java.lang.Integer to java.lang.String
No. of Instances - 2
No. of Commits - 1
No. of Projects - {'truth'}
Hierarchy/Composition: SIBLING
Primitive Info: -
NameSpace: Jdk -> Jdk
- Cascading Type Change (Different)
- HashMap<Integer,StorageTier> to HashMap<String,StorageTier>
- HashMap<Long,Integer> to HashMap<Long,String>
- ArrayList<NetEndpoint> to ArrayList<>
- Function<Integer,String> to Function<String,String>
- HashMap<String,Integer> to HashMap<String,String>
- IntSerializer to StringSerializer
- IntSerializer to StringSerializer
- Add or Remove Method invocation
- totalTiers to storageTierAssoc.size()
- metadataFun.apply(indexingMetadata,field.getNumber()) to metadataFun.apply(indexingMetadata,field.getName())
- candies2EvlvCol.add(i.getValue(),p.getCandiesToEvolve()) to candies2EvlvCol.add(i.getValue(),"-")
- candies2EvlvCol.add(i.getValue(),p.getCandiesToEvolve()) to candies2EvlvCol.add(i.getValue(),"-")
- candies2EvlvCol.add(i.getValue(),p.getCandiesToEvolve()) to candies2EvlvCol.add(i.getValue(),"-")
- move1Col.add(i.getValue(),WordUtils.capitalize(p.getMove1().toString().toLowerCase().replaceAll("_fast","").replaceAll("_"," "))) to move1Col.add(i.getValue(),WordUtils.capitalize(p.getMove1().toString().toLowerCase().replaceAll("_fast","").replaceAll("_"," ")) + " (" + String.format("%.2f",dps1.doubleValue())+ "dps)")
- move2Col.add(i.getValue(),WordUtils.capitalize(p.getMove2().toString().toLowerCase().replaceAll("_"," "))) to move2Col.add(i.getValue(),WordUtils.capitalize(p.getMove2().toString().toLowerCase().replaceAll("_"," ")) + " (" + String.format("%.2f",dps2.doubleValue())+ "dps)")
- candies2EvlvCol.add(i.getValue(),p.getCandiesToEvolve()) to candies2EvlvCol.add(i.getValue(),String.valueOf(p.getCandiesToEvolve()))
- map.getId() to map.getName()
- page.getInt() to
- page.getInt() to
- calculateReplicationEndpoints(hostId,tm) to calculateReplicationEndpoints(hostId,tm,candidateEndpoints)
- Integer.valueOf(hostId) to hostId
- parent.index() to parent.toCopyIndex()
- extraDeps.get(extraGovIdx) to extraDeps.get(extraGovIdxStr)
- set2.getScore(1) to set2.getScore("1")
- assertThat(set.readSort(null,null,SortOrder.DESC,-1,-1,true)) to assertThat(set.readSortAlpha(SortOrder.DESC))
- assertThat(set.readSort(null,null,SortOrder.DESC,0,2,true)) to assertThat(set.readSortAlpha(SortOrder.DESC,0,2))
- assertThat(set.readSort(null,null,SortOrder.DESC,1,2,true)) to assertThat(set.readSortAlpha(SortOrder.DESC,1,2))
- varForName.getVertexId() to arrayEntry.getKey()
- varForName to arrayEntry.getKey()
- varForName.getVertexId() to arrayEntry
- arrVertexId to entry.getKey()
- handIn to handIn
- BlockingQueueBroker.instance().get(iterationId.toString() + "-" + getEnvironment().getIndexInSubtaskGroup()) to BlockingQueueBroker.instance().get(iterationId + "-" + getEnvironment().getIndexInSubtaskGroup())
- fieldReference.getFieldIndex() to symbolReference.getName()
- componentRef to String.valueOf(componentRef)
- ops to opsAndHosts.get(0).getLeft().getLeft()
- ops to opsAndHosts.get(0).getLeft()
- ops to opsAndHosts.get(0)
- ops.get(0).getLeft() to opsAndHosts
- ops.get(0) to opsAndHosts
- ip to ip.getLeft()
- new OperatorPathBuilder().setMajor(major).setMinor(ip.getRight()).setOperator(op).build() to new OperatorPathBuilder().setMajor(major).setMinor(ip.getLeft().getRight()).setOperator(op).build()
- ip to ip.getLeft()
- ip to ip.getLeft()
- ip to ip.getLeft()
- Cascading Type Change (Similar)
- LinkedList<Integer> to LinkedList<String>
- Map<String,Integer> to Map<String,String>
- Integer[] to String
- Integer[] to String
- ImmutableMap<Integer,Integer> to ImmutableMap<String,Integer>
- Update argument list (Method invocation)
- linkedList to linkedList
- getGovAndReln to getGovAndReln
- of to of
- Rename Variable
- numbers to alphabets
- numbers to alphabets
- fut to f
- fut to f
- fut to f
- offset to cursor
- offset to cursor
- getOffset to getCursor
- indexToDetailsMap to idToDetailsMap
- version to tenantId
- version to tenantId
- version to applicationId
- version to applicationId
- version to applicationId
- version to tenantId
- version to tenantId
- publicPort to publicPorts
- publicPort to publicPorts
- placeHolderVertexIds to placeHolderVarNames
- placeHolderVertexIds to placeHolderVarNames
- placeHolderVertexIds to placeHolderVarNames
- placeHolderVertexIds to placeHolderVarNames
- placeHolderVertexIds to placeHolderVarNames
- placeHolderVertexIds to placeHolderVarNames
- stats to map
- fakeIntSerializer to fakeStringSerializer
- fakeIntSerializer to fakeStringSerializer
- fakeIntSerializer to fakeStringSerializer
- buildLayout to buildSymbols
- resourceId to projectUuid
- choice to previousStatus
- values to statusesButClosed
- orgId to firstName
- orgId to firstName
- orgId to firstName
- orgId to firstName
- orgId to firstName
- throttleRatesMap to states
- ops to opsAndHosts
- ops to opsAndHosts
- ops to opsAndHosts
- ops to opsAndHosts
- ops to opsAndHosts
- ops to opsAndHostsList
- ops to opsAndHostsList
- ops to opsAndHostsList
- map to actual
- Wrap or Un-wrap
- Other
- getEndpointStateForEndpoint(endpoint).getApplicationState(ApplicationState.HOST_ID).value to getEndpointStateForEndpoint(endpoint).getApplicationState(ApplicationState.HOST_ID).value
- hostId to hostId
- hostId to hostId
- builder.toString() to builder.toString()
- Rename Method invocation
- addScore to getScore
- getScore to addScore
- values to valueOf
- values to valueOf
- setInteger to setString
- Update Number Literal