org.gridgain.grid.cache.GridCache to org.apache.ignite.IgniteCache
No. of Instances - 83
No. of Commits - 8
No. of Projects - {'ignite'}
Hierarchy/Composition: -
Primitive Info: -
NameSpace: Internal -> Internal
- Add or Remove Method invocation
- cache.put(key,"1") to cache.getAndPut(key,"1")
- cache.put(key1,val1) to cache.getAndPut(key1,val1)
- cache2.lockAll(keys2,-1) to cache.isLockedByThread(1)
- cache.lock(1,0L) to "1".equals(cache.getAndRemove(1))
- cache.put(1,"1") to cache.getAndPut(1,"1")
- cache1.lock(1,-1L) to cache1.lock(1).tryLock()
- near.peek(1) to near.localPeek(1)
- near.peek(1) to near.localPeek(1)
- near.peek(key) to near.localPeek(key)
- near.peek(key) to near.localPeek(key)
- near.peek(1) to near.localPeek(1)
- near.peek(1) to near.localPeek(1)
- cache1.lockAll(keys1,0) to cache1.lock(1).tryLock()
- cache.lock(1,0L) to cache.lock(2).tryLock()
- cache.lock(1,-1L) to cache.lock(1).tryLock()
- c.peek(key) to c.localPeek(key)
- c.peek(key) to c.localPeek(key)
- cache2.entrySet() to cache2
- cache2.lock(1,-1L) to cache2.lock(1).tryLock()
- cache.lock(1,-1L) to cache.lock(1).tryLock()
- cache.lock(1,-1L) to cache.lock(1).tryLock()
- "1".equals(cache.remove(1)) to "1".equals(cache.getAndRemove(1))
- cache2.lockAll(keys2,-1) to cache2.lockAll(keys2).tryLock()
- cache.lock(1,0) to cache.lock(1).tryLock()
- cache.lock(1,-1L) to cache.lock(2).tryLock()
- cache.lock(1,-1L) to cache.lock(1).tryLock()
- cache.lock(1,-1L) to cache.lock(1).tryLock()
- cache1.lockAll(keys1,0) to cache1.isLocked(1)
- cache.keySet().contains(key) to cache.containsKey(key)
- F.asList("a","b","c","d") to ImmutableSet.of("a","b","c","d")
- ignite2.cache(null) to ignite2.jcache(null)
- ignite1.cache(null) to ignite1.jcache(null)
- cache1.lockAll(keys,-1) to cache1.lockAll(keys).tryLock()
- cache.lock(1,0) to cache.lock(1).tryLock()
- cache.lock(1,-1L) to cache.lock(2).tryLock()
- cache.lock(1,-1L) to cache.lock(1).tryLock()
- cache.lock(1,-1L) to cache.lock(1).tryLock()
- cache.keySet().contains(key) to cache.containsKey(key)
- cache2.entrySet() to cache2
- c.peek(key) to c.localPeek(key)
- c.peek(key) to c.localPeek(key)
- cache.put(key1,val1) to cache.getAndPut(key1,val1)
- cache2.lock(1,-1L) to cache2.lock(1).tryLock()
- near.peek(1) to near.localPeek(1)
- near.peek(1) to near.localPeek(1)
- cache.lock(1,-1L) to cache.lock(1).tryLock()
- cache.lock(1,-1L) to cache.lock(1).tryLock()
- "1".equals(cache.remove(1)) to "1".equals(cache.getAndRemove(1))
- near.peek(1) to near.localPeek(1)
- near.peek(1) to near.localPeek(1)
- cache.lock(1,0L) to cache.lock(2).tryLock()
- cache.lock(1,-1L) to cache.lock(1).tryLock()
- cache1.lockAll(keys1,0) to cache1.lock(1).tryLock()
- cache1.lockAll(keys1,0) to cache1.isLocked(1)
- cache.lock(1,0L) to "1".equals(cache.getAndRemove(1))
- cache.put(1,"1") to cache.getAndPut(1,"1")
- cache1.lock(1,-1L) to cache1.lock(1).tryLock()
- near.peek(key) to near.localPeek(key)
- near.peek(key) to near.localPeek(key)
- cache.put(key,"1") to cache.getAndPut(key,"1")
- cache2.lockAll(keys2,-1) to cache.isLockedByThread(1)
- cache2.lockAll(keys2,-1) to cache2.lockAll(keys2).tryLock()
- F.asList("a","b","c","d") to ImmutableSet.of("a","b","c","d")
- ignite1.cache(null) to ignite1.jcache(null)
- cache1.lockAll(keys,-1) to cache1.lockAll(keys).tryLock()
- ignite2.cache(null) to ignite2.jcache(null)
- ignite.cache(null) to ignite.jcache(null)
- cache.enableAsync() to cache
- Rename Variable
- Update argument list (Method invocation)
- lock to lock
- lock to lock
- lock to lock
- lockAll to lockAll
- lock to lock
- lock to lock
- lock to lock
- lockAll to lockAll
- Rename Method invocation