No. of Instances - 2
No. of Commits - 2
No. of Projects - {'pinpoint'}
Hierarchy/Composition: SIBLING
Primitive Info: -
NameSpace: Jdk -> Jdk
- Cascading Type Change (Similar)
- Rename Variable
- remoteURL to remoteURI
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- optionalUrl to optionalUri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- Add or Remove Method invocation
- url.toExternalForm() to TEST_URL
- TEST_URL to url.toString()
- url.getFile() to url.getSchemeSpecificPart()
- addr.getHost() to NodeType.MASTER
- addr.getPort() to addr
- addSlave(address.getHost(),address.getPort(),disconnectedNodes.contains(address),NodeType.SLAVE) to addSlave(address,disconnectedNodes.contains(address),NodeType.SLAVE)
- addr.getHost() to NodeType.MASTER
- addr.getPort() to addr
- GlobalEventExecutor.INSTANCE.schedule(new Runnable(){ @Override public void run(){ AtomicReference<Throwable> lastException=new AtomicReference<Throwable>(); Iterator<URL> nodesIterator=iterator; if (nodesIterator == null) { List<URI> nodes=new ArrayList<URI>(); List<URI> slaves=new ArrayList<URI>(); for ( ClusterPartition partition : getLastPartitions()) { if (!partition.isMasterFail()) { nodes.add(partition.getMasterAddress()); } Set<URI> partitionSlaves=new HashSet<URI>(partition.getSlaveAddresses()); partitionSlaves.removeAll(partition.getFailedSlaveAddresses()); slaves.addAll(partitionSlaves); } nodes.addAll(slaves); nodesIterator=nodes.iterator(); } checkClusterState(cfg,nodesIterator,lastException); } } ,cfg.getScanInterval(),TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) to GlobalEventExecutor.INSTANCE.schedule(new Runnable(){ @Override public void run(){ AtomicReference<Throwable> lastException=new AtomicReference<Throwable>(); Iterator<URI> nodesIterator=iterator; if (nodesIterator == null) { List<URI> nodes=new ArrayList<URI>(); List<URI> slaves=new ArrayList<URI>(); for ( ClusterPartition partition : getLastPartitions()) { if (!partition.isMasterFail()) { nodes.add(partition.getMasterAddress()); } Set<URI> partitionSlaves=new HashSet<URI>(partition.getSlaveAddresses()); partitionSlaves.removeAll(partition.getFailedSlaveAddresses()); slaves.addAll(partitionSlaves); } nodes.addAll(slaves); nodesIterator=nodes.iterator(); } checkClusterState(cfg,nodesIterator,lastException); } } ,cfg.getScanInterval(),TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
- newUri.getPort() to newUri
- newUri.getHost() to newUri
- uri.getPort() to uri
- uri.getHost() to uri
- url.getProtocol() to uri.getScheme()
- toURL to build
- Convert Class instance creation to method invocation
- Cascading Type Change (Different)
- Update argument list (Method invocation)