long to int
No. of Instances - 13
No. of Commits - 2
No. of Projects - {'redisson'}
Hierarchy/Composition: -
Primitive Info: Narrowing
NameSpace: Jdk -> Jdk
- Rename Variable
- state to requests
- blockId to fileBlockIndex
- blockId to fileBlockIndex
- blockId to fileBlockIndex
- len to length
- len to length
- len to length
- len to length
- len to length
- storageDirId to tier
- storageDirId to tier
- currentBlockId to blockIdIndex
- defaultDeployHealthTimeoutSeconds to defaultStartupTimeoutSeconds
- fileId to intId
- fileId to intId
- fileId to intId
- fileId to intId
- fileId to intId
- fileId to intId
- fileId to intId
- fileId to intId
- fileId to intId
- fileId to intId
- fileId to intId
- fileId to intId
- fileId to intId
- fileId to intId
- fileId to intId
- fileId to intId
- fileId to intId
- fileId to intId
- fileId to intId
- fileId to intId
- fileId to intId
- fileId to intId
- fileId to intId
- fileId to intId
- fileId to intId
- fileId to intId
- fileId to intId
- fileId to intId
- fileId to intId
- fileId to intId
- fileId to intId
- fileId to intId
- fileId to intId
- fileId to intId
- fileId to intId
- fileId to intId
- fileId to intId
- fileId to intId
- fileId to internalFileId
- fileId to internalFileId
- fileId to internalFileId
- fileId to intId
- fileId to intId
- position1 to version
- keyByteSize to guidePostsCount
- minGuidePostTimestamp to gpsComparedToEndKey
- block to blockCount
- block to blockCount
- alreadyAllocatedBulks to allocatedExtraTierBulks
- alreadyAllocatedBulks to allocatedExtraTierBulks
- minAdditionalBlocks to n
- failCnt to failedTimes
- failCnt to failedTimes
- failCnt to failedTimes
- current to prev
- current to prev
- current to prev
- current to prev
- current to prev
- current to prev
- current to prev
- current to prev
- current to prev
- current to prev
- current to prev
- current to prev
- current to prev
- c to rs
- storedChecksum to checksum
- timestamp to clientId
- createdTimestamp to indexForChangedEntities
- date to fileCycle
- date to fileCycle
- date to fileCycle
- lastDate to lastCycle
- lastDate to lastCycle
- lastDate to lastCycle
- index to firstCycle
- index to firstCycle
- index to cycle
- expectedIndex2 to index
- index to lastCycle
- total to cnt
- timeslotTimestamp to timeWindowIndex
- execTime to limit
- execTime to limit
- execTime to limit
- execTime to limit
- execTime to limit
- execTime to limit
- execTime to limit
- execTime to limit
- execTime to limit
- execTime to limit
- execTime to limit
- execTime to limit
- parseLong to parseInt
- maxThreadIdleMilliseconds to actualMaxThreadIdleMilliseconds
- maxThreadIdleMilliseconds to actualMaxThreadIdleMilliseconds
- maxThreadIdleMilliseconds to actualMaxThreadIdleMilliseconds
- maxPoolSize to actualMaxThreads
- corePoolSize to actualMinThreads
- maxPoolSize to actualMaxThreads
- corePoolSize to actualMinThreads
- corePoolSize to actualMinThreads
- maxPoolSize to actualMaxThreads
- corePoolSize to actualMinThreads
- corePoolSize to actualMinThreads
- corePoolSize to actualMinThreads
- corePoolSize to actualMinThreads
- corePoolSize to actualMinThreads
- corePoolSize to actualMinThreads
- prevTimestamp to index
- maxQueueSizeInBytes to maxQueueSize
- minFilesToCompact to numofFilesToCompact
- offset to offsetBase
- nonce to finalLastIndexExclusive
- n to shape
- headersLength to length
- liveTimeout to maxConnections
- l to length
- l to length
- bufferTimeout to numberOfChainedTasks
- numReceivedBarriers to numBarriersReceived
- numReceivedBarriers to numBarriersReceived
- numReceivedBarriers to numBarriersReceived
- numReceivedBarriers to numBarriersReceived
- millis to tag
- memoryInMB to heapMemoryInMB
- numElements to failurePos
- requestId to keyHashCode
- longRights to intRights
- longRights to intRights
- longRights to intRights
- longRights to intRights
- longLefts to intLefts
- longLefts to intLefts
- longLefts to intLefts
- longLefts to intLefts
- joinAddress to joinPosition
- address to position
- address to position
- joinAddress to joinPosition
- joinAddress to joinPosition
- joinAddresses to joinPositions
- joinAddresses to joinPositions
- joinAddresses to joinPositions
- joinAddresses to joinPositions
- joinAddresses to joinPositions
- joinAddresses to joinPositions
- joinAddresses to joinPositions
- allPartitionsCount to queriedPartitionsCount
- numBytesPerStripe to stripeSize
- numBytesPerStripe to stripeSize
- runid to metricCnt
- excludedUSerId to excludedUserId
- writes to puts
- writes to puts
- writes to puts
- cur to res
- topVer to evtType
- pageSize to cachePageSize
- nodeId to propertyKeyId
- nodeId to propertyKeyId
- relationshipId to propertyKeyId
- lastTransactionIdSent to ordinal
- finishTime to finalEndOfRange
- max to processors
- i to keyCount
- reference to token
- reference to token
- labelIds to entityTokenIds
- numVertices to partitionId
- cnt to result
- cnt to result
- totalcount to totalCount
- totalcount to totalCount
- totalcount to totalCount
- hashTableDoublingSizeNeeded to maxSize
- expected to minProbeRecordsPerBatch
- expected to minProbeRecordsPerBatch
- actual to computedProbeRecordsPerBatch
- actual to computedProbeRecordsPerBatch
- expected to minProbeRecordsPerBatch
- expected to minProbeRecordsPerBatch
- count to currentRowCount
- count to currentRowCount
- count to currentRowCount
- count to currentRowCount
- count to currentRowCount
- Add or Remove Method invocation
- configuration.getDeployHealthyBySeconds() to configuration.getStartupTimeoutSeconds()
- dataInputStream.readLong() to dataInputStream.readInt()
- files.keySet() to nameIdMap.values()
- network.readLong() to network.readInt()
- network.readLong() to network.readInt()
- channel.readLong() to channel.readInt()
- Bits.readLong(in) to Bits.readInt(in)
- Bits.readLong(in) to Bits.readInt(in)
- DataUtils.readHexLong(map,"block",0) to DataUtils.readHexInt(map,"blockCount",0)
- Math.min(maxConnectionTtlDisabled ? Long.MAX_VALUE : maxConnectionTtl,maxIdleTimeDisabled ? Long.MAX_VALUE : maxIdleTime) to Math.min(maxConnectionTtlEnabled ? cleanerPeriod(maxConnectionTtl) : Integer.MAX_VALUE,maxIdleTimeEnabled ? cleanerPeriod(maxIdleTime) : Long.MAX_VALUE)
- updateByteImpl((byte)val,crc) to update(crc,b)
- updateImpl(buf,offset,byteCount,crc) to updateBytes(crc,b,off,len)
- updateByteImpl(i,adler) to update(adler,b)
- updateImpl(buf,offset,byteCount,adler) to updateBytes(adler,b,off,len)
- Long.valueOf(count).doubleValue() to ((Double)fooFunctions.get("field4").apply(count)).doubleValue()
- buffer.readLong() to buffer.readInt()
- buffer.readUnsignedInt() to buffer.readInt()
- buffer.writeInt(version).writeLong(id).writeLong(index).writeUnsignedInt(maxSegmentSize).writeInt(maxEntries).writeLong(updated).writeBoolean(locked).skip(BYTES - buffer.position()).flush() to buffer.writeInt(version).writeLong(id).writeLong(index).writeInt(maxSegmentSize).writeInt(maxEntries).writeLong(updated).writeBoolean(locked).skip(BYTES - buffer.position()).flush()
- address(offset) to offset
- buffer.readLong() to readInt(buffer)
- index(cycle,2) to queue.rollCycle().toIndex(cycle,2)
- index(cycle,n) to queue
- index(cycle,0) to queue
- index(cycle,2) to queue.rollCycle().toIndex(cycle,2)
- index(cycle,2) to queue.rollCycle().toIndex(cycle,2)
- next to last.href(null)
- next.href(null) to last
- last to next.href(null)
- last.href(null) to next
- this.conf.getLong("hbase.ipc.server.max.callqueue.size",DEFAULT_MAX_CALLQUEUE_SIZE) to this.conf.getInt("hbase.ipc.server.max.callqueue.size",DEFAULT_MAX_CALLQUEUE_SIZE)
- lease.getTotalLength() to hpackedLength
- configuration.getBufferTimeout() to configuration.getNumberofChainedTasks()
- toIntExact(joinAddress) to joinPosition
- pagesSpatialIndex.findJoinAddresses(probePosition,probe,probeGeometryChannel) to pagesSpatialIndex.findJoinPositions(probePosition,probe,probeGeometryChannel)
- conf.getLong(YarnConfiguration.RM_ZK_RETRY_INTERVAL_MS,YarnConfiguration.DEFAULT_RM_ZK_RETRY_INTERVAL_MS) to conf.getInt(YarnConfiguration.RM_ZK_RETRY_INTERVAL_MS,YarnConfiguration.DEFAULT_RM_ZK_RETRY_INTERVAL_MS)
- Long.parseLong(strTimeout) to Integer.parseInt(strTimeout)
- m.misses() to m.getCacheMisses()
- m.writes() to m.getCachePuts()
- m.reads() to m.getCacheGets()
- m.hits() to m.getCacheHits()
- ctx.discovery().gridStartTime() to EVT_DISCOVERY_CUSTOM_EVT
- recordFormats.propertyKeyToken().getMaxId() to getMaxAcceptableTokenId(recordFormats.labelToken().getMaxId())
- recordFormats.labelToken().getMaxId() to getMaxAcceptableTokenId(recordFormats.propertyKeyToken().getMaxId())
- recordFormats.relationshipTypeToken().getMaxId() to getMaxAcceptableTokenId(recordFormats.relationshipGroup().getMaxId())
- recordFormats.relationshipGroup().getMaxId() to getMaxAcceptableTokenId(recordFormats.relationshipTypeToken().getMaxId())
- Clocks.systemClock() to Ticker.systemTicker()
- System.currentTimeMillis() to endOfRange
- Update Class Instacne Creation
- new OCacheEntry(id,index,cachePointer,false) to new OCacheEntry(composeFileId(storageId,id),index,cachePointer,false)
- new OCacheEntry(id,index,cachePointer,false) to new OCacheEntry(composeFileId(storageId,id),index,cachePointer,false)
- Cascading Type Change (Similar)
- long to int
- long to int
- long to int
- long to int
- long to int
- long to int
- long to int
- long to int
- long to int
- long to int
- long to int
- long to int
- long to int
- long to int
- long to int
- long to int
- long to int
- long to int
- long to int
- long to int
- long to int
- long to int
- long to int
- long to int
- long to int
- long to int
- long to int
- Rename Method invocation
- readLong to readInt
- writeLong to writeInt
- writeLong to writeInt
- writeLong to writeInt
- readLong to readInt
- writeLong to writeInt
- writeLong to writeInt
- toLongArray to toIntArray
- getLong to getInt
- putOrderedObject to putObjectVolatile
- writeUnsignedInt to writeInt
- firstIndex to firstCycle
- lastIndex to lastCycle
- refineTimestamp to getWindowIndex
- setMemory to setMemorySize
- setMemory to setMemorySize
- getDuration to getDurationMaxSeconds
- nodeGetAllProperties to graphHasProperty
- nodeGetAllProperties to graphHasProperty
- relationshipGetType to relationshipHasProperty
- readLong to readInt
- nextLong to nextInt
- nextLong to nextInt
- getVertexCount to getId
- Other
- Long.MAX_VALUE to -1
- <= to >
- -1 to Integer.MAX_VALUE
- - to +
- + to ==
- -1 to DataChangeVersion.NOT_AVAILABLE
- Update Number Literal
- 4 to 0
- 0L to 0
- 62 to 30
- 1L to 1
- 0 to 15
- 0L to 1
- 8 to 4
- 1000 to 3
- 1002345678919L to 0
- 0 to 1
- 32 to 10
- 32 to 10
- Wrap or Un-wrap
- Cascading Type Change (Different)
- RaftSession to ServerSession
- Long to Integer
- HeapMemory to Integer
- Long to Integer
- Long to Integer
- LongPointer to IntPointer
- Long to Integer
- AuthCache.Manager to ShiroCaffeineCache.Manager