove(key)
- cache.keySet().size() to cache.size(CachePeekMode.ALL)
- cache.keySet().size() to cache.size(CachePeekMode.ALL)
- cache2.getAsync("async1") to cache2.future()
- ignites[i].cache(CACHE_OFFHEAP) to ignites[i].jcache(CACHE_OFFHEAP)
- ignites[i].cache(CACHE_OFFHEAP_TIERED) to ignites[i].jcache(CACHE_OFFHEAP_TIERED)
- SWAP_TEST_KEY to primaryCache.localPeek(SWAP_TEST_KEY,CachePeekMode.ONHEAP)
- cache to cache.unwrap(Ignite.class).transactions()
- ignites[i].cache(CACHE_REGULAR) to ignites[i].jcache(CACHE_REGULAR)
- cache.remove(i) to cache.getAndRemove(i)
- cache to cache.unwrap(Ignite.class).transactions()
- F.asList(GridCachePeekMode.PARTITIONED_ONLY) to CachePeekMode.PRIMARY
- CachePeekMode.PRIMARY to CachePeekMode.BACKUP
- ignite.cache(CACHE_NAME) to ignite.jcache(CACHE_NAME)
- multithreadedAsync(new Runnable(){ @Override public void run(){ Collection<Long> keys=new ArrayList<>(batchSize); int evictedBatches=0; for (long i=0; i < keysCnt; i++) { keys.add(i); if (keys.size() == batchSize) { cache.evictAll(keys); evictedKeysCnt.addAndGet(batchSize); keys.clear(); evictedBatches++; if (evictedBatches % 100 == 0 && evictedBatches > 0) info("Evicted " + (evictedBatches * batchSize) + " entries."); } } } } ,N_THREADS,"evict") to multithreadedAsync(new Runnable(){ @Override public void run(){ Collection<Long> keys=new ArrayList<>(batchSize); int evictedBatches=0; for (long i=0; i < keysCnt; i++) { keys.add(i); if (keys.size() == batchSize) { for ( Long key : keys) cache.evict(key); evictedKeysCnt.addAndGet(batchSize); keys.clear(); evictedBatches++; if (evictedBatches % 100 == 0 && evictedBatches > 0) info("Evicted " + (evictedBatches * batchSize) + " entries."); } } } } ,N_THREADS,"evict")
- multithreadedAsync(new Runnable(){ @Override public void run(){ try { Collection<Long> keys=new ArrayList<>(batchSize); int unswappedBatches=0; for (long i=0; i < keysCnt; i++) { keys.add(i); if (keys.size() == batchSize) { cache.promoteAll(keys); unswappedKeys.addAndGet(batchSize); keys.clear(); unswappedBatches++; if (unswappedBatches % 100 == 0 && unswappedBatches > 0) info("Unswapped " + (unswappedBatches * batchSize) + " entries."); } } } catch ( IgniteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } ,N_THREADS,"promote") to multithreadedAsync(new Runnable(){ @Override public void run(){ try { Collection<Long> keys=new ArrayList<>(batchSize); int unswappedBatches=0; for (long i=0; i < keysCnt; i++) { keys.add(i); if (keys.size() == batchSize) { for ( Long key : keys) cache.promote(key); unswappedKeys.addAndGet(batchSize); keys.clear(); unswappedBatches++; if (unswappedBatches % 100 == 0 && unswappedBatches > 0) info("Unswapped " + (unswappedBatches * batchSize) + " entries."); } } } catch ( IgniteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } ,N_THREADS,"promote")
- multithreadedAsync(new Callable<Object>(){ @Override public Object call() throws Exception { for (int i=0; i < iterCnt; i++) { int j=idx.incrementAndGet(); cache.putx(j,j); if (i != 0 && i % 10000 == 0) info("Stats [putsCnt=" + i + ", size="+ cache.size()+ ']'); } return null; } } ,threadCnt) to multithreadedAsync(new Callable<Object>(){ @Override public Object call() throws Exception { for (int i=0; i < iterCnt; i++) { int j=idx.incrementAndGet(); cache.put(j,j); if (i != 0 && i % 10000 == 0) info("Stats [putsCnt=" + i + ", size="+ cache.size()+ ']'); } return null; } } ,threadCnt)
- ignite.cache(CACHE_REGULAR) to ignite.jcache(CACHE_REGULAR)
- ignite.cache(CACHE_OFFHEAP) to ignite.jcache(CACHE_OFFHEAP)
- cache.txStartPartition(cache.affinity().partition(affKey),PESSIMISTIC,REPEATABLE_READ,0,5) to g.transactions().txStartPartition(cache.getName(),g.affinity(cache.getName()).partition(affKey),PESSIMISTIC,REPEATABLE_READ,0,5)
- cache.getAll(F.asList("key3","key4")).isEmpty() to cache.getAll(F.asSet("key3","key4")).isEmpty()
- cache.txStartAffinity(affKey,PESSIMISTIC,REPEATABLE_READ,0,5) to g.transactions().txStartAffinity(cache.getName(),affKey,PESSIMISTIC,REPEATABLE_READ,0,5)
- cache.getAll(F.asList("key3","key4")).isEmpty() to cache.getAll(F.asSet("key3","key4")).isEmpty()
- cache1.isLocked(1) to cache1.isLocalLocked(1,false)
- cache1.isLocked(2) to cache1.isLocalLocked(2,false)
- cache1.isLocked(3) to cache1.isLocalLocked(3,false)
- ignite3.cache(null) to ignite3.jcache(null)
- cache3.isLocked(1) to cache3.isLocalLocked(1,false)
- cache3.isLockedByThread(1) to cache3.isLocalLocked(3,false)
- cache3.isLocked(3) to cache3.isLocalLocked(1,true)
- cache3.isLockedByThread(1) to cache3.isLocalLocked(1,true)
- cache.affinity().isPrimary(grid.localNode(),k) to grid.affinity(null).isPrimary(grid.localNode(),k)
- ignite.cache(CACHE_NAME) to ignite.jcache(CACHE_NAME)
- ignite1.cache(null) to ignite1.jcache(null)
- cache1.isLocked(1) to cache1.isLocalLocked(1,false)
- cache1.isLocked(2) to cache1.isLocalLocked(2,false)
- cache1.isLocked(3) to cache1.isLocalLocked(3,false)
- cache1.isLocked(1) to cache1.isLocalLocked(1,true)
- cache1.isLockedByThread(1) to cache1.isLocalLocked(1,false)
- cache1.isLocked(1) to cache1.isLocalLocked(1,true)
- cache1.isLockedByThread(1) to cache1.isLocalLocked(1,false)
- ignite2.cache(null) to ignite2.jcache(null)
- cache2.isLocked(1) to cache2.isLocalLocked(1,false)
- cache2.isLockedByThread(1) to cache2.isLocalLocked(2,false)
- cache2.isLocked(2) to cache2.isLocalLocked(1,true)
- cache2.isLockedByThread(1) to cache2.isLocalLocked(1,true)
- c.gridProjection().ignite().cluster().localNode().id() to c.unwrap(Ignite.class).cluster().localNode().id()
- F.asList(NEAR_ONLY) to NEAR
- Arrays.asList(NEAR_ONLY) to NEAR
- c.affinity() to c.unwrap(Ignite.class).affinity(null)
- c.affinity() to c.unwrap(Ignite.class).affinity(null)
- node3.cache(CACHE_NAME) to node3.jcache(CACHE_NAME)
- F.eq(primaryNode,cache1.gridProjection().ignite().cluster().localNode()) to F.eq(primaryNode,cache1.unwrap(Ignite.class).cluster().localNode())
- affNodes.contains(cache3.gridProjection().ignite().cluster().localNode()) to affNodes.contains(cache3.unwrap(Ignite.class).cluster().localNode())
- node2.cache(CACHE_NAME) to node2.jcache(CACHE_NAME)
- node1.cache(CACHE_NAME) to node1.jcache(CACHE_NAME)
- F.eq(primaryNode,cache1.gridProjection().ignite().cluster().localNode()) to F.eq(primaryNode,cache1.unwrap(Ignite.class).cluster().localNode())
- affNodes.contains(cache3.gridProjection().ignite().cluster().localNode()) to affNodes.contains(cache3.unwrap(Ignite.class).cluster().localNode())
- c.size() to c.localSize()
- cache to cache.unwrap(Ignite.class).transactions()
- cache.affinity().partition(key1) to affinity(cache).partition(key1)
- cache.affinity() to affinity(cache)
- ignites[i].cache(CACHE_ATOMIC_OFFHEAP_TIERED) to ignites[i].jcache(CACHE_ATOMIC_OFFHEAP_TIERED)
- near0.removex(key) to near0.remove(key)
- ignites[i].cache(CACHE) to ignites[i].jcache(CACHE)
- c.size() to c.localSize()
- c.size() to c.localSize()
- near0.clearLocally(key) to internalCache(near0).clearLocally(key)
- near0.size() to near0.localSize()
- ignites[i].cache(CACHE_ATOMIC_OFFHEAP) to ignites[i].jcache(CACHE_ATOMIC_OFFHEAP)
- c.size() to c.localSize()
- ignites[i].cache(CACHE_ATOMIC) to ignites[i].jcache(CACHE_ATOMIC)
- c.size() to c.localSize()
- c.size() to c.localSize()
- near1.size() to near1.localSize()
- c2.keySet() to entrySet(c2)
- c1.keySet() to entrySet(c1)
- startGrid(2).cache(null) to startGrid(2).jcache(null)
- startGrid(1).cache(null) to startGrid(1).jcache(null)
- startGrid(3).cache(null) to startGrid(3).jcache(null)
- to cache0.getName()
- to cache0.getName()
- cache.configuration().getCacheMode() to cache.getConfiguration(CacheConfiguration.class).getCacheMode()
- ((IgniteKernal)startGrid(i)).<Integer,String>cache(null) to startGrid(i).<Integer,String>jcache(null)
- cache.peek(key) to cache.localPeek(key)
- cache.peek(key) to cache.localPeek(key)
- grid.internalCache( to grid.internalCache(cache.getName()).context()
- to cache.getName()
- grid.internalCache( to grid.internalCache(cache.getName()).context()
- to cache.getName()
- Cascading Type Change (Similar)
- GridCache<String,Integer> to IgniteCache<String,Integer>
- GridCache<Integer,String> to IgniteCache<Integer,String>
- GridCache<Integer,String> to IgniteCache<Integer,String>
- GridCache<InternalKey,Object> to IgniteCache<InternalKey,Object>
- Other
- Update Anonymous class
- { @Override public boolean apply( Integer k, String v){ return k % 2 == 0; } } to { @Override public boolean apply( Integer k, String v){ return k % 2 == 0; } }
- { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { ThreadLocalRandom rnd=ThreadLocalRandom.current(); for (int i=0; i < iterations(); i++) { int key=rnd.nextInt(KEYS); final TestValue val=vals.get(key % VAL_SIZE); TestPredicate p=testPredicate(val.val,true); if (rnd.nextBoolean()) cache.removex(key,p); else cache.putx(key,val,p); } return null; } } to { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { ThreadLocalRandom rnd=ThreadLocalRandom.current(); for (int i=0; i < iterations(); i++) { int key=rnd.nextInt(KEYS); final TestValue val=vals.get(key % VAL_SIZE); if (rnd.nextBoolean()) cache.remove(key); else cache.put(key,val); } return null; } }
- { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { ThreadLocalRandom rnd=ThreadLocalRandom.current(); for (int i=0; i < iterations(); i++) { int key=rnd.nextInt(KEYS); final TestValue val=vals.get(key % VAL_SIZE); TestPredicate p=testPredicate(val.val,false); cache.putx(key,val,p); } return null; } } to { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { ThreadLocalRandom rnd=ThreadLocalRandom.current(); for (int i=0; i < iterations(); i++) { int key=rnd.nextInt(KEYS); final TestValue val=vals.get(key % VAL_SIZE); cache.put(key,val); } return null; } }
- Wrap or Un-wrap
- Rename Variable