Extract And Move Method public of(unscaledValue long, precision int, scale int) : SqlDecimal extracted from public getExpectedValue(start int, length int) : SqlDecimal in class com.facebook.presto.operator.aggregation.TestLongDecimalMinAggregation & moved to class com.facebook.presto.spi.type.SqlDecimal |
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Extract And Move Method public of(unscaledValue long, precision int, scale int) : SqlDecimal extracted from public getExpectedValue(start int, length int) : SqlDecimal in class com.facebook.presto.operator.aggregation.TestShortDecimalMinAggregation & moved to class com.facebook.presto.spi.type.SqlDecimal |
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Extract And Move Method public of(unscaledValue long, precision int, scale int) : SqlDecimal extracted from public getExpectedValue(start int, length int) : SqlDecimal in class com.facebook.presto.operator.aggregation.TestLongDecimalMaxAggregation & moved to class com.facebook.presto.spi.type.SqlDecimal |
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Extract And Move Method public of(unscaledValue long, precision int, scale int) : SqlDecimal extracted from public getExpectedValue(start int, length int) : SqlDecimal in class com.facebook.presto.operator.aggregation.TestShortDecimalMaxAggregation & moved to class com.facebook.presto.spi.type.SqlDecimal |
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