boolean to int
No. of Instances - 3
No. of Commits - 2
No. of Projects - {'jgit'}
Hierarchy/Composition: -
Primitive Info: -
NameSpace: Jdk -> Jdk
- Add or Remove Method invocation
- mWorkerHosts.contains(container.getNodeId().getHost()) to mMaxWorkersPerHost
- b1.isDirect() to b1.readableBytes()
- b2.isDirect() to b2.readableBytes()
- c.getBoolean("fetch","useminimalnegotiation",false) to c.getInt("fetch","maxhaves",Integer.MAX_VALUE)
- getBoolean to getInt
- SINGLETON to MAX_BATCH_SIZE.resolveModelAttribute(context,model)
- SINGLETON.resolveModelAttribute(context,model) to MAX_BATCH_SIZE
- new ConfigurationBuilder().persistence().passivation(this.passivation).addStore(this.builderClass).fetchPersistentState(this.fetchState).preload(this.preload).purgeOnStartup(this.purge).shared(this.shared).singleton().enabled(this.singleton) to new ConfigurationBuilder().persistence().passivation(this.passivation).addStore(this.builderClass).fetchPersistentState(this.fetchState).maxBatchSize(this.maxBatchSize).preload(this.preload).purgeOnStartup(this.purge).shared(this.shared)
- DFSUtilClient.isLocalAddress(NetUtils.createSocketAddr(datanodeID.getXferAddr())) to networkDistance
- DFSUtilClient.isLocalAddress(NetUtils.createSocketAddr(datanodeID.getXferAddr())) to networkDistance
- isDense(chunk,nodeId) to nodeHasChanged
- mask to isDense(array,nodeId)
- Arrays.toString(value) to value
- Rename Variable
- mOneWorkerPerHost to mMaxWorkersPerHost
- mOneWorkerPerHost to mMaxWorkersPerHost
- mLoadDirectChildren to mLoadDescendantLevels
- mLoadDirectChildren to mLoadDescendantLevels
- mLoadDirectChildren to mLoadDescendantLevels
- isLoadDirectChildren to loadDescendantLevels
- isLoadDirectChildren to loadDescendantLevels
- mLoadDirectChildren to mLoadDescendantLevels
- mLoadDirectChildren to mLoadDescendantLevels
- mLoadDirectChildren to mLoadDescendantLevels
- isLoadDirectChildren to loadDescendantLevels
- isLoadDirectChildren to loadDescendantLevels
- deleteTaskHistoryBytesInsteadOfEntireRow to deleteTaskHistoryBytesAfterDays
- deleteTaskHistoryBytesInsteadOfEntireRow to deleteTaskHistoryBytesAfterDays
- hasNext to size
- start to expectedMembers
- isAddingPKColumn to numPkColumnsAdded
- execute to executeBatch
- canBeOverwritten to getMergeStatus
- canBeOverwritten to getMergeStatus
- hasRegion to unmatchedLineIndex
- isDirect to readableBytes
- minimalNegotiation to maxHaves
- minimalNegotiation to maxHaves
- minimalNegotiation to maxHaves
- summaryOutput to summaryOutputOffset
- b to offset
- ignoreCase to flags
- ignoreCase to flags
- pingConnection to pingConnectionInterval
- pingConnection to pingConnectionInterval
- pingConnection to pingConnectionInterval
- pingConnection to pingConnectionInterval
- pingConnection to pingConnectionInterval
- requireAtLeastOneUpperCaseCharacter to requireUpperCaseCharacter
- requireAtLeastOneUpperCaseCharacter to requireUpperCaseCharacter
- requireAtLeastOneLowerCaseCharacter to requireLowerCaseCharacter
- requireAtLeastOneSpecialCharacter to requireSpecialCharacter
- requireAtLeastOneLowerCaseCharacter to requireLowerCaseCharacter
- requireAtLeastOneDigit to requireDigit
- requireAtLeastOneDigit to requireDigit
- requireAtLeastOneSpecialCharacter to requireSpecialCharacter
- includeCount to expandLimit
- includeCount to expandLimit
- enableAutoBalance to nSplitsPerRegion
- previousWasColon to precedingColonsCount
- transactionDisassociatedFromApplication to associationCounter
- singleton to maxBatchSize
- singleton to maxBatchSize
- retryForever to maxNumRetries
- hasSuccessfulCheckpoints to successfulCheckpoints
- hasSuccessfulCheckpoints to successfulCheckpoints
- enabled to numPQueryThreads
- isLocal to networkDistance
- isLocal to networkDistance
- hasMoreResults to total
- hasMoreResults to total
- hasMoreResults to total
- reconnect to connIdx
- reconnect to connIdx
- reconnect to connIdx
- reconnect to connIdx
- reconnect to connIdx
- reconnect to connIdx
- allowMultipleProcessors to maxProcessors
- allowMultipleProcessors to maxProcessors
- allowMultipleProcessors to maxProcessors
- orderedTickets to orderingGuarantees
- orderedTickets to orderingGuarantees
- orderedTickets to orderingGuarantees
- orderedTickets to orderingGuarantees
- orderedTickets to orderingGuarantees
- orderedTickets to orderingGuarantees
- orderedTickets to orderingGuarantees
- onlyCores to numberOfCores
- awaitAllProcessed to flags
- awaitAllProcessed to flags
- denseNodes to nodeTypes
- denseNodes to nodeTypes
- denseNodes to nodeTypes
- denseNodes to nodeTypes
- denseNodes to nodeTypes
- denseNodes to nodeTypes
- denseNodes to nodeTypes
- denseNodes to nodeTypes
- valid to logicalIndex
- Introduce Literal
- false to removed
- false to cnt
- false to cnt
- false to JOptionPane.NO_OPTION
- false to i
- true to h
- true to rc
- false to incompatibilities
- false to removedCount
- true to res
- false to res
- false to res
- true to res
- true to res
- true to res
- false to Remove.FOUND
- true to res
- true to res
- true to res
- false to res
- false to res
- false to res
- true to changeCount
- Cascading Type Change (Similar)
- Rename Method invocation
- nextBoolean to nextInt
- nextBoolean to nextInt
- readBoolean to readInt
- Other
- && to +
- awaitAllProcessed ? TaskExecutor.SF_AWAIT_ALL_COMPLETED : 0 to flags
- awaitAllProcessed ? TaskExecutor.SF_AWAIT_ALL_COMPLETED : 0 to flags
- Update argument list (Method invocation)
- lockTail to lockTail
- doLockTail to doLockTail
- Update String Literal