com.tinkerpop.blueprints.impls.orient.OrientBaseGraph to com.orientechnologies.orient.core.db.document.ODatabaseDocument
No. of Instances - 26
No. of Commits - 1
No. of Projects - {'orientdb'}
Hierarchy/Composition: -
Primitive Info: -
NameSpace: Internal -> Internal
- Cascading Type Change (Different)
- OrientVertexType to OClass
- OrientVertexType to OClass
- Vertex to OVertex
- Vertex to OVertex
- OrientVertex to OVertex
- OrientVertex to OVertex
- OrientVertex to OVertex
- OrientVertex to OElement
- OrientVertex to OElement
- OrientVertex to OElement
- OrientVertex to OElement
- OrientVertex to OElement
- OrientVertex to OVertex
- OrientVertexType to OClass
- OrientVertexType to OClass
- OrientEdgeType to OClass
- Vertex to OVertex
- Vertex to OVertex
- OrientVertexType to OClass
- OrientVertexType to OClass
- OrientVertex to OElement
- OrientVertex to OElement
- OrientVertex to OElement
- OrientVertex to OElement
- Vertex to OVertex
- Vertex to OVertex
- OrientVertex to OElement
- OrientVertex to OElement
- OrientVertex to OElement
- OrientVertex to OElement
- OrientVertex to OElement
- Rename Method invocation
- createVertexType to createVertexClass
- getVertexType to createVertexClass
- addVertex to newVertex
- shutdown to close
- addVertex to newVertex
- createVertexType to createVertexClass
- shutdown to close
- shutdown to close
- shutdown to close
- shutdown to close
- shutdown to close
- shutdown to close
- addVertex to newVertex
- addVertex to newVertex
- addVertex to newVertex
- shutdown to close
- getVertex to load
- shutdown to close
- getVertex to load
- shutdown to close
- getVertex to load
- shutdown to close
- getVertex to load
- shutdown to close
- getVertex to load
- shutdown to close
- createEdgeType to createEdgeClass
- createVertexType to createVertexClass
- shutdown to close
- getVertex to load
- shutdown to close
- getVertexType to getClass
- createVertexType to createVertexClass
- getEdgeType to getClass
- createVertexType to createVertexClass
- getVertexType to getClass
- createEdgeType to createEdgeClass
- shutdown to close
- shutdown to close
- shutdown to close
- shutdown to close
- shutdown to close
- shutdown to begin
- addVertex to newVertex
- addVertex to newVertex
- createVertexType to createVertexClass
- getVertexType to createVertexClass
- shutdown to close
- getVertex to load
- shutdown to close
- getVertex to load
- shutdown to close
- getVertex to load
- shutdown to close
- getVertex to load
- shutdown to close
- addVertex to newVertex
- shutdown to begin
- getVertexType to getClass
- createVertexType to createVertexClass
- addVertex to newVertex
- shutdown to close
- shutdown to close
- getVertex to load
- shutdown to close
- getVertex to load
- shutdown to close
- getVertex to load
- shutdown to close
- getVertex to load
- shutdown to close
- getVertex to load
- shutdown to close
- shutdown to close
- Update String Literal
- "class:Test" to "class:Test1"
- "class:Test" to "Test"
- "class:Test1" to "Test1"
- "class:TestNode" to "TestNode"
- "class:TestNode" to "TestNode"
- Add or Remove Method invocation
- localFactory1.getTx() to localFactory1.acquire()
- graph.addVertex("Employee",localCluster) to graph.newVertex("Employee")
- localFactory1.getTx() to localFactory1.acquire()
- graph.getRawGraph().getStorage() to ((ODatabaseInternal)graph).getStorage()
- localFactory1.getTx() to localFactory1.acquire()
- graph.getRawGraph().getStorage() to ((ODatabaseInternal)graph).getStorage()
- localFactory1.getTx() to localFactory1.acquire()
- localFactory0.getNoTx() to localFactory0.acquire()
- graph.countVertices("Employee") to graph.getClass("Employee").count()
- localFactory1.getNoTx() to localFactory1.acquire()
- graph.countVertices("Employee") to graph.getClass("Employee").count()
- localFactory2.getNoTx() to localFactory2.acquire()
- graph.countVertices("Employee") to graph.getClass("Employee").count()
- graph.addVertex("class:ProductType") to graph.newVertex("ProductType")
- localFactory0.getNoTx() to localFactory0.acquire()
- localFactory1.getNoTx() to localFactory1.acquire()
- localFactory0.getNoTx() to localFactory0.acquire()
- localFactory1.getNoTx() to localFactory1.acquire()
- localFactory2.getNoTx() to localFactory2.acquire()
- orientGraph.createEdgeType(edgeClassName) to orientGraph.createEdgeClass(edgeClassName)
- orientGraph.getVertexType(vertexClassName) to orientGraph.createVertexClass(vertexClassName)
- orientGraph.createVertexType(vertexClassName) to orientGraph.getClass(vertexClassName)
- graph.addVertex("class:Product-Type") to graph.newVertex("Product-Type")
- graph.addVertex("class:Hobby-Type") to graph.newVertex("Hobby-Type")
- factory.getNoTx() to factory.acquire()
- graph.addVertex("class:Client-Type") to graph.newVertex("Client-Type")
- graph.getRawGraph() to graph
- localFactory.getNoTx() to localFactory.acquire()
- factory.getNoTx() to factory.acquire()
- graph.addVertex("class:ProductType") to graph.newVertex("ProductType")
- localFactory0.getNoTx() to localFactory0.acquire()
- localFactory0.getNoTx() to localFactory0.acquire()
- localFactory1.getNoTx() to localFactory1.acquire()
- localFactory2.getNoTx() to localFactory2.acquire()
- db.getRawGraph().getMetadata().getSchema() to db.getMetadata().getSchema()
- db.getRawGraph().getMetadata() to db.getMetadata()
- graph.getVertexType("TestNode").getClusterSelection() to graph.getClass("TestNode").getClusterSelection()
- graph.getVertexType("TestNode").getClusterSelection() to graph.getClass("TestNode").getClusterSelection()
- graph.getRawGraph().getURL().startsWith("remote:") to graph.getURL().startsWith("remote:")
- graph.getRawGraph().getURL().startsWith("remote:") to graph.getURL().startsWith("remote:")
- graph.addVertex("class:ProductType") to graph.newVertex("ProductType")
- localFactory0.getNoTx() to localFactory0.acquire()
- localFactory1.getNoTx() to localFactory1.acquire()
- localFactory0.getNoTx() to localFactory0.acquire()
- localFactory1.getNoTx() to localFactory1.acquire()
- localFactory2.getNoTx() to localFactory2.acquire()