Change Parameter Type fileName : String to fileWriteInfo : FileWriteInfo in method public HiveWriter(fileWriter HiveFileWriter, partitionName Optional<String>, updateMode UpdateMode, fileWriteInfo FileWriteInfo, writePath String, targetPath String, onCommit Consumer<HiveWriter>, hiveWriterStats HiveWriterStats) in class com.facebook.presto.hive.HiveWriter |
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Change Parameter Type fileNames : List<String> to fileWriteInfos : List<FileWriteInfo> in method public PartitionUpdate(name String, updateMode UpdateMode, writePath Path, targetPath Path, fileWriteInfos List<FileWriteInfo>, rowCount long, inMemoryDataSizeInBytes long, onDiskDataSizeInBytes long) in class com.facebook.presto.hive.PartitionUpdate |
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Change Parameter Type fileNames : List<String> to fileWriteInfos : List<FileWriteInfo> in method public PartitionUpdate(name String, updateMode UpdateMode, writePath String, targetPath String, fileWriteInfos List<FileWriteInfo>, rowCount long, inMemoryDataSizeInBytes long, onDiskDataSizeInBytes long) in class com.facebook.presto.hive.PartitionUpdate |
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Rename Variable fileName : String to targetFileName : String in method private computeFileNamesForMissingBuckets(session ConnectorSession, table Table, storageFormat HiveStorageFormat, targetPath Path, filePrefix String, bucketCount int, partitionUpdate PartitionUpdate) : List<String> in class com.facebook.presto.hive.HiveMetadata |
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Rename Variable allFileNames : ImmutableList.Builder<String> to allFileWriterInfos : ImmutableList.Builder<FileWriteInfo> in method public mergePartitionUpdates(unMergedUpdates Iterable<PartitionUpdate>) : List<PartitionUpdate> in class com.facebook.presto.hive.PartitionUpdate |
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Rename Variable fileNames : Set<String> to targetFileNames : Set<String> in method private computeFileNamesForMissingBuckets(session ConnectorSession, table Table, storageFormat HiveStorageFormat, targetPath Path, filePrefix String, bucketCount int, partitionUpdate PartitionUpdate) : List<String> in class com.facebook.presto.hive.HiveMetadata |
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Rename Parameter fileNames : List<String> to fileWriteInfos : List<FileWriteInfo> in method public PartitionUpdate(name String, updateMode UpdateMode, writePath String, targetPath String, fileWriteInfos List<FileWriteInfo>, rowCount long, inMemoryDataSizeInBytes long, onDiskDataSizeInBytes long) in class com.facebook.presto.hive.PartitionUpdate |
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Rename Parameter fileName : String to fileWriteInfo : FileWriteInfo in method public HiveWriter(fileWriter HiveFileWriter, partitionName Optional<String>, updateMode UpdateMode, fileWriteInfo FileWriteInfo, writePath String, targetPath String, onCommit Consumer<HiveWriter>, hiveWriterStats HiveWriterStats) in class com.facebook.presto.hive.HiveWriter |
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Rename Parameter fileNames : List<String> to fileWriteInfos : List<FileWriteInfo> in method public PartitionUpdate(name String, updateMode UpdateMode, writePath Path, targetPath Path, fileWriteInfos List<FileWriteInfo>, rowCount long, inMemoryDataSizeInBytes long, onDiskDataSizeInBytes long) in class com.facebook.presto.hive.PartitionUpdate |
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