java.util.Map to java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap
No. of Instances - 2
No. of Commits - 1
No. of Projects - {'orbit'}
Hierarchy/Composition: T_SUPER_R
Primitive Info: -
NameSpace: Jdk -> Jdk
- Cascading Type Change (Different)
- HashMap<> to ConcurrentHashMap<>
- MapBinaryLocator to AgentBuilder.BinaryLocator.WithTypePoolCache.Simple
- HashMap<String,byte[]> to ConcurrentHashMap<String,byte[]>
- Hashtable<String,Database> to ConcurrentHashMap<String,Database>
- HashMap<> to ConcurrentHashMap<>
- HashMap<> to ConcurrentHashMap<>
- HashMap<> to ConcurrentHashMap<>
- HashMap<> to ConcurrentHashMap8<>
- HashMap to ConcurrentHashMap8
- LinkedHashMap<> to ConcurrentHashMap<>
- Add or Remove Method invocation
- OGlobalConfiguration.PROFILER_MAXVALUES to PROFILER_MAXVALUES.getValueAsInteger()
- OGlobalConfiguration.PROFILER_MAXVALUES.getValueAsInteger() to PROFILER_MAXVALUES
- NUM_KEYS to String.valueOf(invalidationCounts)
- joinerSize to String.valueOf(invalidationCounts)
- map.remove(k) to map.computeIfPresent(k,(key,holder) -> notExpiredOrNull(holder))
- acceptApplicationSet to Sets.newConcurrentHashSet()
- bucketEntry.equals(backingMap.remove(cacheKey)) to backingMap.remove(cacheKey,bucketEntry)
- kv to cell.getQualifierArray()
- kv.getQualifierArray() to cell
- CellUtil to cell.getValueArray()
- CellUtil.cloneValue(kv) to cell
- kv to cell.getQualifierArray()
- kv.getQualifierArray() to cell
- CellUtil to cell.getValueArray()
- CellUtil.cloneValue(kv) to cell
- Maps.newHashMap() to Maps.newConcurrentMap()
- widgetId to dashboardWidget.getId()
- Rename Method invocation
- put to putIfAbsent
- put to putIfAbsent
- put to putIfAbsent
- put to putIfAbsent
- put to putIfAbsent
- put to putIfAbsent
- put to putIfAbsent
- put to putIfAbsent
- put to putIfAbsent
- put to putIfAbsent
- put to putIfAbsent
- Rename Variable
- data to writeMap
- data to writeMap
- data to writeMap
- compiledScriptMap to compiledScripts
- scriptEngineMap to scriptEngines
- workers to usedWorkersByPeer
- typeMappers to cls2Mappers
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- typeIds to types
- Update argument list (Method invocation)
- assertEquals to assertEquals
- assertEquals to assertEquals
- assertEquals to assertEquals
- assertEquals to assertEquals
- assertEquals to assertEquals
- assertEquals to assertEquals
- Cascading Type Change (Similar)
- StoredValue to Supplier<Object>
- Map<Integer,Class> to ConcurrentMap<Integer,BinaryInternalMapper>
- Map<Integer,Class> to ConcurrentMap<Integer,BinaryInternalMapper>
- Map<Integer,Class> to ConcurrentMap<Integer,BinaryInternalMapper>
- Map<Integer,Class> to ConcurrentMap<Integer,BinaryInternalMapper>
- Map<Integer,Class> to ConcurrentMap<Integer,BinaryInternalMapper>
- Map<Integer,Class> to ConcurrentMap<Integer,BinaryInternalMapper>
- Map<Integer,Class> to ConcurrentMap<Integer,BinaryInternalMapper>
- Map<Integer,Class> to ConcurrentMap<Integer,BinaryInternalMapper>
- Map<Integer,Class> to ConcurrentMap<Integer,BinaryInternalMapper>
- Map<Integer,Class> to ConcurrentMap<Integer,BinaryInternalMapper>
- Map<Integer,Class> to ConcurrentMap<Integer,BinaryInternalMapper>
- Map<Integer,Class> to ConcurrentMap<Integer,BinaryInternalMapper>
- Other
- Update String Literal
- "userTypes" to "typeId2Mapper"
- "userTypes" to "typeId2Mapper"
- "userTypes" to "typeId2Mapper"
- "userTypes" to "typeId2Mapper"
- "userTypes" to "typeId2Mapper"
- "userTypes" to "typeId2Mapper"
- "userTypes" to "typeId2Mapper"
- "userTypes" to "typeId2Mapper"
- "userTypes" to "typeId2Mapper"
- "userTypes" to "typeId2Mapper"
- "userTypes" to "typeId2Mapper"
- "userTypes" to "typeId2Mapper"