Files Diff
- Added: 1
- Removed: 0
- Renamed: 0
- Modified: 20
Refactorings reported:
Refactoring Name | Occurences | ||
Extract Method | 3 | ||
Extract Method private handleUnprocessableEntity(model Model, response HttpServletResponse, attributeKey String, attributeValue String) : String extracted from public resetPassword(model Model, code String, email String, password String, passwordConfirmation String, response HttpServletResponse) : String in class org.cloudfoundry.identity.uaa.login.ResetPasswordController | From | To | |
Extract Method private handleUnprocessableEntity(model Model, response HttpServletResponse, attributeKey String, attributeValue String) : String extracted from public forgotPassword(model Model, email String, response HttpServletResponse) : String in class org.cloudfoundry.identity.uaa.login.ResetPasswordController | From | To |