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int to com.orientechnologies.orient.client.remote.OStorageRemoteSession
No. of Instances - 1
No. of Commits - 1
No. of Projects - {'orientdb'}
Hierarchy/Composition: Composition
Primitive Info: -
NameSpace: Jdk -> Internal
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{ @Override public OStorageOperationResult<Boolean> execute( final OChannelBinaryAsynchClient network) throws IOException { int pMode; if (mode == 1 && callback == null) pMode=2; else pMode=mode; try { beginRequest(network,OChannelBinaryProtocol.REQUEST_RECORD_HIDE); network.writeRID(recordId); network.writeByte((byte)pMode); } finally { endRequest(network); } switch (pMode) { case 0: try { beginResponse(network); return new OStorageOperationResult<Boolean>(network.readByte() == 1); } finally { endResponse(network); } case 1: if (callback != null) { final int sessionId=getSessionId(); Callable<Object> response=new Callable<Object>(){ public Object call() throws Exception { Boolean result; try { getCurrentSession().sessionId=sessionId; beginResponse(network); result=network.readByte() == 1; } finally { endResponse(network); getCurrentSession().sessionId=-1; },result); return null; } } ; asynchExecutor.submit(new FutureTask<Object>(response)); } } return new OStorageOperationResult<Boolean>(false); } }
{ @Override public OStorageOperationResult<Boolean> execute( final OChannelBinaryAsynchClient network) throws IOException { int pMode; if (mode == 1 && callback == null) pMode=2; else pMode=mode; try { beginRequest(network,OChannelBinaryProtocol.REQUEST_RECORD_HIDE); network.writeRID(recordId); network.writeByte((byte)pMode); } finally { endRequest(network); } switch (pMode) { case 0: try { beginResponse(network); return new OStorageOperationResult<Boolean>(network.readByte() == 1); } finally { endResponse(network); } case 1: if (callback != null) { final OStorageRemoteSession session=getCurrentSession(); Callable<Object> response=new Callable<Object>(){ public Object call() throws Exception { Boolean result; try { setSessionOnThread(session); beginResponse(network); result=network.readByte() == 1; } finally { endResponse(network); setSessionOnThread(null); },result); return null; } } ; asynchExecutor.submit(new FutureTask<Object>(response)); } } return new OStorageOperationResult<Boolean>(false); } }
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