Rename Method public selectMisfiredTriggersInStates(conn Connection, state1 String, state2 String, ts long, count int, resultList List) : boolean renamed to public selectMisfiredTriggersInState(conn Connection, state String, ts long) : List<TriggerKey> in class org.jbpm.process.core.timer.impl.quartz.DeploymentsAwarePostgreSQLDelegate |
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Rename Method public countMisfiredTriggersInStates(conn Connection, state1 String, state2 String, ts long) : int renamed to public countMisfiredTriggersInState(conn Connection, state1 String, ts long) : int in class org.jbpm.process.core.timer.impl.quartz.DeploymentsAwarePostgreSQLDelegate |
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Rename Method public countMisfiredTriggersInStates(conn Connection, state1 String, state2 String, ts long) : int renamed to public countMisfiredTriggersInState(conn Connection, state1 String, ts long) : int in class org.jbpm.process.core.timer.impl.quartz.DeploymentsAwareStdJDBCDelegate |
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Rename Method public selectMisfiredTriggersInStates(conn Connection, state1 String, state2 String, ts long, count int, resultList List) : boolean renamed to public selectMisfiredTriggersInState(conn Connection, state String, ts long) : List<TriggerKey> in class org.jbpm.process.core.timer.impl.quartz.DeploymentsAwareStdJDBCDelegate |
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Change Return Type boolean to List<TriggerKey> in method public selectMisfiredTriggersInState(conn Connection, state String, ts long) : List<TriggerKey> in class org.jbpm.process.core.timer.impl.quartz.DeploymentsAwareStdJDBCDelegate |
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Change Return Type List to List<TriggerKey> in method public selectTriggerToAcquire(conn Connection, noLaterThan long, noEarlierThan long, maxCount int) : List<TriggerKey> in class org.jbpm.process.core.timer.impl.quartz.DeploymentsAwarePostgreSQLDelegate |
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Change Return Type boolean to List<TriggerKey> in method public selectMisfiredTriggersInState(conn Connection, state String, ts long) : List<TriggerKey> in class org.jbpm.process.core.timer.impl.quartz.DeploymentsAwarePostgreSQLDelegate |
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Change Return Type List to List<TriggerKey> in method public selectTriggerToAcquire(conn Connection, noLaterThan long, noEarlierThan long, maxCount int) : List<TriggerKey> in class org.jbpm.process.core.timer.impl.quartz.DeploymentsAwareStdJDBCDelegate |
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