Change Parameter Type currency : String to currency : Currency in method public AccountJson(accountId UUID, name String, firstNameLength Integer, externalKey String, email String, billCycleDayLocal Integer, currency Currency, parentAccountId UUID, isPaymentDelegatedToParent Boolean, paymentMethodId UUID, referenceTime DateTime, timeZone String, address1 String, address2 String, postalCode String, company String, city String, state String, country String, locale String, phone String, notes String, isMigrated Boolean, isNotifiedForInvoices Boolean, accountBalance BigDecimal, accountCBA BigDecimal, auditLogs List<AuditLogJson>) in class org.killbill.billing.jaxrs.json.AccountJson |
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Change Parameter Type status : String to status : InvoiceStatus in method public InvoiceJson(amount BigDecimal, currency Currency, status InvoiceStatus, creditAdj BigDecimal, refundAdj BigDecimal, invoiceId UUID, invoiceDate LocalDate, targetDate LocalDate, invoiceNumber String, balance BigDecimal, accountId UUID, bundleKeys String, credits List<CreditJson>, items List<InvoiceItemJson>, isParentInvoice Boolean, parentInvoiceId UUID, parentAccountId UUID, auditLogs List<AuditLogJson>) in class org.killbill.billing.jaxrs.json.InvoiceJson |
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Change Parameter Type currency : String to currency : Currency in method public InvoiceItemJson(invoiceItemId UUID, invoiceId UUID, linkedInvoiceItemId UUID, accountId UUID, childAccountId UUID, bundleId UUID, subscriptionId UUID, planName String, phaseName String, usageName String, prettyPlanName String, prettyPhaseName String, prettyUsageName String, itemType InvoiceItemType, description String, startDate LocalDate, endDate LocalDate, amount BigDecimal, rate BigDecimal, currency Currency, quantity Integer, itemDetails String, childItems List<InvoiceItemJson>, auditLogs List<AuditLogJson>) in class org.killbill.billing.jaxrs.json.InvoiceItemJson |
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Change Parameter Type currency : String to currency : Currency in method public InvoiceJson(amount BigDecimal, currency Currency, status InvoiceStatus, creditAdj BigDecimal, refundAdj BigDecimal, invoiceId UUID, invoiceDate LocalDate, targetDate LocalDate, invoiceNumber String, balance BigDecimal, accountId UUID, bundleKeys String, credits List<CreditJson>, items List<InvoiceItemJson>, isParentInvoice Boolean, parentInvoiceId UUID, parentAccountId UUID, auditLogs List<AuditLogJson>) in class org.killbill.billing.jaxrs.json.InvoiceJson |
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Change Parameter Type itemType : String to itemType : InvoiceItemType in method public InvoiceItemJson(invoiceItemId UUID, invoiceId UUID, linkedInvoiceItemId UUID, accountId UUID, childAccountId UUID, bundleId UUID, subscriptionId UUID, planName String, phaseName String, usageName String, prettyPlanName String, prettyPhaseName String, prettyUsageName String, itemType InvoiceItemType, description String, startDate LocalDate, endDate LocalDate, amount BigDecimal, rate BigDecimal, currency Currency, quantity Integer, itemDetails String, childItems List<InvoiceItemJson>, auditLogs List<AuditLogJson>) in class org.killbill.billing.jaxrs.json.InvoiceItemJson |
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