java.lang.Long to java.lang.String
No. of Instances - 1
No. of Commits - 1
No. of Projects - {'nd4j'}
Hierarchy/Composition: SIBLING
Primitive Info: -
NameSpace: Jdk -> Jdk
- Rename Variable
- getTotalBytesOnTiersIterator to getStorageTiersIterator
- _iter57 to _iter143
- mBlockIdsOnDirs to mBlockIdsOnTiers
- mBlockIdsOnDirs to mBlockIdsOnTiers
- mBlockIdsOnDirs to mBlockIdsOnTiers
- blockIds to entry
- blockIds to entry
- _iter23 to _iter102
- dirIdToBlockIds to tierAliasToBlockIds
- dirIdToBlockIds to tierAliasToBlockIds
- dirIdToBlockIds to tierAliasToBlockIds
- recordId to sessionIdString
- recordId to sessionIdString
- statusUpdateIntervalInSecs to statusUpdateInterval
- statusUpdateIntervalInSecs to statusUpdateInterval
- statusUpdateIntervalInSecs to statusUpdateInterval
- statusUpdateIntervalInSecs to statusUpdateInterval
- statusUpdateIntervalInSecs to statusUpdateInterval
- statusUpdateIntervalInSecs to statusUpdateInterval
- statusUpdateIntervalInSecs to statusUpdateInterval
- statusUpdateIntervalInSecs to statusUpdateInterval
- statusUpdateIntervalInSecs to statusUpdateInterval
- statusUpdateIntervalInSecs to statusUpdateInterval
- timeseries to conf
- inodeId to path
- inodeId to path
- inodeId to path
- inodeId to path
- nextSPSPathId to nextSPSPath
- nextSPSPathId to nextSPSPath
- getNextSPSPathId to getNextSPSPath
- resourceId to projectUuid
- rootId to rootUuid
- rootId to rootUuid
- rootId to rootUuid
- getOrderedComponentIds to getOrderedComponentUuids
- orderedComponentIds to orderedComponentUuids
- orderedComponentIds to orderedComponentUuids
- orderedComponentIds to orderedComponentUuids
- orderedComponentIds to orderedComponentUuids
- orderedComponentIds to orderedComponentUuids
- projectId to projectUuid
- rootProjectId to rootComponentUuid
- componentId to componentUuid
- rootProjectId to rootComponentUuid
- rootProjectId to rootComponentUuid
- componentId to componentUuid
- referenceComponentsById to referenceComponentsByUuid
- referenceComponentsById to referenceComponentsByUuid
- rootId to rootUuid
- referenceComponentsById to referenceComponentsByUuid
- parentProjectsById to parentProjectsByUuid
- developerId to developerUuid
- referenceComponentIds to referenceComponentUUids
- referenceComponentIds to referenceComponentUUids
- referenceComponentIds to referenceComponentUUids
- resourceRootId to rootComponentUuid
- developerId to developerUuid
- referenceComponentsById to referenceComponentsByUuid
- referenceComponentsById to referenceComponentsByUuid
- rootId to rootUuid
- subProjectsById to subProjectsByUuid
- subProjectsById to subProjectsByUuid
- rootId to rootUuid
- componentId to componentUUid
- rootId to rootUuid
- projectId to rootUuid
- projectId to rootUuid
- referenceComponentsById to referenceComponentsByUuid
- referenceComponentsById to referenceComponentsByUuid
- referenceComponentsById to referenceComponentsByUuid
- getReferenceComponentsById to getReferenceComponentsByUuid
- referenceComponentUuidsById to referenceComponentsByUuid
- referenceComponentUuidsById to referenceComponentsByUuid
- snapshotId to analysisUuid
- snapshotId to analysisUuidFromRequest
- projectSnapshotId to analysisUuid
- snapshotIdsPartition to snapshotUuidsPartition
- projectSnapshotId to analysisUuid
- projectSnapshotId to analysisUuid
- partSnapshotIds to partSnapshotUuids
- partSnapshotIds to partSnapshotUuids
- projectSnapshotId to analysisUuid
- projectSnapshotId to analysisUuid
- projectSnapshotId to analysisUuid
- selectSnapshotIds to selectSnapshotUuids
- id to uuid
- id to uuid
- projectIds to projectUuids
- id to uuid
- startedOn to system
- startedOn to system
- startedOn to system
- startedOn to system
- startedOn to system
- startedOn to system
- startedOn to system
- Cascading Type Change (Different)
- HashMap<Long,List<Long>> to HashMap<String,List<Long>>
- HashMap<Long,List<Long>> to HashMap<String,List<Long>>
- long to String
- UpgradeCommand to ExplicitUpgradeCommand
- HashMap<Long,Context> to HashMap<String,Context>
- long to String
- Collection<Long> to Set<String>
- Cascading Type Change (Similar)
- Map<Long,List<Long>> to Map<String,List<Long>>
- Map<Long,List<Long>> to Map<String,List<Long>>
- Long to String
- Long to String
- WithCaching<Long,UUID> to WithCaching<String,UUID>
- Long to String
- Long to String
- Long to String
- Long to String
- Long to String
- List<Long> to List<String>
- Long to String
- Map<Long,ComponentDto> to Map<String,ComponentDto>
- Long to String
- Add or Remove Method invocation
- dir.getBlockIds() to blockIdsOnTier
- dir.getStorageDirId() to tier.getTierAlias()
- dir.getBlockIds() to blockIdsOnTier
- dir.getStorageDirId() to tier.getTierAlias()
- child.getFrameInfo().getMethodId() to child.getKey()
- submit(new MembershipGroupCommands.Join()) to submit(new MembershipGroupCommands.Join(UUID.randomUUID().toString(),false))
- memberId to commit.operation().member()
- Restrictions.eq(CTL_SCHEMA_DEPENDENCY_ID_ALIAS,schemaId) to Restrictions.eq(CTL_SCHEMA_DEPENDENCY_ID_ALIAS,Long.valueOf(schemaId))
- span.getTraceId() to span.getTracerId()
- nextSPSPathId.hasFileId() to nextSPSPath.hasSpsPath()
- nextSPSPathId.getFileId() to nextSPSPath.getSpsPath()
- resource.getId() to resource.getUuid()
- Lists.transform(snapshotOrdering.immutableSortedCopy(ancestorsSnapshots),SnapshotDtoFunctions.toComponentId()) to Lists.transform(snapshotOrdering.immutableSortedCopy(ancestorsSnapshots),SnapshotDtoFunctions.toComponentUuid())
- new SnapshotQuery().setComponentId(projectId) to new SnapshotQuery().setComponentUuid(projectUuid)
- ComponentTreeData.builder().setBaseComponent(baseComponent).setComponentsFromDb(components).setComponentCount(componentCount).setMeasuresByComponentUuidAndMetric(measuresByComponentUuidAndMetric).setMetrics(metrics).setPeriods(periods).setReferenceComponentsById(referenceComponentsById) to ComponentTreeData.builder().setBaseComponent(baseComponent).setComponentsFromDb(components).setComponentCount(componentCount).setMeasuresByComponentUuidAndMetric(measuresByComponentUuidAndMetric).setMetrics(metrics).setPeriods(periods).setReferenceComponentsByUuid(referenceComponentsById)
- component.getCopyResourceId() to component.getCopyResourceUuid()
- component.getCopyResourceId() to component.getCopyResourceUuid()
- from(components).transform(ComponentDtoWithSnapshotIdToCopyResourceIdFunction.INSTANCE).filter(Predicates.<String>notNull()) to from(components).transform(ComponentDto::getCopyResourceUuid).filter(Predicates.<String>notNull())
- selectByIds to uniqueIndex
- project.getId() to project.uuid()
- when(taskResult.getSnapshotId()) to when(taskResult.getAnalysisUuid())
- snapshotId to java.util.Optional.ofNullable(analysisUuid)
- selectById to selectByUuid
- projectSnapshot.getId() to projectSnapshot.getUuid()
- setRootSnapshotId to setAnalysisUuid
- assertThat(dbClient.componentLinkDao().selectById(dbSession,id)) to assertThat(dbClient.projectLinkDao().selectByUuid(dbSession,uuid))
- Update String Literal
- Convert Class instance creation to method invocation
- Other
- Rename Method invocation
- addAllFileIdsToProcess to addAllFilesToProcess
- getNextSPSPathId to getNextSPSPath
- getRootId to getProjectUuid
- getRootId to getRootUuid
- getRootId to getRootUuid
- selectById to selectByUuid
- searchReferenceComponentUuidsById to searchreferenceComponentsByUuid
- keepAuthorizedProjectIds to keepAuthorizedProjectUuids