Change Parameter Type lifespan : int to lifespan : long in method public PutAllOperation(codec Codec, transportFactory TransportFactory, map Map<byte[],byte[]>, cacheName byte[], topologyId AtomicInteger, flags Flag[], lifespan long, lifespanTimeUnit TimeUnit, maxIdle long, maxIdleTimeUnit TimeUnit) in class org.infinispan.client.hotrod.impl.operations.PutAllOperation |
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Change Parameter Type maxIdle : int to maxIdle : long in method public newPutAllOperation(map Map<byte[],byte[]>, lifespan long, lifespanTimeUnit TimeUnit, maxIdle long, maxIdleTimeUnit TimeUnit) : PutAllOperation in class org.infinispan.client.hotrod.impl.operations.OperationsFactory |
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Change Parameter Type maxIdle : int to maxIdle : long in method public PutAllOperation(codec Codec, transportFactory TransportFactory, map Map<byte[],byte[]>, cacheName byte[], topologyId AtomicInteger, flags Flag[], lifespan long, lifespanTimeUnit TimeUnit, maxIdle long, maxIdleTimeUnit TimeUnit) in class org.infinispan.client.hotrod.impl.operations.PutAllOperation |
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Change Parameter Type lifespan : int to lifespan : long in method public newPutAllOperation(map Map<byte[],byte[]>, lifespan long, lifespanTimeUnit TimeUnit, maxIdle long, maxIdleTimeUnit TimeUnit) : PutAllOperation in class org.infinispan.client.hotrod.impl.operations.OperationsFactory |
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Change Parameter Type maxIdle : long to lifespanTimeUnit : TimeUnit in method public PutIfAbsentOperation(codec Codec, transportFactory TransportFactory, key byte[], cacheName byte[], topologyId AtomicInteger, flags Flag[], value byte[], lifespan long, lifespanTimeUnit TimeUnit, maxIdleTime long, maxIdleTimeUnit TimeUnit) in class org.infinispan.client.hotrod.impl.operations.PutIfAbsentOperation |
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Rename Parameter maxIdle : long to lifespanTimeUnit : TimeUnit in method public PutIfAbsentOperation(codec Codec, transportFactory TransportFactory, key byte[], cacheName byte[], topologyId AtomicInteger, flags Flag[], value byte[], lifespan long, lifespanTimeUnit TimeUnit, maxIdleTime long, maxIdleTimeUnit TimeUnit) in class org.infinispan.client.hotrod.impl.operations.PutIfAbsentOperation |
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Rename Parameter maxIdle : long to maxIdleTime : long in method public newPutIfAbsentOperation(key byte[], value byte[], lifespan long, lifespanUnit TimeUnit, maxIdleTime long, maxIdleTimeUnit TimeUnit) : PutIfAbsentOperation in class org.infinispan.client.hotrod.impl.operations.OperationsFactory |
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Rename Parameter maxIdle : long to maxIdleTime : long in method public PutIfAbsentOperation(codec Codec, transportFactory TransportFactory, key byte[], cacheName byte[], topologyId AtomicInteger, flags Flag[], value byte[], lifespan long, lifespanTimeUnit TimeUnit, maxIdleTime long, maxIdleTimeUnit TimeUnit) in class org.infinispan.client.hotrod.impl.operations.PutIfAbsentOperation |
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