java.lang.String to
No. of Instances - 5
No. of Commits - 1
No. of Projects - {'wildfly'}
Hierarchy/Composition: SIBLING
Primitive Info: -
NameSpace: Jdk -> Jdk
- Add or Remove Method invocation
- confRedirectURI to confRedirectURI.toString()
- mCurrentLogPath to mCurrentLog.toString()
- mCurrentLogPath to mCurrentLog.toString()
- mJournal.getCompletedLogFilePath(mNextCompleteLogNumber) to mJournal.getCompletedLog(mNextCompleteLogNumber)
- currentLog to currentLog.toString()
- completedLog to completedLog.toString()
- mJournal.getCheckpointFilePath() to mJournal.getCheckpoint()
- mCheckpointPath to mCheckpoint.toString()
- mCheckpointPath to mCheckpoint.toString()
- mCheckpointPath to mCheckpoint.toString()
- currentLog to currentLog.toString()
- completedLog to completedLog.toString()
- mUfs.isFile(currentLog) to mUfs.isFile(currentLog.toString())
- mTempCheckpointPath to mTempCheckpoint.toString()
- mTempCheckpointPath to mTempCheckpoint.toString()
- connect(URI.create(mesosMasterURI),frameworkInfo,scheduler) to connect(mesosMasterURI,frameworkInfo,scheduler)
- mesosMasterURI.contains("zk:") to mesosMasterURI.getScheme().contains("zk")
- stripClasspathPrefix(path) to path
- isClasspathPath(path) to CLASSPATH_SCHEME.equals(path.getScheme())
- featurePath.endsWith(FEATURE_SUFFIX) to featurePath.getSchemeSpecificPart().endsWith(FEATURE_SUFFIX)
- packageName(gluePath) to packageName(gluePath.getSchemeSpecificPart())
- parseGlue(gluePath) to GluePath.parse(gluePath)
- resourceLoader.resources(packagePath(packageName),CLASS_SUFFIX) to resourceLoader.resources(packageName,CLASS_SUFFIX)
- sourceFilePath.toString() to sourceFilePath.toUri()
- lastIndex to baseUrl.length()
- baseUrl.resolve(fetch).toString() to normalizeEmptyPath(baseUrl.resolve(fetch))
- proj.setUrl(remoteUrl + proj.getName()) to proj.setUrl(remoteUrl.resolve(proj.getName()).toString())
- sentinels.putIfAbsent(key,client) to"sentinel: {} added",addr)
- headerFile to headerFile.toString()
- URIUtil.equalsIgnoreEncodings(_uri,file_uri.toString()) to URIUtil.equalsIgnoreEncodings(_uri.toASCIIString(),file_uri.toString())
- _uri.endsWith("/") to _uri.toASCIIString().endsWith("/")
- getHost to build
- getHost to build
- defaultEndpointUri.toString() to defaultUri
- -> { try { if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(s)) { return false; } final URI uri=new URI(s); if (!uri.isAbsolute()) { return true; } switch (uri.getScheme()) { case "http": case "https": return true; } return false; } catch (URISyntaxException e) { return false; } } ).findFirst() to -> { try { if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(s)) { return false; } final URI uri=new URI(s); if (!uri.isAbsolute()) { return true; } switch (uri.getScheme()) { case "http": case "https": return true; } return false; } catch (URISyntaxException e) { return false; } } ).map(URI::create).findFirst()
- defaultEndpointUri.toString() to defaultUri
- new File(System.getProperty("user.home")).toString() to new File(System.getProperty("user.home")).toURI()
- getAbsolutePath to getUri
- Rename Variable
- mCurrentLogPath to mCurrentLog
- mCurrentLogPath to mCurrentLog
- mCurrentLogPath to mCurrentLog
- mCurrentLogPath to mCurrentLog
- mCurrentLogPath to mCurrentLog
- completedPath to completedLocation
- logFilename to log
- logFilename to log
- logPath to log
- mCheckpointPath to mCheckpoint
- mCheckpointPath to mCheckpoint
- mCheckpointPath to mCheckpoint
- mCheckpointPath to mCheckpoint
- mCheckpointPath to mCheckpoint
- mCheckpointPath to mCheckpoint
- logFilename to log
- logFilename to log
- mTempCheckpointPath to mTempCheckpoint
- mTempCheckpointPath to mTempCheckpoint
- mTempCheckpointPath to mTempCheckpoint
- currentLogPath to currentLog
- currentLogPath to currentLog
- currentLogPath to currentLog
- masterJournal to journalLocation
- jarPath to fileUri
- gluePackage to gluePath
- gluePackage to gluePath
- relative to relativeAsURI
- relative to relativeAsURI
- host to address
- host to address
- host to address
- fileName to uri
- name to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- host to recipeUri
- host to recipeUri
- buildEndpointUri to buildExternalUri
- endpointUri to externalUri
- endpointUri to externalUri
- url to uri
- longRunningUrl to longRunningURI
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url to uri
- url1 to uri
- url1 to uri
- vPath to vURI
- Cascading Type Change (Similar)
- String to URI
- String to URI
- String to URI
- String to URI
- String to URI
- String to URI
- String to URI
- String to URI
- String to URI
- String to URI
- Rename Method invocation
- getCompletedDirectory to getCompletedLocation
- getCompletedLogFilePath to getCompletedLog
- getCompletedLogFilePath to getCompletedLog
- getCompletedLogFilePath to getCompletedLog
- getPath to toURI
- warn to debug
- Update Class Instacne Creation
- Wrap or Un-wrap
- put to put
- onComplete to onComplete
- put to put
- Other
- String.format("",getId()) to String.format("",getId())
- getFotoMax() to getFotoMax()
- getSingleAttributeAsString("picture_url") to getSingleAttributeAsString("picture_url")
- getSingleAttributeAsString("profile_url") to getSingleAttributeAsString("profile_url")
- yahooImage.getImageUrl() to yahooImage.getImageUrl()
- this.getPhoto().getPhotoUrl() to this.getPhoto().getPhotoUrl()
- picture.getUrl() to picture.getUrl()
- STRAVA_PROFILE_BASE_URL + (String)getAttribute(StravaAttributesDefinition.ID) to STRAVA_PROFILE_BASE_URL + (String)getAttribute(StravaAttributesDefinition.ID)
- "" + getId() to "" + getId()
- + to -
- Cascading Type Change (Different)
- ArrayList<String> to ArrayList<>
- TwitterAttributesDefinition to TwitterProfileDefinition
- TwitterAttributesDefinition to TwitterProfileDefinition
- TwitterAttributesDefinition to TwitterProfileDefinition
- Path to File
- Convert Class instance creation to method invocation