org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.GridCache to org.apache.ignite.IgniteCache
No. of Instances - 91
No. of Commits - 13
No. of Projects - {'ignite'}
Hierarchy/Composition: -
Primitive Info: -
NameSpace: Internal -> Internal
- Rename Method invocation
- peek to localPeek
- promote to localPeek
- promoteAll to localPromote
- peek to localPeek
- put to getAndPut
- promote to localPeek
- peek to localPeek
- promoteAll to localPromote
- peek to localPeek
- peek to localPeek
- promote to localPeek
- peek to localPeek
- promoteAll to localPromote
- peek to localPeek
- cachex to cache
- Add or Remove Method invocation
- cache.peek(i) to cache.localPeek(i)
- k to e.getKey()
- c.swapKeys() to CachePeekMode.SWAP
- CachePeekMode.SWAP to c.size(CachePeekMode.SWAP)
- c.swapKeys() to c.size(CachePeekMode.SWAP)
- c.offHeapEntriesCount() to CachePeekMode.OFFHEAP
- CachePeekMode.OFFHEAP to c.size(CachePeekMode.OFFHEAP)
- c.keySet() to c.localEntries()
- cache.peek(i) to cache.localPeek(i)
- cache.peek(i) to cache.localPeek(i)
- F.asList(SWAP) to CachePeekMode.SWAP
- cache.peek(i) to cache.localPeek(i)
- F.asList(GridCachePeekMode.PARTITIONED_ONLY) to CachePeekMode.PRIMARY
- CachePeekMode.PRIMARY to CachePeekMode.BACKUP
- Arrays.asList(NEAR_ONLY) to NEAR
- Arrays.asList(NEAR_ONLY) to NEAR
- c.offHeapEntriesCount() to c.localSize(CachePeekMode.OFFHEAP)
- c.offHeapEntriesCount() to CachePeekMode.OFFHEAP
- CachePeekMode.OFFHEAP to c.localSize(CachePeekMode.OFFHEAP)
- c.offHeapEntriesCount() to CachePeekMode.OFFHEAP
- CachePeekMode.OFFHEAP to c.localSize(CachePeekMode.OFFHEAP)
- c.swapKeys() to CachePeekMode.SWAP
- CachePeekMode.SWAP to c.localSize(CachePeekMode.SWAP)
- c.swapKeys() to CachePeekMode.SWAP
- CachePeekMode.SWAP to c.localSize(CachePeekMode.SWAP)
- cache1.nearSize() to cache1.localSize(NEAR)
- cache1.nearSize() to cache1.localSize(NEAR)
- cache2.nearSize() to cache2.localSize(NEAR)
- cache2.nearSize() to cache2.localSize(NEAR)
- F.first(cache.queries().createSqlFieldsQuery("explain select * from EnemyCamp " + "where coords && 'POINT(25 75)'").execute().get()).get(0).toString().contains("coords_idx") to F.first(cache.query(new SqlFieldsQuery("explain select * from EnemyCamp " + "where coords && 'POINT(25 75)'")).getAll()).get(0).toString().contains("coords_idx")
- cache0.nearSize() to cache0.localSize(NEAR)
- cache0.nearSize() to cache0.localSize(NEAR)
- grid.cachex(metaCacheName) to grid.cache(metaCacheName)
- metaCache.keySet() to metaCache.localEntries()
- metaCache.keySet() to metaCache.localEntries()
- key to e.getKey()
- key to e.getValue()
- metaCache.keySet() to metaCache.localEntries()
- metaCache to metaCache.unwrap(Ignite.class).transactions()
- cache.offHeapEntriesCount() to CachePeekMode.OFFHEAP
- CachePeekMode.OFFHEAP to cache.localSize(CachePeekMode.OFFHEAP)
- cache.offHeapEntriesCount() to CachePeekMode.OFFHEAP
- CachePeekMode.OFFHEAP to cache.localSize(CachePeekMode.OFFHEAP)
- cache.offHeapEntriesCount() to CachePeekMode.OFFHEAP
- CachePeekMode.OFFHEAP to cache.localSize(CachePeekMode.OFFHEAP)
- cache.peek(i) to cache.localPeek(i)
- cache.peek(i) to cache.localPeek(i)
- cache.peek(i) to cache.localPeek(i)
- cache.peek(i) to cache.localPeek(i)
- F.asList(SWAP) to CachePeekMode.SWAP
- multithreadedAsync(new Callable<Object>(){ @Nullable @Override public Object call() throws Exception { Random rnd=new Random(); while (!done.get()) { int key=rnd.nextInt(ENTRY_CNT); Integer i=cache.get(key); assertNotNull(i); assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(key),i); boolean b=cache.evict(rnd.nextInt(ENTRY_CNT)); assert b; } return null; } } ,10) to multithreadedAsync(new Callable<Object>(){ @Nullable @Override public Object call() throws Exception { Random rnd=new Random(); while (!done.get()) { int key=rnd.nextInt(ENTRY_CNT); Integer i=cache.get(key); assertNotNull(i); assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(key),i); cache.localEvict(Collections.singleton(rnd.nextInt(ENTRY_CNT))); } return null; } } ,10)
- cache.peek(i) to cache.localPeek(i)
- ((IgniteKernal)ignite).getCache(CACHE_REPLICATED) to ignite.cache(CACHE_REPLICATED)
- ((IgniteKernal)ignite).getCache(CACHE_PARTITIONED) to ignite.cache(CACHE_PARTITIONED)
- cache to cache.unwrap(Ignite.class).transactions()
- ((IgniteKernal)ignite).getCache(CACHE_COLOCATED) to ignite.cache(CACHE_COLOCATED)
- ((IgniteKernal)ignite).getCache(CACHE_LOCAL) to ignite.cache(CACHE_LOCAL)
- cache.peek(i) to cache.localPeek(i)
- F.asList(SWAP) to CachePeekMode.SWAP
- multithreadedAsync(new Runnable(){ @Override public void run(){ try { Cache.Entry<Long,Long> ohIt=cache.swapIterator(); int cnt=0; while (ohIt.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<Long,Long>; assertEquals(e.getKey(),e.getValue()); cnt++; } assertEquals(ENTRY_CNT - cache.offHeapEntriesCount(),cnt); } catch ( int ignored) { fail(); } } } ,20) to multithreadedAsync(new Runnable(){ @Override public void run(){ int cnt=0; for ( Cache.Entry<Long,Long> e : cache.localEntries(CachePeekMode.SWAP)) { assertEquals(e.getKey(),e.getValue()); cnt++; } assertEquals(ENTRY_CNT - cache.localSize(CachePeekMode.OFFHEAP),cnt); } } ,20)
- cache.offHeapEntriesCount() to CachePeekMode.OFFHEAP
- CachePeekMode.OFFHEAP to cache.localSize(CachePeekMode.OFFHEAP)
- cache.offHeapEntriesCount() to CachePeekMode.OFFHEAP
- CachePeekMode.OFFHEAP to cache.localSize(CachePeekMode.OFFHEAP)
- cache.offHeapEntriesCount() to cache.localSize(CachePeekMode.OFFHEAP)
- cache.offHeapEntriesCount() to cache.localSize(CachePeekMode.OFFHEAP)
- cache.offHeapEntriesCount() to cache.localSize(CachePeekMode.OFFHEAP)
- cache.peek(i) to cache.localPeek(i)
- Other
- "swap: " + c.swapKeys() to CachePeekMode.SWAP
- cache.offHeapEntriesCount() > 0 to CachePeekMode.OFFHEAP
- Cascading Type Change (Similar)
- GridCache<Integer,EnemyCamp> to IgniteCache<Integer,EnemyCamp>
- GridCache<Integer,EnemyCamp> to IgniteCache<Integer,EnemyCamp>
- GridCache<Integer,EnemyCamp> to IgniteCache<Integer,EnemyCamp>
- GridCache to IgniteCache
- GridCache to IgniteCache
- GridCache to IgniteCache
- GridCache to IgniteCache
- GridCache<Integer,Integer> to IgniteCache<Integer,Integer>
- Cascading Type Change (Different)
- Rename Variable