Files Diff
- Added: 0
- Removed: 0
- Renamed: 0
- Modified: 1
Refactorings reported:
Refactoring Name | Occurences | ||
Extract Variable | 2 | ||
Extract Variable schema : MessageType in method private createParquetRecordReader(configuration Configuration, path Path, start long, length long, columns List<HiveColumnHandle>, useParquetColumnNames boolean) : ParquetRecordReader<FakeParquetRecord> from class com.facebook.presto.hive.ParquetHiveRecordCursor | From | To | |
Extract Variable partitionKeyValue : String in method public ParquetHiveRecordCursor(configuration Configuration, path Path, start long, length long, splitSchema Properties, partitionKeys List<HivePartitionKey>, columns List<HiveColumnHandle>, useParquetColumnNames boolean, typeManager TypeManager) from class com.facebook.presto.hive.ParquetHiveRecordCursor | From | To | |
Extract Method | 1 | ||
Extract Method private createGroupConverter(prestoType Type, columnName String, parquetType Type) : GroupedConverter extracted from private createConverter(prestoType Type, columnName String, type Type) : BlockConverter in class com.facebook.presto.hive.ParquetHiveRecordCursor | From | To | |
Extract And Move Method | 1 | ||
Extract And Move Method private createGroupConverter(prestoType Type, columnName String, parquetType Type) : GroupedConverter extracted from public PrestoReadSupport(useParquetColumnNames boolean, columns List<HiveColumnHandle>, messageType MessageType) in class com.facebook.presto.hive.ParquetHiveRecordCursor.PrestoReadSupport & moved to class com.facebook.presto.hive.ParquetHiveRecordCursor | From | To | |
Rename Parameter | 1 | ||
Rename Parameter type : Type to parquetType : Type in method private createConverter(prestoType Type, columnName String, parquetType Type) : BlockConverter in class com.facebook.presto.hive.ParquetHiveRecordCursor | From | To |