java.lang.String to java.lang.Integer
No. of Instances - 13
No. of Commits - 7
No. of Projects - {'sonarqube'}
Hierarchy/Composition: SIBLING
Primitive Info: -
NameSpace: Jdk -> Jdk
- Add or Remove Method invocation
- child.keySet() to keys
- topic to request.getInt()
- address to
- members.get(address) to member
- address to
- members.put(localMember.address(),localMember) to members.put(,localMember)
- members.put(member.getAddress(),new ManagedRemoteMember(member.getId(),member.getAddress(),protocol,context)) to members.put(member.getId(),new ManagedRemoteMember(member.getId(),member.getAddress(),protocol,context))
- members.put(config.getMember(replica).getAddress(),new ManagedRemoteMember(replica,config.getMember(replica).getAddress(),protocol,context)) to members.put(config.getMember(replica).getId(),new ManagedRemoteMember(replica,config.getMember(replica).getAddress(),protocol,context))
- extraDeps.get(extraGovIdxStr) to extraDeps.get(extraGovIdx)
- rule.getDnsName() to accessPointId
-"Operations {} set redirection rule: {} <> {}",dnsName,accessPointId,rule.getRedirectionProbability()) to"Operations {} set redirection rule: {} <> {}",accessPointId,rule.getAccessPointId(),rule.getRedirectionProbability())
- dnsName to MessageFormat.format("Operations server {0} set redirection rule failed",accessPointId)
- dnsName to ServerNameUtil.crc32(nodeInfo.getConnectionInfo())
- opsServersMap.get(dnsName).opsServer.toString() to opsServersMap.get(accessPointId).opsServer.toString()
- operationsServersList.add(opsServersMap.get(dnsName).opsServer) to operationsServersList.add(opsServersMap.get(accessPointId).opsServer)
- opsServersMap.get(dnsName) to opsServersMap.get(accessPointId)
-"Bootstrap " + dnsName + " Operations servers list updated.") to"Bootstrap {} Operations servers list updated.",dnsName)
- LOG.error("Bootstrap " + dnsName + " Operations servers list updated failed: "+ e.toString()) to LOG.error(MessageFormat.format("Bootstrap Operations servers list updated failed",dnsName),e)
- rules.get(server3).getDnsName() to rules.get(server3).getAccessPointId()
- server1 to server1.intValue()
- dto.getDescription() to dto.getVersion()
- Thread to AtomicAllocator.getInstance()
- Thread.currentThread() to AtomicAllocator
- Thread to AtomicAllocator.getInstance().getDeviceId()
- Thread to AtomicAllocator.getInstance()
- Thread.currentThread().getName() to AtomicAllocator
- Thread.currentThread() to AtomicAllocator
- Thread.currentThread().getName() to x
- configuration.getTaskName() to configuration.getVertexID()
- Integer.valueOf(inID) to inID
- rootCharacteristic.getKey() to rootCharacteristic.getId()
- characteristic.getKey() to characteristic.getId()
- userSession.getLogin() to userSession.getUserId()
- termQuery(FIELD_AUTHORIZATION_USERS,userLogin) to termQuery(FIELD_AUTHORIZATION_USERS,userLogin.longValue())
- selectByQuery to selectUserPermissionsByQueryAndUserIds
- r.getKey().toString() to getId
- newFldTypeName to PortableUtils.fieldTypeId(newFldTypeName)
- oldFieldTypeName.equals(fieldTypeName) to oldFieldTypeId.equals(fieldTypeId)
- fieldInfo.fieldMode().typeName() to fieldInfo.fieldMode().typeId()
- cacheName to CU.cacheId(cacheName)
- cacheName to CU.cacheId(cacheName)
- cacheName to CU.cacheId(cacheName)
- allCacheNodes.get(cacheName) to allCacheNodes.get(CU.cacheId(cacheName))
- cache.keySet() to cache.values()
- Rename Variable
- o to index
- item to itemKey
- item to itemKey
- items to items$key
- items to items$key
- items to items$key
- items to items$key
- items to items$key
- items to items$key
- items to items$key
- items to items$key
- messages to sequence
- map to indexedPathMap
- map to indexedPathMap
- batchName to batchId
- dnsName to accessPointId
- dnsName to accessPointId
- dnsName to accessPointId
- dnsName to accessPointId
- dnsName to accessPointId
- dnsName to accessPointId
- dnsName to accessPointId
- dnsName to accessPointId
- dnsName to accessPointId
- dnsName to accessPointId
- description to version
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- iterationIDtoTailName to iterationIDtoTailID
- iterationIDtoTailName to iterationIDtoTailID
- iterationIDtoTailName to iterationIDtoTailID
- iterationIDtoTailName to iterationIDtoTailID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- downStreamVertexName to downStreamvertexID
- downStreamVertexName to downStreamvertexID
- downStreamVertexName to downStreamvertexID
- downStreamVertexName to downStreamvertexID
- downStreamVertexName to downStreamvertexID
- downStreamVertexName to downStreamvertexID
- builtNodes to builtVertices
- builtNodes to builtVertices
- builtNodes to builtVertices
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- inName to input
- inName to input
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- outputVertexNames to outputvertexIDs
- vertexName to vertexID
- outName to output
- outName to output
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- upStreamVertexName to upStreamvertexID
- upStreamVertexName to upStreamvertexID
- upStreamVertexName to upStreamvertexID
- upStreamVertexName to upStreamvertexID
- upStreamVertexName to upStreamvertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- downStreamVertexName to downStreamVertexID
- downStreamVertexName to downStreamVertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- upStreamVertexName to upStreamVertexID
- upStreamVertexName to upStreamVertexID
- upStreamVertexName to upStreamVertexID
- upStreamVertexName to upStreamVertexID
- upStreamVertexName to upStreamVertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- iterationIDtoHeadName to iterationIDtoHeadID
- iterationIDtoHeadName to iterationIDtoHeadID
- iterationIDtoHeadName to iterationIDtoHeadID
- iterationIDtoHeadName to iterationIDtoHeadID
- iterationIDtoHeadName to iterationIDtoHeadID
- iterationIDtoHeadName to iterationIDtoHeadID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- vertexName to vertexID
- resultFuture to sum
- characteristicByKey to characteristicById
- characteristicByKey to characteristicById
- characteristicByKey to characteristicById
- userLogin to userId
- userLogin to userId
- userLogin to userId
- logins to userIds
- logins to userIds
- userLogins to userIds
- userLogins to userIds
- userLogins to userIds
- ruleRepo to ruleId
- ruleKeysToLoad to ruleIdsToLoad
- ruleKeysToLoad to ruleIdsToLoad
- typeName to oldTypeId
- typeName to oldTypeId
- oldFieldTypeName to oldFieldTypeId
- oldFieldTypeName to oldFieldTypeId
- typeMappers to typeIds
- typeMappers to typeIds
- cacheName to cacheId
- name to scale
- Other
- "message-" + count++ to val
- == to !=
- == to !=
- == to !=
- importId == null ? null : Integer.valueOf(importId) to taskId
- taskId == null ? null : Long.valueOf(taskId) to importId
- new Integer(partitionKey) to partitionKey
- Cascading Type Change (Similar)
- Map<Integer,MessageHandler> to Map<Integer,Map<Integer,MessageHandler<ByteBuffer,ByteBuffer>>>
- List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken> to Map<String,List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>>
- String to Integer
- List<String> to List<Integer>
- Tuple2<String,String> to Tuple2<Integer,Integer>
- String to Integer
- String to Integer
- List<String> to List<Integer>
- Tuple2<String,StreamDiscretizer<?>> to Tuple2<Integer,StreamDiscretizer<?>>
- Tuple2<StreamDiscretizer<?>,List<String>> to Tuple2<StreamDiscretizer<?>,List<Integer>>
- List<String> to List<Integer>
- String to Integer
- Set<String> to Set<Integer>
- String to Integer
- String to Integer
- String to Integer
- Map<String,BinaryIdMapper> to Map<Integer,Class>
- Cascading Type Change (Different)
- HashMap<Integer,Map<String,List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>>> to HashMap<Integer,Map<Integer,Map<String,List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>>>>
- HashMap<Integer,Map<String,List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>>> to HashMap<Integer,Map<Integer,Map<String,List<LazyTypeDescription.AnnotationToken>>>>
- Hashtable<String,OperationsServerMeta> to Hashtable<Integer,OperationsServerMeta>
- HashMap<String,StreamRecordSerializer<?>> to HashMap<Integer,StreamRecordSerializer<?>>
- HashMap<String,List<StreamPartitioner<?>>> to HashMap<Integer,List<StreamPartitioner<?>>>
- HashMap<String,Integer> to HashMap<Integer,Integer>
- ArrayList<Map<String,?>> to ArrayList<Map<Integer,?>>
- HashMap<Integer,String> to HashMap<Integer,Integer>
- Tuple2<String,String> to Tuple2<Integer,Integer>
- HashSet<String> to HashSet<Integer>
- HashMap<String,AbstractJobVertex> to HashMap<Integer,AbstractJobVertex>
- HashMap<String,List<List<String>>> to HashMap<Integer,List<List<String>>>
- Tuple2<StreamDiscretizer<?>,List<String>> to Tuple2<StreamDiscretizer<?>,List<Integer>>
- HashMap<String,StreamConfig> to HashMap<Integer,StreamConfig>
- HashMap<String,StreamConfig> to HashMap<Integer,StreamConfig>
- HashMap<String,List<String>> to HashMap<Integer,List<Integer>>
- HashMap<String,StreamRecordSerializer<?>> to HashMap<Integer,StreamRecordSerializer<?>>
- HashMap<String,Map<String,StreamConfig>> to HashMap<Integer,Map<Integer,StreamConfig>>
- List<String> to List<Integer>
- List<String> to List<Integer>
- HashMap<String,Class<? extends AbstractInvokable>> to HashMap<Integer,Class<? extends AbstractInvokable>>
- HashMap<String,Integer> to HashMap<Integer,Integer>
- HashMap<String,Integer> to HashMap<Integer,Integer>
- List<String> to List<Integer>
- List<String> to List<Integer>
- Tuple2<String,StreamDiscretizer<?>> to Tuple2<Integer,StreamDiscretizer<?>>
- HashMap<String,InputFormat<String,?>> to HashMap<Integer,InputFormat<String,?>>
- HashSet<String> to HashSet<Integer>
- HashMap<String,String> to HashMap<Integer,String>
- Tuple2<String,String> to Tuple2<Integer,Integer>
- HashMap<String,StreamRecordSerializer<?>> to HashMap<Integer,StreamRecordSerializer<?>>
- HashMap<String,StreamInvokable<?,?>> to HashMap<Integer,StreamInvokable<?,?>>
- ArrayList<Tuple2<String,String>> to ArrayList<Tuple2<Integer,Integer>>
- HashMap<Integer,String> to HashMap<Integer,Integer>
- HashMap<String,List<OutputSelector<?>>> to HashMap<Integer,List<OutputSelector<?>>>
- HashMap<String,StreamOutput<?>> to HashMap<Integer,StreamOutput<?>>
- HashMap<String,List<Integer>> to HashMap<Integer,List<Integer>>
- HashMap<String,Map<String,OperatorState<?>>> to HashMap<Integer,Map<String,OperatorState<?>>>
- HashMap<String,String> to HashMap<Integer,String>
- HashMap<String,StreamRecordSerializer<?>> to HashMap<Integer,StreamRecordSerializer<?>>
- HashMap<String,Long> to HashMap<Integer,Long>
- HashMap<String,Long> to HashMap<Integer,Long>
- HashMap<String,List<String>> to HashMap<Integer,List<Integer>>
- HashMap<String,String> to HashMap<String,Integer>
- Update argument list (Method invocation)
- getGovAndReln to getGovAndReln
- error to error
- Update String Literal
- "Operations server {} set redirection rule failed" to "Operations server {0} set redirection rule failed"
- "typeMappers" to "userTypes"
- Update Anonymous class
- { @Override public void isSuccess( boolean activitySuccess){ lastBootstrapServersUpdateFailed=!activitySuccess;"Bootstrap {}: Operations servers list updated {}",dnsName,activitySuccess ? "successfully" : "unsuccessfully"); } @Override public void doInTemplate( Client t){ try { List<ThriftOperationsServer> operationsServersList=new ArrayList<>(); for ( String dnsName : opsServersMap.keySet()) { operationsServersList.add(opsServersMap.get(dnsName).opsServer); LOG.trace("Bootstrap {} server: {}",dnsName,opsServersMap.get(dnsName).opsServer.toString()); } LOG.trace("Bootstrap {} Operations servers list size {} ready to updates",dnsName,operationsServersList.size()); t.onOperationsServerListUpdate(operationsServersList);"Bootstrap " + dnsName + " Operations servers list updated."); } catch ( TException e) { lastBootstrapServersUpdateFailed=true; LOG.error("Bootstrap " + dnsName + " Operations servers list updated failed: "+ e.toString()); } } } to { @Override public void isSuccess( boolean activitySuccess){ lastBootstrapServersUpdateFailed=!activitySuccess;"Bootstrap {}: Operations servers list updated {}",dnsName,activitySuccess ? "successfully" : "unsuccessfully"); } @Override public void doInTemplate( Client t){ try { List<ThriftOperationsServer> operationsServersList=new ArrayList<>(); for ( Integer accessPointId : opsServersMap.keySet()) { operationsServersList.add(opsServersMap.get(accessPointId).opsServer); LOG.trace("Bootstrap {} server: {}",dnsName,opsServersMap.get(accessPointId).opsServer.toString()); } LOG.trace("Bootstrap {} Operations servers list size {} ready to updates",dnsName,operationsServersList.size()); t.onOperationsServerListUpdate(operationsServersList);"Bootstrap {} Operations servers list updated.",dnsName); } catch ( TException e) { lastBootstrapServersUpdateFailed=true; LOG.error(MessageFormat.format("Bootstrap Operations servers list updated failed",dnsName),e); } } }
- Rename Method invocation
- setString to setInteger
- setVertexName to setVertexID
- select to selectUserPermissionsByQuery
- getString to getInt
- Update argument list (Class Instance Creation)